h al im back and needing motivation please x

Hi all. im 36 from south Yorkshire England, I joined this site hoping to loose some weight to get fit,and healthy ready for trying for a baby. Not long after joining i became pregnant but unfortunately i had a miscarriage last week and lost my twins. I was in hospital for a few days and had to have an op, now that i am improving (physically) i have decided to start again to try and loose weight. I am eager to get started and especially loose my belly but sometimes in the evening i just want to sit down drink a glass of wine and eat chocolate. Im hoping to meet some new friends so we can encourage each other so feel free to add me thanks x


  • marcoscu
    marcoscu Posts: 99 Member
    So sorry to hear about your sad news...

    As regards exercise for myself I take a walk every morning of about 6 or 7 miles and use exercise programs on the XBox 360 (VERY hard work). Luckily I have found that I can quickly get accustomed to eating less and seldom feel hungry before the evening. As a vegetarian provided I avoid cheese it is not too hard to keep the calories down.

    I use various iPhone apps to track and upload my exercise and diet and also a Fitbit tracker. I have found that listening to audiobooks and podcasts when walking help to pass the time. Also, there is the lovely Yorkshire (and Lancashire) scenery to make the walks less tedious.

    Keep up with the exercise, I am sure you can do it!
  • jenngarza
    jenngarza Posts: 54 Member
    I'm so sorry..I just had a baby 5 weeks ago and unfortunately he was a twin and his brother/sister (I didn't want to know what the baby sex) didn't make it.. give yourself time to heal and mourn. If you ever want to talk I make a great listener.
  • timetogetfitter
    timetogetfitter Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks guys, Im doing ok taking one day at a time, I am lucky that i have a supportive partner and a beautiful 7 year daughter. That must have been hard for you too jenngarza . I walk my daughter to school and back every day which is a twenty minute walk away, I have been feeling a little sore and dizzy since op but am beginning to feel a bit better so will be going for longer walks soon, I have also received an exercise bike so will be going on that too, and enjoy doing different exercises on the ps3.
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    I am also really sorry to hear that also. I will do my best to help support and encourage you in your journey.
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    I can't imagine how you are feeling. I know when I have had tragedies it has always helped me to just focus on small things. The next hour, the next meal, the next day. Whenever I started thinking too much or too far ahead, the pain would just be too much and I'd want to curl up in a ball, pull the covers over my head and never get up again.
  • timetogetfitter
    timetogetfitter Posts: 26 Member
    Went on a date with my OH last night, we have been together for 18 years and its not that often we get to go out on dates. Had a great time. I went to sleep thinking of all the great things that i have in my life. Yes life is hard sometimes but i am thankful for what ive got x