Would like to make some new "my fitness pal" friends!



  • maurap26
    maurap26 Posts: 90 Member
    feel free to add me, I need the motivation to stick with this to the end
  • Jph6701
    Jph6701 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi good for you in making a change for yourself. Add me if you like I would like to add more mfp friends myself.
  • Alanakrahenbil
    Alanakrahenbil Posts: 811 Member
    Also looking for some friends to motivate each other. Feel free to add me :)
  • I am new to the site also and looking for all the motivation I can get. I would love some MFP friends. Feel free to add me :)
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    Hey Kylie...and welcome! You (or anyone else!) can totally add me!! :)
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    more friends are always welcome...
  • STC189
    STC189 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm just getting started too. Being doing it about a week. Feel free to add me.
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • wilberfamily
    wilberfamily Posts: 99 Member
    I welcome new friends too. I have lost 22 pounds so far since January. I love MFP. I think the more support and encouragement the better!
  • Hi!!
    Lainne, 34, mom of 1- I sent you an request.

    Would also love any and all friend requests!~!
    The more the merrier!!
  • I'm always looking for new weight loss buddies. Feel free to add me! :)
  • shortstuff31117
    shortstuff31117 Posts: 81 Member
    I'll send you a request, i'm always happy yo have some new friends!
  • sivankeren
    sivankeren Posts: 105 Member
    I also need some friends, add me :)
  • Hi I am Danielle and I would also like to make new friends and get motivation, please add me. I just started yesterday, my doc told me about this. I live in NC in the US.
  • MindyMBoyd
    MindyMBoyd Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Kylie,
    This is a great tool to keep track of your food intake and get motivation from friends! I work for a personal training company in San Diego/Orange County CA and occasionally we have "challenges" with each other using myfitnesspal. Currently we are trying to keep our protein intake to over 90g and our sugar to under 25g, by lowering your sugar intake and focusing on veggies and protein losing weight should be a bit easier for you (not that losing weight is easy).
    I would love to help you out and give any support/advise that you would like.
    It will also keep me accountable for the things I'm putting in my body, which I need too.
    My current goals are to lose a few pounds but mostly get my body as tone as possible, which is tough since I do not put muscle on very easy.
    I do HIT weight training 3 days a week, small muscle group weight training 2-3 days a week, and cardio 5-6 days a week.
    I look forward to reaching our goals!
  • clg3
    clg3 Posts: 1
    I am 27 and have had 2 kiddos! I used to work out everyday but need to find time to get back into it!!! I
    I am in need of serious motivation! Add me!! :)
  • Slendermike
    Slendermike Posts: 1,776 Member
    Anyone - everyone can add me for support
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I am on here a lot these days as I am totally determined to get fitter and healthier! x
  • Ragel27
    Ragel27 Posts: 41 Member
    Hiya,im Rachel feel free to add me & anyone else too if they wish :)
  • Ooohhh I love the Prot/Sugar thingmajig. Invite me to be your friend please?!!!