17-21 years old :)

hi guys! I'm a newbie here and I'm kinda wondering if I could make some online friends from this site. the truth? I also want somebody that can help me in my diet problem. you see, it's my goal to loose 40 lbs in a span of time of just 4 months... that is, if that is even possible :) and I think if I have buddies with the same goal, maybe it would be a lot easier for us right? thanks! :D


  • I'm 19. (: Good luck
  • I'm in(: I'd like to lose about that much, too.
  • hi!! i'm 19, and good luck to you! I'm not looking to lose 40 lbs, but I'm definitely trying to lose just 20 for now. But I know how hard it is to lose weight and would definitely like some online friends here to (:
  • hi guys! good luck to each and everyone of us! if if you don't mind, may I ask why do you guys wanna loose weight? well for me it because I want to be healthy and I want to regain confidence and everything :)
  • hi! :) where are you from? hope we can be good pals and hope to reach our goals in the near future :)
  • adoviak
    adoviak Posts: 2
    Heyhey, I'm 19. I want to lose between 30 and 40 pounds more - I'll stop when I feel totally comfortable. I want to lose it because I'm tired of being flabby haha.

    Good luck reaching your goal!
  • Ohjeezitskim
    Ohjeezitskim Posts: 129 Member
    Hi I'm nineteen! I had a friend that lost 40 pounds in a month :0 lucky jerk! feel free to add!
  • Neigh2012
    Neigh2012 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey, I'm 18, feel free to add me. :)
  • RobS4632
    RobS4632 Posts: 4
    I'm 23
    Good luck and don't be discouraged if you don't lose super fast
  • smallaffair
    smallaffair Posts: 42 Member
    Hey! I'm 20, and I have about 40ish pounds left to lose. Add me if you like!
  • annika27
    annika27 Posts: 56
    I'm 19 and have about 50 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • I'm 18. Anyone feel free to add me! I need some motivation and support. It really helps :)
  • Caro1991
    Caro1991 Posts: 97
    Hi! Am 21. Need 38lbs to lose am down 3. You can loose that much in that time if you commit yourself to it. Feel free to add me.
  • z_Zoe_z
    z_Zoe_z Posts: 17
    Hey, I'm 20, aiming to lose 10-20kg (around 22-44 pounds I think), feel free to add me, I'm always keen to have new friends to motivate and be motivated by =]
  • ThatOneNerdyChick
    ThatOneNerdyChick Posts: 24 Member
    My name is Rachel, im 19 and would be happy to be your friend :)
  • Silence88
    Silence88 Posts: 26
    Hello, my name is Karen and I'm 21. I'm looking to lose 33 lbs by September so about 4 months. it's definitely possible! Add me if you'd like. :)
  • swt0pie
    swt0pie Posts: 327 Member
    I'm 18..feel free to add me ;P
  • christynek
    christynek Posts: 152 Member
    Hello! I am 21 and overall that is my goal as well. I am studying abroad and I want to come home another (healthier) person! My initial goal was 40lbs and I am pretty committed at this point in time so let's hope! Feel free to add!
  • 00Riga00
    00Riga00 Posts: 34
    I'm 20 and would like some friends on here that are trying to lose 100+. =]
  • I'm also 19, add me!