36 year old mom, new here, looking for some MFP friends!

larncy Posts: 47 Member
Hi guys, I just joined MFP yesterday after hearing so much positive stuff about it. So far seems great! I always liked the community/forum stuff but always found tracking hard to keep up with but I am determined to do it..with the app on my ipod as well should make it a little easier.

Anyway I am a 36 year old SAHM of 2 boys, aged 8 and 11. I live in Canada and spend most of my time home with the boys as my hubby works away alot. I am in the process of planning for our wedding for March. 2013. I have about 25 lbs to lose and I am in this for the long haul. I am not into the fad diets, or the shakes or wraps that everyone seems to be into. I am doing this to become healthy and fit for both me and my family!! I love camping, reading, goin for walks, treadmill, wii, having a few socials with the girls sometimes. If you feel you have anything in commom with me I would love to meet some MFP friends on here to keep in touch with and chat with on our journey.


  • AndreaCimmino
    AndreaCimmino Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome aboard! Im Andrea, working mom of two boys! Good luck on your journey :)
  • Hey! I'll be your bud! I'm a Canadian Mom of 3, I'm 33.

    I just started this a little over 2 weeks ago and it's working really well for me. :o) Was a SAHM until tomorrow, when I'll be starting a new job, so might need a bit more motivation going forward.

  • lovefool63
    lovefool63 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi there, I am also Canadian (Québec) to be exact. I just recently joined MFP - it's awesome tool & site. You can add me if you want.

    Have a great week, Josée
  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi, I'd love to be your buddy! I'm Andrea, 35, mom to 2 kids ages 2 & 5 and wife to my hubby of almost 13 years. I live in Michigan and have just started MFP-in fact, I'm finishing up my first week. I lost about 25 lbs doing old weight watcher points last year, and have since gained 10 of those pounds back. :( It took me 6 months to lose those 25lbs so I'm really bummed it's creeping back up on me now that I no longer count points. I found MFP through my sister and thought I'd give it a whirl. I'd like to lose about 20 pounds this time, hoping to keep them off by learning how to eat and exercise better. Good luck to us all! LOL
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm a SAHM just outside of Toronto. You can add me if you want, I'll support you!
  • Rashyda
    Rashyda Posts: 14 Member
    hey.. i am 36 too.. mom of 2 boys age 5 and 2. I also have to lose 25 pounds.. started off at 166 and as of today 145 lbs....
    i love to workout and finally i am beginning to learn how to eat healthy.
    Many congrats on your upcoming wedding.
    U can add me if u want.
  • HelpWanted220
    HelpWanted220 Posts: 31 Member
    I am always here when you need a friend!! I am a single mother of 3 I work full time and have a very busy schedule as well but also have a goal of loosing weight!! ADD ME and we can support each other!! :) Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    I'm a single mum to my 11 year old son. I've been on this journey since end of July. Its going well, a few setbacks but you pick yourself up and dust yourself down and keep going.
    Discovering that i have more time now as he's becoming more independent and will start high school in August.
    I'm in Scotland, so different time zone, but you can add me if you wish!
  • texasheathers
    texasheathers Posts: 23 Member
    You can add me too! I'm 37 - mom of 3 - two boys 9 and 7 and a 4 year old girl. I was a stay at home mom for the last 9 years - up until this past December - now I work from home - which is pretty much the same except now I am sooooo busy during the day and I have like ZERO down time!! I'm in Texas - I have more weight to lose than you but I am just now getting into adding friends on MFP - lol - and I'm realizing it does help to hear what everyone else is doing!
  • Expialidojess
    Expialidojess Posts: 441 Member
    Hi! I am fairly new to MFP and a stay at home mom of 2 boys also. I'll send you a friend request!
  • K1mmer
    K1mmer Posts: 43 Member
    Hi! I am also a 35 yo Canadian mom to 2 girls, 7 and 10 looking for some friends. I have been here 50 days and lost 6 pounds. It has been slower than I expected but I am still figuring out what works for me. Most of my exercise is walking and gardening but I think I will need to pick it up to see bigger results. I love the accountability of the tracking and the social aspect keeps me focussed. I hope we can support each other!
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    Im 35 SAHM of a 3 year old..
    . lost 16 pounds since coming to MFP add me if you want :flowerforyou:
  • sharpeoplepc
    sharpeoplepc Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! I am a 38 year old SAHM of two.

    I just got back on the MFP wagon. I have always had to watch my weight but I usually catch myself before I get 10 lbs over my ideal weight. My Dad died 2 years ago and then my DH lost his job. We have relocated twice since then. Needless to say, things have been rough. I have managed to maintain my exercise all this time, but my weight just keeps climbing. I am out of control with my eating! I have 20 lbs to lose and I need some support!
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I just sent you a request. :) Anyone else can add me, too.
  • raynay68
    raynay68 Posts: 3
    Hi!! glad to meet you! I have just signed up today, in hopes to loose about 10 lbs for my daughters wedding the end of June :D I am 43 married and a stah mom I do run a daycare out of my home, you'd think that with all the running with the lil ones I would weigh a hundred lbs. lol not true in this case. I am also a stampin up Demonstrator I love to craft!! I have a 21 year old daugter, 23 year old son getting married this year in October and then my lil man who is 9
    I would love to chat and encourage each other on this journey :D
  • larffy
    larffy Posts: 11
    I'm new too! Add me :)
  • heidisunmagg
    heidisunmagg Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a SAHM of two busy children
    Feel free to add me :). I'm looking for friends in a similar boat