Hi, need some support to gain weight.



  • Really? Gain weight? So you decide to come to a Fat Peoples site to get insight? Really?

    OK, Eat a lot of Pizza, Ice Cream and French fries! Don't exercise at all! You'll have no problems!!!!
    I'm sure this was a joke..but this is a fitness site too, not just a weight-loss site, even though far more people ARE here to lose.

    Good luck to the OP..and welcome.

    Actually was joke but I guess in this world of Polictical Correctness and Word Smithing I should have probably stated it more in an acceptibe format....But then, someone challenged me and there went my Political Correctness out the window! LOL
  • There we go again....
  • LovesGG
    LovesGG Posts: 241 Member
    Wrong, I've met plenty of intentional weight gainers on this site. It's clearly a calorie counter, not a fat people's site. And I highly doubt that "95%" percent of people are here to lose weight.

    ETA: I'm here to gain too. Feel free to add me :)
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    Wrong, I've met plenty of intentional weight gainers on this site. It's clearly a calorie counter, not a fat people's site. And I highly doubt that "95%" percent of people are here to lose weight.

    ETA: I'm here to gain too. Feel free to add me :)

    ^^ Exactly!

    Intentional weight gainer here, LOL.
    And yes, last time I checked this site was called my FITNESS pal, not my FATLOSS pal! For many of us, healthy weight gain (not FAT gain - there is a difference!!!) is just as much of a challenge as weight loss.

  • Hi Abi, I'm 4'11" too! Also here to gain weight. Sending a friend request your way! (btw - so many awesome people in this thread who are really going to support and motivate you through your journey, and lots more on the site). Welcome!!
  • sting5
    sting5 Posts: 408
    Really? Gain weight? So you decide to come to a Fat Peoples site to get insight? Really?

    OK, Eat a lot of Pizza, Ice Cream and French fries! Don't exercise at all! You'll have no problems!!!!
  • sting5
    sting5 Posts: 408
    I have to say the nasty comment I read is the first time I have ever seen someone be so rude on this site. People should really think about how their words can really hurt someone. Didn't we all learn that as children. I guess some people didn't....Good luck with your goals..I know you will find lots of support on this site. Feel free to add me!
  • Gaining weight can be just as hard as losing weight. If you think that skinny people never get teased, think again.
    And yes, this is a fitness site not a fatties site. So welcome OP, hopefully you will find this place helpful.
  • thank you everyone for your kind comments, i weigh 86lbs and i try and try to gain weight, my goal is 98.

    so sam i am NOT looking for attention, i don't need people saying nasty things about me, you don't know me or what i have been through in my life. or why i weigh the weight i do. oh by the way thank you for saying I'm pretty.
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    Take the advice you think will help. There's always a SNARKY person that cannot be consructive. Don't let that bother you.

    Snarky? Really? I don't like slamming people but come on. This pretty lady is just looking for attention. And yes, this is a Fat Peoples site! Plain and simple. I am Fat!!! At least 95% people here are just that. I don't mince words or try to be the nice guy not hurt anyone's feelings. Truth is, Most of us here want to loose a lot of weight. Why, Because we are FAT! Nobody's fault but our own!

    Admiting it without sugar coating it is the first thing to getting in shape and not being FAT. If we weren't FAT we never would be here!

    You must be one of those people who thinks everyone wins a trophy in competitions.

    Just Say'n....

    Sam :)

    Ok slim sammy ... I just have to tell you that you are speaking out of turn ... you make a judgement on this 'pretty lady who is looking for attention' let me tell you that you are wrong wrong wrong ... you don't even know this person so how can you judge ....but I DO know this person - she is my daughter and just to fill you in a little ... she was born 16 weeks prematurely and she has struggled all her life to put on some weight. We thought that this was the perfect place to get help as we were sure there were supportive people out there ... and there are .... but i did warn her too that there would be negative, destructive and discouraging people out there too ... I am so sad that you proved me right. If you have children - wife or family struggling with some issue - i really hope they get support and not discouragement.
  • buffybabe
    buffybabe Posts: 180 Member
    Take the advice you think will help. There's always a SNARKY person that cannot be consructive. Don't let that bother you.

    Snarky? Really? I don't like slamming people but come on. This pretty lady is just looking for attention. And yes, this is a Fat Peoples site! Plain and simple. I am Fat!!! At least 95% people here are just that. I don't mince words or try to be the nice guy not hurt anyone's feelings. Truth is, Most of us here want to loose a lot of weight. Why, Because we are FAT! Nobody's fault but our own!

    Admiting it without sugar coating it is the first thing to getting in shape and not being FAT. If we weren't FAT we never would be here!

    You must be one of those people who thinks everyone wins a trophy in competitions.

    Just Say'n....

    Sam :)

    I disagree with this...I joined this sight to lose weight, but I have never been over a size 6, so I would not put myself in the fat category. I wanted to be fit, healthy and toned. I do not consider this a fat person site, it is a fitness site. If she feels that she is too thin and it may not be healthy, I think being proactive and trying to gain weight is just as great as the people that are trying to get healthy to LOSE weight.

    Keep it up, doll, add me if you want.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Carnation Instant breakfast....Healthy way to add some weight.
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    just ignore the comments about this being a fat persons site. its called my FITNESS pal.

    i came here needing to gain weight a while back :) and i know a lot of people too that have :) its a nice place once you get to know the right people and theres wayyyy more really nice people on here than the ones who think this is exclusivly for fatties. its not its for EVERYONE! :) welcome good luck and im sending you a request!! :)
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    Really? Gain weight? So you decide to come to a Fat Peoples site to get insight? Really?

    OK, Eat a lot of Pizza, Ice Cream and French fries! Don't exercise at all! You'll have no problems!!!!

    Why so mean?!?!? This is a serious issue for a lot of people!! MFP is designed to help people gain as well.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Really? Gain weight? So you decide to come to a Fat Peoples site to get insight? Really?

    ... Fat Peoples site ? You need to take a better look around if you truly believe that.

    ^^ This. Not everyone is "fat". This is My FITNESS Pal, not my weight loss pal. Some people are here to lose just a few pounds, others are here to lose a lot more, some are here to be healthy and keep track of their food/fitness, and others are here to gain.

    Hey...i'm not trying to gain weight currently, but when I was in my early 20s I did spend some time doing that, went from about 95lbs to 108lbs. I drank a lot of carnation Instant Breakfasts or ensures, added things like butter or cheese to my food, basically really increased calories and also tried to build some muscle with weights or body weight exercises. (All under the supervision of my dietician who would call in everyday to see what I had eaten lol) It can definitely be just as tough for some people to gain as it is for others to lose! I think I was 95lbs for nearly 10 years before my doc suggested gaining some. (FYI - for disclosure and all, I'm now almost 32, I took a desk job and got lazy and am currently 130, would like to be back around 115-120)
  • Abi, et., all,

    OK, Let me start by saying, Abi, I AM SO SORRY! This origianlly started as a joke. Then I started getting slammed for being insensitive! OK, I was Totally insensitive! then I went on to spew my own personal issues in repsonse to the additional comments that followed. Imature on my part! 100% idiot! 100% As#h$le!

    It was and is terrible what when on here and again, I APOLOGIZE! I can't take anything back although I wish I could. You may beleive me or not. If not, those are the consequences I must suffer the consequences for my actions.

    Your's truly,

    Sam :(
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Take the advice you think will help. There's always a SNARKY person that cannot be consructive. Don't let that bother you.

    Snarky? Really? I don't like slamming people but come on. This pretty lady is just looking for attention. And yes, this is a Fat Peoples site! Plain and simple. I am Fat!!! At least 95% people here are just that. I don't mince words or try to be the nice guy not hurt anyone's feelings. Truth is, Most of us here want to loose a lot of weight. Why, Because we are FAT! Nobody's fault but our own!

    Admiting it without sugar coating it is the first thing to getting in shape and not being FAT. If we weren't FAT we never would be here!

    You must be one of those people who thinks everyone wins a trophy in competitions.

    Just Say'n....

    Sam :)

    I disagree with this...I joined this sight to lose weight, but I have never been over a size 6, so I would not put myself in the fat category. I wanted to be fit, healthy and toned. I do not consider this a fat person site, it is a fitness site. If she feels that she is too thin and it may not be healthy, I think being proactive and trying to gain weight is just as great as the people that are trying to get healthy to LOSE weight.

    Keep it up, doll, add me if you want.

    ^ well said. I too have never been clinically overweight, my trainer pointed me to this site to help me track my food in an effort to eat more healthily and lose some body fat. I have stayed using this site for a long time, even though my goals have changed, as I love the support I have found on here.

    To the OP, I wish you well in your journey and hope that you find the support that you deserve. Please add me if you like, although my goals aren't the same as yours (as I am maintaining) I will be more than happy to support you and am on here every day.
  • Abi, et., all,

    OK, Let me start by saying, Abi, I AM SO SORRY! This origianlly started as a joke. Then I started getting slammed for being insensitive! OK, I was Totally insensitive! then I went on to spew my own personal issues in repsonse to the additional comments that followed. Imature on my part! 100% idiot! 100% As#h$le!

    It was and is terrible what when on here and again, I APOLOGIZE! I can't take anything back although I wish I could. You may beleive me or not. If not, those are the consequences I must suffer the consequences for my actions.

    Your's truly,

    Sam :(

    Mia Culpa!
  • hmmm......i accept your apology :)
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    Abi, et., all,

    OK, Let me start by saying, Abi, I AM SO SORRY! This origianlly started as a joke. Then I started getting slammed for being insensitive! OK, I was Totally insensitive! then I went on to spew my own personal issues in repsonse to the additional comments that followed. Imature on my part! 100% idiot! 100% As#h$le!

    It was and is terrible what when on here and again, I APOLOGIZE! I can't take anything back although I wish I could. You may beleive me or not. If not, those are the consequences I must suffer the consequences for my actions.

    Your's truly,

    Sam :(

    Mia Culpa!

    It takes a big man to apologise - and publicly too. Thank you for restoring a little of my faith in people's good nature. :happy: