

  • theprices
    theprices Posts: 97 Member
    all of what all the other girls said but i did want to add ~ not only have you been an incredible inspiration to me on the fitness level, you have made me laugh and smile almost every day! its HARD to be fit, its HARD to be sexy, and its HARD to do it the right way ~ But YOU have done all of these things, and kept it light, funny, and that's what I think is the most important thing....not to take it too seriously....!? maybe give yourself a break?

    and PS ~ i totally agree with JB regarding your pictures...every single one i see is like HOLY ****-N-BALLS, that woman is AMAZING!

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Im telling you Holly. the period part makes me think I am right and I really don't want to be.

    I think it's hormonal. Start eating without a deficit for a month.

    Just my 2 cents though.

    I you suggest that eating at maintenance will "fix" the hormones or will I need to do that and bloodwork? or just start with the food? im kinda hungry ;)
    Eating at maintenance could be good to relieve some stress from your body. As a deficit is stress.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 743 Member
    not only have you been an incredible inspiration to me on the fitness level, you have made me laugh and smile almost every day! its HARD to be fit, its HARD to be sexy, and its HARD to do it the right way ~ But YOU have done all of these things, and kept it light, funny, and that's what I think is the most important thing

  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    Kepp your chin up! See a doctor....maybe a nutritionist.....perhaps you aren't eating enough? Or maybe you just aren't eating the right foods for you? but it sounds like you should get checked out.

    I am sure it will all straighten out. :-) You are still beautiful and VERY inspirational!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Eating at maintenance will "fix" cortisol, leptin, etc.
    It will not "fix" TSH.

    Bloodwork. And eat. Lol.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Im telling you Holly. the period part makes me think I am right and I really don't want to be.

    I think it's hormonal. Start eating without a deficit for a month.

    Just my 2 cents though.

    I you suggest that eating at maintenance will "fix" the hormones or will I need to do that and bloodwork? or just start with the food? im kinda hungry ;)

    This sounds VERY counter intuitive but I would suggest eating normally, your body has to "reset" so to speak. I know thats what I did then after a while I started to feel normal again and I was back at it. I eat much more now at am at 190, stronger and bigger then I was previously at 190 yet my clothes fit better then how they fit when I was 180 last year.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Eating at maintenance will "fix" cortisol, leptin, etc.
    It will not "fix" TSH.

    Bloodwork. And eat. Lol.

  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    What are you trying to accomplish? At some point your body will stop cutting fat and stop losing weight. I am sorry but I didn't find where you said your goal was.

    sorry, i was down to almost 125ish and since then have slowly (over 8 months) been gaining weight despite all my efforts. today i weighed 139lbs. i want to be at 125 and have all my definition back and my inches back down. Despite all my efforts I just keep gaining.
    I agree with this. I have a BFM and my TDEE is usually around 2700-3000+ many days (fitness instructor). I'd eat more. Like around 2000 for awhile and see if that helps. You may be sluggish because your body is hungry and tired. I'd give it a go. I really think it would work.
    Based on your diary, I would think you are under eating, especially if you are only eating 1700 calories. Two things, if your TDEE is over 2400, then most of the weight has to be water related as you can't gain fat unless you are eating more food than your TDEE. Now if you have some hormonal issues, that could affect it. And since you missed a period, your body might not be responding well to having such low body fat. Also, I have notice, you eat a very low fat diet which is another thing that could affect your cycle. Based on running the numbers you should be around 2100 calories a day and I would suggest eating a lot more fat (around 50g). Keep in mind your body is struggling to hold onto the body fat and wants more as it's the quickest source of energy, so under eating forces your body to find ways to conserve calories.

    thank you...i was curious about this but like I mentioned, i have tried everything so I thought, " what the *kitten*, I will try this too." on a side note, I have recently tried to eat more healthy fats ( just started the last couple days).
  • im with these girls babe. u have been SO inspiring on here to not just me, but alot of girls. u have transformed your body, which is no small feat! take a little from what the other s have all said. my opinion? its all about the quality of the food u eat, not the quantity. so yes, drop your calories like u have been, but still think about whats IN the calories u DO eat. dont give up honey, this is just your mind playing tricks on u. and definately go see your GP about the underlying issues in regards to missing your period. i went without mine for 10 months, and that was due to the depo provera shot, but i still had my hormone levels checked fortnightly until AF paid a long overdue visit again last month. hugs to u and i hope u can work through this, we are all here to help and support u doll xox
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    Please go to the doc and get checked out. It really sounds like a hormonal thing- thyroid perhaps, especially as you are not feeling like yourself. You truly are an inspiration to so many. This is a blip in the road and you will figure it out and come out that much better, hun!! Giving up is not an option!
  • I am by no means an expert, but I think your body is satisfied where you are now and might be looking to maintain. I also think you are stressed and that is adding to your issues, you are putting too much pressure on yourself. Also, have you talked to a doctor about your problems? You probably need to and they can run tests to make sure it isn't something medical...that would be my first stop. And try to stay calm and know it isn't the end of the world and cut yourself some've have come so far and accomplished so much, try and remember that! HUGS
  • Hello....I really think your body is happy where it's at and is trying to maintain...125lb!!!??? Wow!! i'm 5ft 5 and want to get to 140lb...well, maybe 135...but I'd be very tiny at 135lb. 125? thats really tiny. Well done! you're a success story! the fact that you can maintain that is amazing...(well when you're not trying new diets). Surly you know your body is amazing, lean and don't want to get too thin...Hope you feel better soon! Honestly I think you've hit your goal! or maybe you exceeded it hence missed period? Are you still within your BMI? Not sure if that helps..but you look great, 125lb is extremely slim. You've done it! :happy: Can you not just enjoy it?
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    Hello....I really think your body is happy where it's at and is trying to maintain...125lb!!!??? Wow!! i'm 5ft 5 and want to get to 140lb...well, maybe 135...but I'd be very tiny at 135lb. 125? thats really tiny. Well done! you're a success story! the fact that you can maintain that is amazing...(well when you're not trying new diets). Surly you know your body is amazing, lean and don't want to get too thin...Hope you feel better soon! Honestly I think you've hit your goal! or maybe you exceeded it hence missed period? Are you still within your BMI? Not sure if that helps..but you look great, 125lb is extremely slim. You've done it! :happy: Can you not just enjoy it?

    first off, thank you:) i know what my body looked like and I also know that it has changed. Thank you for your opinion but i cannot be happy with what i know is different.have lost definition and gaining a gut and larger thighs. as for BMI im supposedly on the high end of healthy right now...being at 125 (where i was when i was the happiest with my body) has me in the middle of the healthy range.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    My first thought on reading your post, suffering from it myself, was hypothyroidism, so be sure to get your blood tests done, as hypo can interfere with periods. It can also cause extreme sluggishness, light headedness, dry skin, dry hair and headaches.

    Another thing, as others mentioned is that too low of body fat can and will cause periods to cease, as the body does need a certain amount of fat to function efficiently, but I am sure you are aware of this already anyway.

    Maybe just eat a little more for now, and get those tests sorted, and some healthy fats, such as nuts and avocado wont do you any harm, I am sure. Just my advice, really, to take or leave. I am no expert.
  • hsrunningmom
    hsrunningmom Posts: 134 Member
    I would also suggest getting bloodwork done. Hypothrodism has a lot of those symptoms. Could also be a vitamin deficiency? Another thing to look at is sleep apnea. I spent almost two years with my weight slowly going up no matter what I tried to find out I had sleep apnea. For the first time in two years, my weight is finally going down now that it's being treated. Hope you find your answers.
  • TurboFireMama
    TurboFireMama Posts: 121 Member
    Holly, all the girls have said it perfectly here. You are an inspiration!!! I am sorry you are going through this. I have gone through a very similar struggle since last October minus the lack of period. I went to the Dr. for Bloodwork and although my thyroid levels were "normal" I was told by a high end vitamin shop that 'normal" ranges are based on the national average and a lot of controversy is there over what is really normal. Most averages are based on people with already low numbers. I was low in Vitamin D and Iron and was told that people in the Midwest also lack Iodine a very important component in thyroid function. When you are low in Vitamin D you cannot absorb minerals properly. Not sure if any of this would apply to you, but I thought I would share it. I am currently taking 10,000 ius of Vit D, a plant based iron supplement, Vit B12 ,Omega 3's, and a blend of minerals. I am starting to feel a little better...Less sluggish. I am waiting for a iodine supplement to come in because my iodine levels were low as well.

    Hope you are able to find some answers that get you results and most of all feeling back to your spunky funny self! We all adore you. You cannot quit...I know it isn't in you. Maybe you need to eat at maintenance for a month like one of the other members suggested and take a little break from your usual kick *kitten* routine....

  • luvmypwds
    luvmypwds Posts: 81
    Holly, I don't really know you, but from what you posted, I, too, agree that it could be your thyroid. Get the bloodwork done!
  • mkilzer
    mkilzer Posts: 2
    I just found this blog post and thought of you. Sounds exactly like your story-- instantly gaining weight and not understanding why, despite exercise and calorie restriction.

    I have a strong feeling it's because you're not eating enough. If you're burning all the way up to 3000 calories some days and not taking in proper amounts of calories, that will backfire on you (as you've said you've gained weight, it's not coming off, you feel sluggish and tired). Why not try eating more? Eat closer to maintenance. What's the worst that could happen? Try it for a few weeks and see what happens.

    Good luck!! You've been an inspiration when I come across your posts!