Inhereted Personality Traits

hapoo100 Posts: 926 Member
edited December 2024 in Chit-Chat
I realized my family all have some of the same personality traits. Which personality traits do you have that are good and you want your family to have and which traits are you worried your kids might get?

My good traits: I have manners (thanks Dad) and I stay calm in really bad situations (thanks Mom)

My bad traits: I cuss too much (thanks Dad) and I wait until the last minute to do everything (thanks Mom)

what are yours?


  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    I dated a guy who found out when he was 28 that his dad was not his biological father. When he met the bio dad, it was crazy how alike they were. A lot of his mannerisms were like the dad that raised him, as well. Nature vs. nurture. Very interesting. The Boy is so much like the hubs it is frightening. I get my work ethic from my dad. The hubs also has a very strong work ethic from his parents. I hope to pass that on to the munchkins.
  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    Ive inherited my mums quick temper lol! i can flare up in a second but then calm back down straight away. Apparantly also when my mum and me are together and we both laugh we do it in the same way ha! As for my dad welll i dont see him very often as lives far awaywith his new family...but apparantly ive inherited his sticky out butt!! pmsl mint not!! xxxx
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I'm just seeing the bad one right now, They came from my dad to me, and I have passed them onto my son (but not my daughter) basically we are worrier's, we worry about everything, even the dumbest things, my dad ended up with an ulcer in his 30's, but I haven't gotten that bad yet, the anxiety also seems to mess with our metabolism too, we all eat like mad but are all small and underweight, I think I burn just by worrying so much LOL...but its really sad to see my son like this, he is exactly like me in almost every way poor thing! I also go the cussing from my dad, I swear like a trucker, and my kids are picking it up which is horrible, but also cause they speak Swedish mostly so my English swearing doesn't mean as much to them (the F bomb said in English means nothing in Sweden sadly) I have to nip that habit very soon though! Its nasty! and embarrassing when we venture back to Australia for family visits.

  • shannoninBC
    shannoninBC Posts: 345 Member
    As much as I hate to admit it I'm very much like my mother
    Good traits: quick wit from Dad, generosity from Mom
    Bad: potty mouth and temper from Dad
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    Bad: self defeating (mom, I am working to change this on my weight loss journey), bad mouth (dad)

    good: dedicated (dad, has run his own business for at least the past 25 years) and quick qit (mom)

    This could be good or bad, but I let a lot of sh!it roll off my back (dad). I cannot understand why some people (like my husband) get so upset at things that other people do that are inconsequential or something you know will never change by you getting upset. I feel like people may view that as uncaring, but others may see it as composed and passive.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    My good traits: Warm, approachable and social (thanks Dad). Both my kids have this although one is more shy, as I was as a child.

    My bad traits: chronic disorganisation, general messiness, poor timekeeping and easily bored (thanks Dad). My older daughter is the opposite and is already turning into house Mum, she got this from her Grandma, I reckon. My youngest is every bit as bad as me.

    My sister is just the same as me, despite being 15 years younger and having been raised in a different country. Genetics accounts for a lot. I'm not sure what I got from my Mum. Too sensitive, probably. I gave this to my kids too :laugh:
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I think I get alot of my interest of history, and love of books and need to learn from my dad.
    I get my discipline and respect for others from my mom.
    I may also get my quiet, reserved behavior from my dad as well.

    I feel I take a large majority of my personality from my dad... however my mom made sure I didn't take after any of the undesirable traits, haha
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm very calm like my mother; I rarely get angry.
    However, much like my father, I am the biggest chatterbox ever and love telling funny stories.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Bad -
    Dad: Bad Temper, Messing with people just to see them get riled up and then leave.
    Mom: Switching up peoples names, running around like a chicken with its head cut off before leaving the house trying to remember if we have everything.

    Dad: Manners, Liking Character building scenarios, Reactive Eye Movements.
    Mom : Sweet demeanor, Bleeding heart.

    I tried to make it pretty even, but I am for the most part like my dad. Definitely inherited. Its hilarious how similar my brother, father, and I are alike.
  • MissVCI
    MissVCI Posts: 277 Member
    I swear I inherited my impatience from my father. I try and try to be patient it just never works out.
    Only thing I'm patient with are children due to my nurturing side (thanks Mom).
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    I talk a lot. A lot alot. The good side of this I've always been pretty darn social and can find things to talk about with almost anyone. The down side i never shut up lol
  • Good traits: Street smarts, love of reading
    bad traits: RAEG over small things, easily stressed

    No worries about passing it on to kids though - not having any :D
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Good Traits:
    Being humble and kind - Both parents
    Goal Driven - Both parents

    Bad Traits:
    I might worry alto about someone way too much - probably got this from my mom
    Think I know everything sometimes (I am much better now lol) - My dad use to be on my case about this, but honestly I know this is where I got it from..Yea I blame him for this one lol
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    Good traits: from my father: hand eye coordination and competitiveness ( sometimes bad) and from my mother: sarcasm ability.
    Bad traits: from my father: anger and from my mother: lack of empathy.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I have quite a few traits from my parents and always have to remind myself that I'm not them and that it is just from being raised from them.

    Both my parents are arguers and want to dominate in the relationship. I get this from them and I see it in my current relationship. The reason me and my husband get a long so well is that he is much more passive and chill and doesn't care about being the decider. I have also learned a bit from my husband and am becoming more calm and laid back as well but not nearly as much as him.

    I also have my parents style of negotiating which is usually yelling and being quick tempered. I also don't handle stress well. My parents never did either and so I really have to reinforce reminders on myself to chill the heck out. I'm definitely a worry wart when something goes wrong and it is so hard not to be overly stressed or dramatic.

    I have a lot of traits that I did not inherit from my parents but got from my dad's family. I am goal driven, obsessed with improving my life in every aspect, and also very religious. Tons of people in my family are very successful, goal driven, all about being healthy and religious. There are those who are not, who are in between, and who go totally extreme... but I love them all and wouldn't be who I am without them.

    All this makes me sound pretty high maintenance and I feared for myself at one point that I would never be able to overcome my own flaws. My husband has come and filled in all the missing pieces and helped me become such a better person. I also have helped him get the drive to get what he wants out of life.
  • jcriscuolo
    jcriscuolo Posts: 319 Member
    Good traits - competitive overachiever (Dad) empathetic to the underdog, extremely positive attitude (Mom)

    Bad traits - compulsive behavior (Dad) - my Mom has no bad traits :happy:
  • Good Traits- dry wit (thank you mummy) and easy going (dad)
    Bad traits- drink too much (more my mum) and the quitting when things get hard (dad)
  • riouxha
    riouxha Posts: 995 Member
    Good: I'm super relaxed. I hardly ever stress about things, unless they're really huge. I get that from my dad. makes me good at what i do (almost a registered nurse)
    Bad: I'm foul-mouthed in arguments. I can make a full grown man fall to his knees with my mean *kitten* words :( It's shameful and i get it from my spitfire momma
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm more like my dad than my mom. I have similar physical traits to my mom, but personality is all my dad. We have the same sense of humor, same strange snacking habits (a favorite it potato chips with pickle slices). I am basically the female version of him. Which makes sense because I spent more time with him than my mom. My dad was always very active, taking me to the beach and roller skating, where my mom liked to sit at home play video games (which all my school friends thought was awesome) but I was always more of a go-getter on the move.
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