Weight Loss Pills



  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Hate pills...but what has worked for me in the past if you can stick to it is Medifast. I'm not doing it this time because I'm not in the right place for it. I'm traveling a lot for work and have to be able to eat out, etc. I'd rather just eat more and eat healthy.

    But in the past, it's worked for a quick 10-20 for me. I can lose 20 lbs in 2 months if I just stick with it. It's 5 of their products plus 1 lean and green meal (generous lean protein and 3 cups veggies). It truly is no fail if you can do it. That means no wine, no cheating (especially with carbs) -- but also you don't have to exercise to make it work.

    Anything works if you stick with it...it sounds like you've hit a plateau. here's a few plateau busters that have also worked for me.

    1. 5 day mini cleanse: fruit and veggies and massive amounts of water. You can also add lean protein...the point is go carb free for 5 days...but this works best without the protein.

    2. Bump up the cardio and quit weight training if you do it.

    3. All protein shakes for 5 days...try to keep it under 1K calories.

    These are all short term -- and things I've tried without impacting my health. Of course, you really want to do them short term or you'll start screwing with your metabolism.

    Good luck -

    ^ Please don't follow this advice.

    what he said ^^^

    all 3 of those suggestions are just AWFUL ideas.
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    Just my opinion: Trash the pills, up the calories a bit, hit the weights.

    Best advice ever plus PROTEIN AND PRODUCE!!! Say no to as much packaged stuff as you can
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Just my opinion: Trash the pills, up the calories a bit, hit the weights.

    ^^ This

  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    There is no Magic Pill. NOTHING good has ever come from "Diet/Fat Burning" pills. If there were such a pill, we would not have any obesity issues.

    Being healthy is action by choice. See it, realize it, ACT IT. You will succeed.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Dr. Oz recommends Vitaltox Chelation EDTA Suppositories, I just ordered mine today. Has anyone used these? How fast did you lose weight?
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    One thing I did recently use that I noticed a difference from came from Smoothie King.. It's called Acai Berry cleanse & flush. Basically just a 2 week supplement that makes you poop...everything! LOL Kinda gross.. but if your not "moving" you are holding on to weight. Just a thought.


    Only... it's not really weight. It's poop. I had to have a colonoscopy a couple of months ago, and for that I had to have a couple of days on Picolax and water, and then a day with no nothing (Picolax is a laxative, and trust me you are as clean as a whistle after a couple of doses). Yes I lost abou4-5lb, but it's not exactly whoop whoop because it's just eliminated everything you were in the process of digesting plus dehydration, so it's all back in two days. However I did achieve a real loss in fat and inches within a few weeks of starting MFP...
  • We talked to our Dr. about that. He said that the only over the counter thing that works at all is Alli. Even at that he said that the only way it works is if you eat high fat food. It has really bad side effects to block the fat that you are eating so whether the pill works or that you stop eating the high fat foods because of the side effects I don't know. But most of those pills out there just are a gimmick and not worth the money and the side effects. Stick with the program and lift some weights to boost your motabolisim.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Dr. Oz recommends Vitaltox Chelation EDTA Suppositories, I just ordered mine today. Has anyone used these? How fast did you lose weight?

    I'm sorry, what? I stopped reading after "Dr. Oz recommends...."

  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    I average .25lb or less loss a week. But, as long as it's a downward trajectory, it's working. It really does require patience and everyone is different and will lose at different rates.
  • MsNeli_RN
    MsNeli_RN Posts: 3 Member
    Just take vitamins. Weight loss pills puts your metabolism on a rollercoaster...
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    If it was that easy there wouldn't be overweight people..... no way! A ploy to get your $$
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    Don't do it! My friend ended up taking an ambulance ride to the hospital last weekend because she thought she was having a heart attack! She was taking the recommended amount of 2 in the morning and 2 at lunch. She was only on them for a week.
  • You joined in April and you are haven't lost anything! Give it some time for peat's sake!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I'm confused. Isn't the BMR basically maintenance calories? I thought it was the calories you would burn just by existing, which means if you wanted to lose, you should be consuming less? Do you have another calculator for maintenance calories?

    BMR is the calories your body needs to function. Completely different from maintenance.

    1. BMR is your BASE Metabolic Rate. It is what your body needs daily to function "correctly"
    2. Anything Dr Oz says is makes him MONEY. He is Paid to promote.
    3. Acai has not been proven to do anything for weight loss.
    4. You need to NEVER do a cleanse...that is why you have organs, for your body

    Again, there is NOTHING but eating right and moving your body that is PROVEN to be healthy for your body.
  • geezalawheez
    geezalawheez Posts: 22 Member
    I am also taking Phentermine, because I have issues with self control and snacking. I am fully educated about the risks, and my doctor and I concluded this is the right treatment for me at this time. HOWEVER: it is not a magic pill! It is a crutch, to help me get jumpstarted and change my habits without feeling like I'm starving! Of course I would gain it back if I stopped taking it and hadn't changed my eating habits. The point is that it's helping me make those healthier choices, and see some progress so I don't get discouraged.
    Does it work? Yes. It's not for everyone, and you have to be commited to the healthy changes or you WILL fail in the long run.

    I took Phentermine and Topamax from June-July 2009 under the supervision of a specialist to lose weight before my wedding. I lost 25 lbs in about 2 months and was very happy with the results. The only side effects I experienced were dry mouth and a tingling sensation in my fingers from not drinking enough water. I was 23 at the time and I think I was pretty fortunate to have such a significant loss because while I did cut back my calorie intake, I did not exercise very much.

    Shortly after I stopped taking the medications I gained about 30 lbs. I will contribute some of that to being a newlywed and not eating the right foods, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism in April 2011, or what people might more commonly know as low thyroid. Basically my metabolism slowed down to a grinding halt, I was exhausted all the time, and no level of diet and exercise made a difference. I have made many lifestyle changes, including exercising regularly, eliminating gluten, and am taking medication to correct my thyroid issues. I feel 1000% better; almost like my old self again. However, I have lost a grand total of 6 lbs in the last year after all of these changes and continue to yo-yo constantly. I finally began to lose steadily at the beginning of the year, lost 5, gained back 3, plateaued for about a month there, started to lose again, etc.

    I started taking Phentermine and Topamax again this week with the hopes of skipping the back and forth of losing and gaining the same few pounds over and over. At my wise old age of 26 (:wink:) I feel I have more knowledge and better resources to keep the weight off than I did the first time around. It is not a quick fix to look good in a wedding dress this time.

    This is not meant to be taken long term and, as mentioned above, it is not for everyone. It is meant to be taken in conjunction with diet and exercise (or lifestyle changes, if you prefer) and is not by any means a cure-all.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    I am also taking Phentermine, because I have issues with self control and snacking. I am fully educated about the risks, and my doctor and I concluded this is the right treatment for me at this time. HOWEVER: it is not a magic pill! It is a crutch, to help me get jumpstarted and change my habits without feeling like I'm starving! Of course I would gain it back if I stopped taking it and hadn't changed my eating habits. The point is that it's helping me make those healthier choices, and see some progress so I don't get discouraged.
    Does it work? Yes. It's not for everyone, and you have to be commited to the healthy changes or you WILL fail in the long run.

    I took Phentermine and Topamax from June-July 2009 under the supervision of a specialist to lose weight before my wedding. I lost 25 lbs in about 2 months and was very happy with the results. The only side effects I experienced were dry mouth and a tingling sensation in my fingers from not drinking enough water. I was 23 at the time and I think I was pretty fortunate to have such a significant loss because while I did cut back my calorie intake, I did not exercise very much.

    Shortly after I stopped taking the medications I gained about 30 lbs. I will contribute some of that to being a newlywed and not eating the right foods, but I was also diagnosed with Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism in April 2011, or what people might more commonly know as low thyroid. Basically my metabolism slowed down to a grinding halt, I was exhausted all the time, and no level of diet and exercise made a difference. I have made many lifestyle changes, including exercising regularly, eliminating gluten, and am taking medication to correct my thyroid issues. I feel 1000% better; almost like my old self again. However, I have lost a grand total of 6 lbs in the last year after all of these changes and continue to yo-yo constantly. I finally began to lose steadily at the beginning of the year, lost 5, gained back 3, plateaued for about a month there, started to lose again, etc.

    I started taking Phentermine and Topamax again this week with the hopes of skipping the back and forth of losing and gaining the same few pounds over and over. At my wise old age of 26 (:wink:) I feel I have more knowledge and better resources to keep the weight off than I did the first time around. It is not a quick fix to look good in a wedding dress this time.

    This is not meant to be taken long term and, as mentioned above, it is not for everyone. It is meant to be taken in conjunction with diet and exercise (or lifestyle changes, if you prefer) and is not by any means a cure-all.

    I was taking Topamax a few years ago for migraines. I didn't like it. It made me feel like baby spiders were crawling on my face.

    I saw recently that it is part of a class action suit as it was thought to cause birth defects. Not trying to scare you, but it may be something to look into if you're considering having children anytime soon.
  • I have always eaten healthy but I have a sugar/salt craving issue that causes me to overindulge in sweets and junk food from time-to-time...LOL. I have tried a lot of things that worked but they stopped working because I stopped being committed and faithful. I have done the HCG, Atkins, Slim Fast, Medifast, and yes, Adipex. All of these "diets" worked and helped but as I said before, I sabatoged my own results. Anyway, to answer your question, I am currently using doctor-prescribed Adipex (and I am by no means suggesting this option to anyone) because I personally need help with cravings. It is not the best option, nor is it the only option, but it is simply the option I have chosen. Yes, there are side effects and I am aware of and have been advised of the potential dangers by my doctor...I didn't come to this conclusion to use them lightly and to some who may judge and say I am lazy or looking for an easy way out, I ignore them because I know the reasons why I chose to use these pills. With PCOS and insulin resistance I was placed on Metformin by my endocrinologist...and that was the worst time in my life. Metformin is for diabetics but can also be used in patients with insulin resistance..however the side effects were unmanageable for me. I was miserable every day for 3 months straight...I will be using Adipex for one month only---so that I can decrease cravings, control portion size, and cut calories so that I can begin my journey of a healthy transformation successful from the start. I make no excuses for failing to follow-through with the other programs, I make no excuses about not being as faithful as I can be to exercising regularly...but I am willing, and have been doing better and I will get better as I go along.
  • geezalawheez
    geezalawheez Posts: 22 Member
    I was taking Topamax a few years ago for migraines. I didn't like it. It made me feel like baby spiders were crawling on my face.

    I saw recently that it is part of a class action suit as it was thought to cause birth defects. Not trying to scare you, but it may be something to look into if you're considering having children anytime soon.

    Very good to know. Luckily I am not planning on having kids anytime soon, but I appreciate the concern and will definitely look into it.

    Just in case there is anyone who is curious, Zonegran can be taken in place of Topamax if you experience severe side effects (as far as use for weight loss; Zonegran appears to be an anti-seizure medication, whereas Topamax is used to treat migraines, as spynoodle stated above). Not quite sure why Phentermine and Topamax (or Zonegran) are prescribed together though. All the posts I've seen on MFP only mention Phentermine by itself.
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    We talked to our Dr. about that. He said that the only over the counter thing that works at all is Alli. Even at that he said that the only way it works is if you eat high fat food. It has really bad side effects to block the fat that you are eating so whether the pill works or that you stop eating the high fat foods because of the side effects I don't know. But most of those pills out there just are a gimmick and not worth the money and the side effects. Stick with the program and lift some weights to boost your motabolisim.
    No way I'm taking anything that has the words "anal leakage" on the box!
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    Just my opinion: Trash the pills, up the calories a bit, hit the weights.
