Struggling with snacking

Ok, so I haven't been trying this long but I really struggle at this time of night with snacking (9pm/10pm) Obviously snacking now will take me well over my calorie intake and I know I can exercise to reduce it but usually it's on nights after I've been in work (I do shift work at a supermarket) and I'm always hungry when I get home. Does anyone have any tips on how to avoid these cravings because I know I can't really be hungry...


  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Save some cals so you can eat a snack.
    Figure it averages out so on work days maybe you are 100 cals over and on non-work days you are 100 cals under.
    Snacking can be nutritious and fine as long as you figure it into your plan.
    Yes, you can really be hungry. It sounds like you may be on your feet and moving around a lot at work. Maybe you really do need to eat. Again, make it something good for you and it is fine. Snacking gets a bad rep when it really isn't bad.

    Try some nuts, cheese, veggies with hummus or greek yogurt dip, greek yogurt, even a sandwich or something more substantial. If you're really tired and don't want to even open the fridge then go for a spoonful of peanut butter.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Personally, I would adjust meal size to accommodate snacking. I think that would be easier than struggling with cravings.
  • kellybean14
    kellybean14 Posts: 237 Member
    are you the type who celebrates 4/20? if so, refraining can make all the difference
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I also agree that you should save some calories for a light snack. That is what I do. I know I want a snack in the evening. So, I make sure I have some calories left to have it.
  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    Night time scnacking is a biggie for me. I try to stick to protien throughout the day which helps to keep me fuller and reduce the cravings. If I just cant resist then I try and either budget in enough calories to get me through the end of the day or just decide a limit ahead of time that I am willing to go over--100, 200, 300 calories. Whatever your number just decide when you are not in the craving stage and then be willing to let yourself go over that much. You won't have to beat yourself up becuase you went over cuz you already gave yourself permission to go by that much. Some of my snacks that I pick are: one slice of bread with peanut butter, almonds, greek yogurt and berries, small bowl of cereal with 1% milk, string cheese. If I am just craving sweets and fruit isn't cutting it, one cookie usually won't be too much and I sit down and savor every crumb. This is a lifestyle change and if your lifestyle is that you need to eat at night make the choice be one you want and are willing to live with.
  • I drink a pot of green tea at night. It keeps the munchies at bay. Just carrying around a hot mug of something makes me feel like I'm "eating". If I'm truly hungry, I will nuke some skim milk and have a "steamed milk" with nutmeg. If I'm having a sweet tooth, I'll have a Skinny Cow. Good luck!
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    1st make sure your listed as at least "lightly active" if your on your feet all day at work
    then make sure to leave some calories for snacks ..

    maybe the night b4 pre-plan your meals and include planned snacks for after work
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Sometimes when you get snack cravings you are actually dehydrated (especially if you've been at work all day talking to people and on your feet- this is a good possibility). Before you reach for a snack, drink a big cup of water (24-32 ounces) and wait 10 minutes. Your craving might pass.

    I used to work similar shifts and never got home until after 10pm so I totally understand. Another thing that worked for me is having a cup of herbal tea, or making a crystal light drink packet when I was craving something sweet.

    Finally, when I had already went way over my snacking, I would put a piece of blue painters tape across the food cupboards and fridge. That way when I would mindlessly walk over to get something (which would happen often as the fridge is about 10 feet away from the TV) the tape would remind me to stop and think "do I really want this? Am I really hungry?"

    In general it isn't bad to eat late at night if you truly are hungry and as long as you have the calories left over for it (some people will tell you different and say never eat after 8pm- this is just not true). I do agree with the others that it's helpful to plan out everything you're going to eat in the morning, and that way you can be sure to save at least an extra 100 calories or so for a small snack. My personal favorite was all fruit popsicles (just make sure to read the ingredients so you're getting the ones that are truly only made of fruit and don't have other additives).
  • thanks guys this has all been really helpful and I'll try planning in something to eat after work on days I'm working. I do struggle to drink a lot any way so it may be due to dehydration that I snack and I'm working on drinking more but it's hard as I seem to have a weakish bladder so can't hold much and if I drink more than two cups of water a day I seem to be dashing to the loo non-stop, but I am working on it.
    As Sharonks suggested I might try averaging it out because I know on days I don't work I don't reach my calorie intake.
    I am lactose intolerant so struggle to find certain things but I'll try to plan in my snacks beforehand instead of just planning my meals and then factoring in the snacks as and when they happen.

    thanks guys
  • also, because I kept hearing it everywhere I went and googled 4/20 cause i had no idea what it was and seriously? theres a day for that? No I definitely don't celebrate it, today or any other
  • I drink a lot of iced green tea through out the day. It does make me feel like i am snacking, because I find it comforting in the way that i find snacking to be comforting to me.
  • LadyRush
    LadyRush Posts: 95 Member
    I would plan a nice munchy snack like air popped popcorn....plan to eat those calories as a snack. Tea does work great too! Do you have someone you can call and chat with? Or a diet pop maybe... a piece of sugarless gum....Just don't give up! You can do it!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • thanks guys this has all been really helpful and I'll try planning in something to eat after work on days I'm working. I do struggle to drink a lot any way so it may be due to dehydration that I snack and I'm working on drinking more but it's hard as I seem to have a weakish bladder so can't hold much and if I drink more than two cups of water a day I seem to be dashing to the loo non-stop, but I am working on it.
    As Sharonks suggested I might try averaging it out because I know on days I don't work I don't reach my calorie intake.
    I am lactose intolerant so struggle to find certain things but I'll try to plan in my snacks beforehand instead of just planning my meals and then factoring in the snacks as and when they happen.

    thanks guys

    At the risk of TMI, I think part of being healthier involves more trips to the loo! My BFF and I have a formula 1 cup of tea = 2 trips to the loo. :O)