Kicking the diet soda addiction

Since I'm training for my first half marathon in Sept, I've decided that I should also start eating like an adult and try to kick my major diet soda addiction. Today is day 4 of drinking water with lemon instead of my usual 3-4 cans of diet soda. Have managed to lose 6 pounds and all of my cravings are gone! I hope this lasts. I'd love to lose another 10-12 pounds before race day, and the scale wasn't budging despite all of the running. Just wanted to share with those fellow diet soda addicts out there. Even though there are no calories, I think it does have a major effect on food cravings (for me, at least).


  • kellybean14
    kellybean14 Posts: 237 Member
    Wow, that's awesome willpower! Congrats on sticking with it and feeling better already!
  • rainbowcandy2004
    I am not a big soda drinker anymore. I do drink a Diet Mtn Dew once in a while and when I do I feel the need for sugar is around the corner so I agree. You may not be getting the calories but I think it affects what you crave. Great job on quiting diet soda, the weight loss and good luck on the run.
  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    I have a major problem with diet soda to the tune of about 8 to 10 a day. Great job kicking it!
  • aimesylou
    I'm trying to kick this too, I notice that I always crave salty foods to go with diet soda by kicking that maybe I'll be able to cut down on salt as well. So so hard though full on addicted to Diet Coke!
  • shimewazaMan
    I SOOOOOO need to kick my Diet Coke addiction!
  • avabava
    avabava Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I just had to go cold turkey. After two days I didn't want the diet coke anymore either. The key for me is LOTS of lemon in my water.
  • ncpryor
    ncpryor Posts: 2 Member
    great job kicking the habit, I also love diet soda but have heard its not good because it makes you's hard to have water everyday though!
  • AKSmothers
    I was drinking minimum 3 32 ounce cups of Diet Coke every day for years. Once I decided to stop (with help from family and coworkers) I lost 15 pounds very quickly. The cravings were bad for the first just the thought of drinking a pop holds no interest for me whatsoever. I've not had any pop at all in several months. One of the best decisions I've made for my health in a long time.
  • jayeve1
    jayeve1 Posts: 2
    Do you really think that there is a connection between diet drinks and the inability to lose weight?
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    Good for you! Diet Soda and I don't get along at all! It causes me cravings, increased appetite, severe lower back pain, and headaches/dizzy spells. It's all about water, water, water!
  • thatblueyedchic
    thatblueyedchic Posts: 128 Member
    I had a major diet Pepsi addiction and I am in week four of going cold turkey. I have to say, I've never felt better, and I don't just mean physically. I have always been a worrier by nature but I am also prone to anxiety attacks. Since being off diet Pepsi, I haven't had a problem, which made me wonder. So I thought back and I realized that I have suffered the most from anxiety during times when I have been drinking a lot of diet soda. I honestly think it's a contributing factor. My doctor agrees.

    So get off of it. You'll feel better all over. Just start drinking tea or something yummy and healthy when you are craving it. Before long, the addiction (and yes it is addictive) will wear off.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Do you really think that there is a connection between diet drinks and the inability to lose weight?
    The correlation that I see is that people who drink diet sodas tend to be overweight people. But over 65% of the people in the US are considered overweight. That said, IMO people who drink diet soda and are overweight MAY be thinking that since they aren't drinking any calories from their diet soda, they can EAT other foods with calories in them since they comped with the diet soda.
    I've been a diet soda drinker for over 25 years and don't suffer the issues that many a blog, opinion or article states happens to diet soda drinkers.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I've been drinking Propel singles instead of diet soda. I used to love Diet: Mountain Dew, Sunkist, 7-up, coke and Sprite Zero. I could down a 2 liter in one day, but since I started with the propel (because I can't stand plain water) I haven't had the urge to drink soda any more.
  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    I like vitamin water or the sobo lifewater, zero calorie version. To me, they remind me of the Kool-Aid of my youth! LOL They are much better than plain water with added nutrients. When I drink these instead of pop, I feel so much better and hydrated.
  • kschopmeyer
    Use to be a DMD addict until I read the ingredients and saw it contained brominated vegetable oil. Probably safe to consume, but it really weirded me out.
  • biddy249
    biddy249 Posts: 76 Member
    Gave up soda 15 years ago, one of the smartest decsions I have ever made. Takes a little will power at first.
  • EllaScarlet
    EllaScarlet Posts: 165 Member
    Well done everyone who has given up! I still succumb every now and then.


    I worked on a sailing boat for a few years. One day in port the captain and I were doing some engine maintenance. Suddenly the captain asked me to go and get a few litres of Diet Coke. I thought he must be really thirsty. I got it and to my surprise he empties the lot into a bucket and plonked a load of grease encrusted engine parts in there too. An hour later those parts came out sparkling. And I thought - what the f*** is that stuff going to do to my insides??!!!!
  • YvonnePtm
    YvonnePtm Posts: 28
    I seem to have an addiction to coke - but the full fat one - can't drink the diet ones, as I get hyper and get heart palpitations. I will try the water and lemon instead. Thanks for the tip....
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Do you really think that there is a connection between diet drinks and the inability to lose weight?

    No... and calling this an addiction is an insult to anyone who has battled true addiction.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Use to be a DMD addict until I read the ingredients and saw it contained brominated vegetable oil. Probably safe to consume, but it really weirded me out.

    The reason that is in there is because the flavors are fat soluble. It is a microscopic amount, and no, it's not harmful.