Water intake questios

Does anyone know if drinking eight glasses of water affects your weight loss? I know I only drink one to two glasses of water per day. yesterday I stayed in my calorie limits ate pretty clean, but when I woke up this morning thirsty as ever, and when I stepped on the scale im up a pound. I think it has to do with salt. so does drinking eight glasses of water help in the weight loss?I have head the reason to why we drink eight glasses of water is to feel full. is that true? Does the water flush salt out of your system? How much water do I need to drink to flush that salt out of my system? What else does water due to your body? How does it help it or not help it? Can anyone please shed some light onto this for me.Thank you for all of your help.


  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I know that water is recommended to create a sense of fullness and because the body requires water to function. You can live longer without food than without water. As for drinking it to flush out salts, I have no idea. I don't know why salts, in normal amounts, would be a health problem, although they cause the body to retain water which would result in a higher straight weight.
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    Water hydrates your cells, organs tissues. It aids in muscle repair and flushes toxins out of the body. It is recommended to drink a minimum of 64 oz a day + whatever you sweat during exercise. A good indicator of hydration is the color of your urine. It should be light yellow to clear.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I don't know all the science of it, but I do know that the more water I drink, the more likely I am to see the scale move. Honestly, you should always try to get in at least 8 8 oz glasses per day, which only amounts to 4 small water bottles. It's not that much... If you don't like plain water, do the Mio stuff or Crystal Light or whatever... But your body does need water to fuel its processes... And by not giving it much, you're likely doing more harm than good. HTH
  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    If you don't get enough water and are dehydrated, your body can't flush out toxins (ie, salts), which cause you to retain water. Strained muscles (when they're aching) cause you to retain water, too. So it's important!
  • Zombierawr
    Zombierawr Posts: 95 Member
    I wasn't one of those lucky people that suddenly started drinking more water and suddenly lost 10 lbs. I can tell you that I slowly increased to 13 cups a day on average, and I am not as hungry, I feel better, and I don't crave as much. 1 to 2 cups a day isn't good for your body— your new pound might be water weight honestly. Your body retains if you don't drink enough.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    it is used in the creation of the stomach acid, keeps your blood fluid so the heart can keep it moving, as well as keeps kidney stones from forming; not to mention it has 0 carbs, and 0 calories.

    As long as your heart and kidneys are working, you can drink as much water as you want though out the day.... as long as it isn't an insane amount. In that your blood becomes water.... and your body will thank you






  • Spacecas
    Spacecas Posts: 37 Member
    I do not know all the technical reasons to drink water but I do know from personal experience that yes drinking at lest 8 glass of water a day will help you lose weight and flush the extra salt out of your body...The weight it helps you get rid of is water weight...I have high blood pressure and I have to try to watch my salt intake..That is not always possible but as long as I drink plenty of water it seems to help..The days I do not drink enough water my weight will go up from me retaining water...

    As far as it making you feel full well it has never helped me in that way...

    What I do is fill a 2 liter bottle up with water and make myself drink all that in one day..Not at one time no but through the day...It is pretty much equal to the recommended amount you are suppose to drink...
  • healthylifeforme
    healthylifeforme Posts: 156 Member

    This has really helped me. There is a lot of information in this article about water, and water weight gain. I think you'll find it healthy. A good rule of thumb that I use is to drink half of your body weight. So if you weigh 200 lbs, then drink 100 ounces of water. I usually try to drink more than half, but trust me, it does help. Yes, you will be running to the bathroom, but it will help flush out your system. Another thing I'd recommend is getting a water bottle with a straw. I don't know why, but it definitely helps me drink more. Hope this helps!
  • bump . My Doctor always tells me that I drink too many liquids..I only drink coffee and water. Gave up Diet Sprite about 8 yr ago.
    My CBC on the sodium level is always 2-3 points below what they say it should be..The ARC will not take my blood anymore because of the low sodium count. I told both what I drink and asked HOW CAN A PERSON DRINK TOO MUCH LIQUIDS..when most of the intake is water...way above the normal of 64 ozs. AS usual the story from Dr. said it could damage organs??? So, I would be very happy to see any responses myself. Oh yes..coffee is ONLy 2-3 cups at Breakfast.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you can drink too much water in the sense that it can dilute the sodium and potassium levels in blood and cells. Drinking too much also makes you pee more and the pee takes sodium and potassium with it.

    So if you drink a lot and don't compensate with extra sodium and/or potassium your body will be at a deficit in these materials.

    Hyponatraemia - loo little sodium from too much water - has killed people. A radio station phone in contestant in California and a recreational drug user in the UK, to name but two.
  • bnewperson
    bnewperson Posts: 29 Member
    This has been very interesting reading. Thank you for sharing. I am certainly going to pay more attention to my water intake and logging it in to see if it helps my results. Looking at the pounds lost by the contributors certainly adds to the integrity of the information. Thank you.
  • boopsiegrl
    boopsiegrl Posts: 105 Member
    I was just told to cut down on how much I drink always thought more was better but I have to moniter 64 oz a day