Bigger isn't better in Little Rock

I am a 30 year old stay at home mom in Central Arkansas. I have two kids, a 7 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. My personal goal is to lose 100 pounds which would actually put me at 10 pounds less than when I got married 8 years ago. Right now I am doing pretty good keeping within my calorie range. My problem right now is that I am seeing a chiropractor who told me I am under NO CIRCUMSTANCES to begin a new exercise regimen until after he reassesses me after my first 8 adjustments. I am so bummed! I just got Zumba for the Wii and I have Richard Simmons Disco Sweat on dvd. My plan is to alternate them every other week so I don't get too bored. I figure my 3 year old should provide plenty of extra entertainment. I have lost 5 pounds so far, but it is frustrating to know that I could be doing more if I could exercise!!!!! But the back pain, neck pain, leg pain and my arms falling asleep has got to go so I guess I listen to the Doctor and behave and I will be able to get moving soon.... Although he recommends I start with yoga. (Hopefully I don't fall asleep!) So hopefully someone here will be interested in what I have to say and I will have someone to talk to. :laugh:


  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    here is a gratuitous bump. LOL
  • alleycat08
    alleycat08 Posts: 8 Member
    HEY!!!!! I just joined...I''m in Little Rock...let's be fitness pals! I'll upload a photo soon!
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    Hey you are in my neck of the woods!!!
  • I am also from Central Arkansas.....In Conway. Add me and we can encourage each other!
  • don't get frustrated. Just do what you can do because you don't want to injure yourself any further and then really not be able to worout.
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    I added both of you!

    and the poster above me is correct, don't get discouraged! Also Yoga is a great workout, I loved taking yoga and actually miss it as part of my routine.
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    Hey! I am 4 hours from Little Rock, Arkansas.
  • definitely listen to your doctor!! of course you just want to hop on the wagon, but you've got to be careful! yoga would be a good one to start with and don't worry you won't fall asleep! also maybe give him a call and see if you can just start going for walks! you could bring your little ones to the park and walk around while they play and keep an eye on them :) best of luck!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I am a 30 year old stay at home mom in Central Arkansas. I have two kids, a 7 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. My personal goal is to lose 100 pounds which would actually put me at 10 pounds less than when I got married 8 years ago. Right now I am doing pretty good keeping within my calorie range. My problem right now is that I am seeing a chiropractor who told me I am under NO CIRCUMSTANCES to begin a new exercise regimen until after he reassesses me after my first 8 adjustments. I am so bummed! I just got Zumba for the Wii and I have Richard Simmons Disco Sweat on dvd. My plan is to alternate them every other week so I don't get too bored. I figure my 3 year old should provide plenty of extra entertainment. I have lost 5 pounds so far, but it is frustrating to know that I could be doing more if I could exercise!!!!! But the back pain, neck pain, leg pain and my arms falling asleep has got to go so I guess I listen to the Doctor and behave and I will be able to get moving soon.... Although he recommends I start with yoga. (Hopefully I don't fall asleep!) So hopefully someone here will be interested in what I have to say and I will have someone to talk to. :laugh:

    What does your actual doctor say? Does s/he feel you should avoid a new exercise regimen? I'd ask him/her, and do what s/he says.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    if you are cleared to walk, do a lot of that
  • 228lrt
    228lrt Posts: 49 Member
    Go to a doctor-get a medical opinion. Anyone who tells you not to exercise you gotta question.
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    if you are cleared to walk, do a lot of that
    Because my lower back is so badly out of alignment, walking is painful. I do what I have to, go to the grocery store, do my household chores, but walking any more than I HAVE to is hell.
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Once you are cleared I encourage you to try Bob Harper's Weight Loss Yoga. You definately will not fall asleep. Until then, could you do a recumbant bike? I know they are much easier on the joints/back/etc than the regular bikes. I have one in my living room and I use it alot. If not, just talk to your chiro. I am sure he knows the benefit losing weight will have on your body.
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    I have finished the first 3 of my 8 appointments. I am going to see how I feel Monday after my 4th visit and ask him if I can go ahead and start yoga. I just don't want to undo what he has already done and let me tell you, he has done a lot just with 3 adjustments. My pain level is much lower and my legs do not hurt as badly.
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    Hey! I am 4 hours from Little Rock, Arkansas.

    I added you! Some of my good friends live in Huntsville!
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    Take care of yourself now so you can kick butt later. Don't knock yoga till you try it. My husband made up a yoga routine and it was a lot harder than it looked. :)
  • hali1
    hali1 Posts: 54 Member
    How often do you go? Eight adjustments might just fly by if you are going in a few times a week. when you are that badly misaligned, really, it's just scary to think the amount of damage you could do to yourself with pinched nerves and what all. I know from experience. Personally I think just keep doing what you can and focus on recovering. Once you can move freely, then go be unstoppable.

    And honestly, I would trust my chiropractor's opinion over my medical doctor's on just about anything health-related, any day of the week. I am just recovering from a pinched nerve that was keeping me from almost everything, including working and sleeping ... my medical doctor was content to prescribe me narcotics and wait for it to get worse. I found a good chiropractor and 3 months later am about 99% better. I'd trust that man with my life at this point, haha!

    Good luck with everything!
  • Due to back problems I cant do a lot myself.9 NOT YET THAT IS ) I to work with Wii fitness program , Wii Fit plus has a great yoga section. u should try it, Watching what you eat is a great start on your journey, to much to fast leads to burn out. cleaning house, and basically running after a 3 YO is exercise, ( I have a 4, 7 AND 10 year old.. i get it trust me) when you get the OK from your DR. come out swinging. BEST OF LUCK TO U !!
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    I have 3 more visits next week and then the last two the following week. I am already seeing results so I will keep on keeping on.
  • Mariagentile
    Mariagentile Posts: 1 Member
    I am also in the Little Rock area! I work in Sherwood and live in Cabot. I moved here two years ago from Las Vegas and my husband and I have a 4 year old girl.
    I've been on fitnesspal since the beginning of November and have lost 57 pounds. I have troublw with exercise as welll with plantar faciatis in my right heel. What we did is we got the WII fit for Christmas and use that to play with my daughter and get some exercise in.
    We also do some walking now with our dog and try to just do any movements that we can.
    Please add me and we can keep each other motivated! Good to know someone else close by,