UGH! Frustrated! and Confused!

Elizabetnelson Posts: 71
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I have been inactive on this site for a while now because I am so frustrated with my body, and with "diets" and even lifestyle changes!

I would like to find one consistent weight-loss tip, diet, or routine.

I am so sick of hearing that if I want to lose weight I should cut out salt, sugar, fat, carbs, and FLAVOR from my diet. I am tired of hearing that I need to eat "low-fat, or no-fat" foods, to even make a dent in my super morbidly obese body!... BUT

When I started my lifestyle changing journey, I learned how to read not only a nutiriion facts label to check the levels of certain "no-no's" in my foods, but I learned how to read the ingredient labels too. I learned how to research how the meat I was buying was prepared, and the margarine, milk, cheese, and all of the "microwavable" stuff too...

Something stuck me as a bit odd. The one thing all of the foods above had in common were, preservatives, hormones, nitrites, nitrates, MSG, so on and on and on!

Why don't any of these "diet guru's" EVER mention the chemicals we put in our body on a daily basis! Don't the chemicals account for something!? I haven't eaten fast food for months, nor have I eaten anything microwaveable, and I found a butcher shop near my house that raises beef, chicken, buffalo, fish, and a few others without the help of those nasty antibiotics, growth hormones, and chemicals. I have never felt better! Sure, the food doesn't last nearly as long, so if you buy fresh you have to eat it quickly or freeze it.

I just don't get why diet guru's are sooooooo obsessed with "low-fat, no fat," no salt, no sugar, no carb NONSENSE!!!


  • Ps. I really wasn't trying to make that sound like one of those cheesy "colonix saved my life" ads! Sorry!
  • Honestly!!!..I know how you feel. There isn't an instant cure for weightloss. It takes ALOT of work and determination. I feel like I am in the fight of my life!!!!.I don't consider this a diet, I am changing my lifestyle for good. The way I used to eat is history. I found that the best thing to do is to eat healthy meaning lots of fruits,veggies...water....lean meats and grains!....I limit myself on the junk food but I still have some. As long as I am staying within my calorie limitations and eatting mostly healthy stuff, I say what the heck!....If I don't let myself have some of that "junk" food...I will go on a binge and eat a whole bag of chocolates or chips!!!...I won't say I can't have sugar,salt or carbs!!!.....I also work my butt off on the elliptical!!..Get moving..>Go for a walk, mow the lawn, do jumping jacks, jog in place!!!....I find that exercise really saves me!!!...I feel so much better after exercising!...It may be hard at first. I could only do 10 minutes at first at an incline of 1...Now I do 35 minutes on an incline of 3....Just work up to it....Also, MFP is AWESOME! There are a ton of people that are not only inspirational but very supportive!!.. I couldn't do it without them!....

    You can do anything you set your mind to!~!!!!!

    :drinker: *Tamra*::happy:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Well, I can't speak for any of those supposed gurus, but I know generally on MFP we don't gush about low fat or low sugar or any of those odd diets.

    It's all about preparing your own food, even if you don't have a lot of time during the week (trust me, I have less time than most) you can still prepare healthy meals.

    There's absolutely no need to cut flavor out of your life. Couple of tips to help you out.

    -Stick to the outsides of the grocery store, the Isles with the fresh fruit, fresh veggies, and the fresh meat. That's where the better stuff is.
    -Learn how to cook healthy meals in bulk and pre-package them (we do this on sunday after we shop) in single serving containers so all you need to do is grab and go.
    - Snacks can be healthy, look for whole grain carbohydrates like whole grain pretzels, nuts, and unprocessed cheeses for snacks. Add that to an assortment of fresh, raw veggies (carrots, peas, beans, broccoli, asaparagus...etc) and fresh, lower sugar fruits (rasberries, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, honeydew mellons) and you will be better for it.
    -Make sure you drink plenty of water.
    -Try to do at least 20 minutes of moderate cardio at least 3 times a week, even if that means 10 minutes now, 10 minutes later, it's all the same.
    -If you have an urge for junk, write down how you feel when you get the urge, seriously. This does 2 things, first it makes you stop and think logically about what you want, and 2nd you may uncover underlying reasoning for why you crave food, many times a strong craving/addiction for food is a redirection of some other negative feeling and this is how you mentally deal with it.

    hope this helps.

  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I think the one constant that you could focus on would be calories. Because a calorie is a calorie, no matter what type of food you put in your body, and if you watch those you WILL succeed. Once you get a hang of that, then you can worry about what type of calorie, organic, whole grains, fruits and veggies, etc. You will learn that the better, more satisfying calories come from those naturally healthier foods.

    And believe, me, if I am craving something, I eat it. I don't cut out ANYTHING. Thats what working out is for :laugh:
  • kroger7
    kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
    I agree with flutterby. When I first started on MFP, I only paid attention to the calories, forget fat, carbs, sodium, whatever. I quickly realized though, that if I wanted to stay within my calories and NOT be starving all day, I had to keep the majority of my food to the lean, nutritious foods most people should be eating, and stay away from all that processed crap you're referring to. Of course chemicals and preservitives make a difference, they are part of the group of what our diet should not be based on. Of course, if 5% of your diet is donated to a little processed crap treat, it might give you the motivation you need to keep being active and eating right hehehe :devil:
  • I just finished reading Jillian Michael's new book "Master Your Metabolism" and she covers all those chemicals/hormones that we eat on daily basis in depth. You might want to check it out, it sounds like you started down that path already. She makes a lot of sense and I've gained some respect for her on the nutritional side.
  • I think the one constant that you could focus on would be calories. Because a calorie is a calorie, no matter what type of food you put in your body, and if you watch those you WILL succeed. Once you get a hang of that, then you can worry about what type of calorie, organic, whole grains, fruits and veggies, etc. You will learn that the better, more satisfying calories come from those naturally healthier foods.

    And believe, me, if I am craving something, I eat it. I don't cut out ANYTHING. Thats what working out is for :laugh:

    I totally agree with you!!!!...I do not deny myself anything. I just watch my portions.
  • aythakay
    aythakay Posts: 26 Member
    You should read the "You on A Diet" book by the You explains A LOT about our bodies, how they were meant to operate, the foods we are meant to eat, etc....a VERY interesting and informative read.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    You really well find something that works for you, trial and error is the only way to go. Everyone is built differently, so something that works for one of us, won't work as well for another. It is frustrating and confusing. Listen to you; and only you... take other peoples advice into consideration and see if it may fit with you. We're here for each other and I have faith that we can overcome this.:flowerforyou:
  • The "Eat this, not that" books are easy reading addressing some of the issues you raise with the unnatural things companies put in our food, and in the plants and animals that become our food. If you prefer DVDs you can check out "Fast food nation" "The future of food" and "Food inc."
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