Suggestions for inch loss

Hello Everyone,

I am very confused. I am a numbers girl.. I have been losing weight. :-) My problem is that I don't see inch loss. I have gained on my arms and shoulders. So getting more hourglass but my trouble spot. Not an inch. I have lost 10lbs since November 2011. Not perfect but not terrible. I don't have to lose much. I am now 142lbs.. Why is my tummy still 34 inches as it was back in November. I had a trainer. Gave up since I didn't get the results I thought I would. I am going to continue on.. What advice do you have? What should I do? I weight train and do cardio, adjusted my diet.

I am at a loss... Based on what I read, I should have had some change there. I do core exercises. I seriously contemplating surgery. I don't see what else to do.. I am not being lazy... ???????


  • keegannati
    keegannati Posts: 114
    Are you measuring any other parts of your body? it's quite possible that you lost inches somewhere else. If you want your waistline to shrink the only thing to do is keep eating at a deficit. You can't control where your body will burn the fat but it will happen eventually if you keep losing.
  • tcat2012
    tcat2012 Posts: 60 Member
    Have you tried any Jillian Michaels DVDs? I have lost inches in my waist (narrowest part), belly (at belly button), lower belly (right below the navel) and even my pooch (my problem area--3 C Sections). Started with 30 DS, moved on to Ripped in 30, now I alternate between Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. I also throw in at least one day a week of heavier weights (JM uses weights but only 5 lbs--except BFBM which is all cardio). In my opinion these DVDs really work...especially in that midsection area. My thighs/hips have gone down just a tiny bit but I have seen really nice improvements in my midsection. I only go by my measuring tape because my scale hasn't budged in a while... I've only got 6 lbs to lose so I try not to stress about weight but my measurements are inching downward (ha ha).
  • moegomes
    moegomes Posts: 16
    You're right... I don't really want to lose much more weight.. I don't want to not have curves..but that may be the only way to do it.. I keep on..we shall see what happens..
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Up your strength training regimen. Lift heavier weights, slowly. Carving out muscle will actually help reduce measurements! Yoga also would do a similar thing for you. If you're not worried about increasing cardiovascular health, you can cut back on cardio to make room for more strength training.
    I second the idea of jillian michaels dvds too. In 10 days of the 30 Day Shred, I lost 4 inches around my body. (waist, arms, hips, thighs) So it's a sound investment of about $10.
  • moegomes
    moegomes Posts: 16
    Have you tried any Jillian Michaels DVDs? I have lost inches in my waist (narrowest part), belly (at belly button), lower belly (right below the navel) and even my pooch (my problem area--3 C Sections). Started with 30 DS, moved on to Ripped in 30, now I alternate between Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. I also throw in at least one day a week of heavier weights (JM uses weights but only 5 lbs--except BFBM which is all cardio). In my opinion these DVDs really work...especially in that midsection area. My thighs/hips have gone down just a tiny bit but I have seen really nice improvements in my midsection. I only go by my measuring tape because my scale hasn't budged in a while... I've only got 6 lbs to lose so I try not to stress about weight but my measurements are inching downward (ha ha).

    I like her... I have her 30 day shred. Had to stop it becuz it's to hard on my knees. I have a slight tear on one becuz of my 2 yr old. What we don't do to protect our little ones. The only real cardio I am able to do is the elliptical. The weights I do, I am really careful to keep my knee as stable as possible. Not mention, I don't workout my lower body like I used to. As soon as I feel the knee..I go upper body. Thank you for your suggestion.. I am going to look into the her other dvds.. Perhaps, I will able to do some of her exercises.
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    Simple...start lifting! Heavy light weight, high reps. Lifting reshapes your body.....sounds like you've just been doing cardio or very light weight lifting.
  • moegomes
    moegomes Posts: 16
    Simple...start lifting! Heavy light weight, high reps. Lifting reshapes your body.....sounds like you've just been doing cardio or very light weight lifting.

    Thank you... I think I am definitely going to that.. heavier lifting.. Perhaps, that is it. I have increased my weights very recently..but have room for improvement.. that may be it..
  • tcat2012
    tcat2012 Posts: 60 Member
    Have you tried any Jillian Michaels DVDs? I have lost inches in my waist (narrowest part), belly (at belly button), lower belly (right below the navel) and even my pooch (my problem area--3 C Sections). Started with 30 DS, moved on to Ripped in 30, now I alternate between Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. I also throw in at least one day a week of heavier weights (JM uses weights but only 5 lbs--except BFBM which is all cardio). In my opinion these DVDs really work...especially in that midsection area. My thighs/hips have gone down just a tiny bit but I have seen really nice improvements in my midsection. I only go by my measuring tape because my scale hasn't budged in a while... I've only got 6 lbs to lose so I try not to stress about weight but my measurements are inching downward (ha ha).

    I like her... I have her 30 day shred. Had to stop it becuz it's to hard on my knees. I have a slight tear on one becuz of my 2 yr old. What we don't do to protect our little ones. The only real cardio I am able to do is the elliptical. The weights I do, I am really careful to keep my knee as stable as possible. Not mention, I don't workout my lower body like I used to. As soon as I feel the knee..I go upper body. Thank you for your suggestion.. I am going to look into the her other dvds.. Perhaps, I will able to do some of her exercises.
  • tcat2012
    tcat2012 Posts: 60 Member
    No more trouble zones is easy on the knees (no jumping at all). Also, I have found that my knees felt a little iffy at the beginning of 30 DS, but I was very careful with my form and always modified when I felt I needed to, and now have no problems at all. Also, I'm 46 years old so don't have young knees =) and they feel better than ever. I stopped running a couple of years ago because my knees started to feel iffy and today they feel fine.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    you sound like me... i also have only lost 10 lbs since the end of oct,2011... I don't have a lot to loose either. 5-10 more that's it. I also haven't lost many inches? I did 30ds in dec and only lost 1 inch off my waist and 2 off my belly/ hips. no lbs and nothing else... I re did 30ds in feb, and lost zilch! then i started Ripped in 30 this april1st and nothing again so far and i am mid level 3 now. I have changed my diet majorly, doing min 30 min exercise a day, right now doing my Rin30dvd 6 days a week with 1 rest day. i'm not sure what else to do either... it's been so slow going and still have so much i could loose on my belly, it gets frustrating. I took measurement and i haven't lost any inches at all since dec when i did 30ds... my back is looking good from rin30 but that's it..