Protein Poweder



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    BTW, why get so offended/defensive about your figure when I put up that picture? Wasn't insulting your physique, but making fun of Ian S.'s logic since you said the Twins give out "retarded information."

    On a side note, do you think the Hodge Twins are a good source of info?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Myofusion, trutein, XF UP 2.0 are all among the best tasting imo


  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    thx for the suggestions, do you know where i can get them in canada? I heard lots of good things about the one from target, but sadly we don't have a target here :(

    Well, we'll have Target before too long, they bought out Zellers. You can get the Iso-Whey powder I mentioned all over the place (Fortinos, Whole Foods, etc).
    yes true but i have no idea when our target close to us will open, zellers isn't closing till nov here... plus they won't end up carrying all the same brands as they do in the states... the same thing was with walmart when it came up here too....

    plus what's fortinos and whole foods,lol... we don't have those either....

    Oh, I guess Fortinos only exists in Ontario. It's where my wife and I do most of our grocery shopping, as they carry all the President's Choice stuff that we like.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    I already told you my point.
    Concentrate protein has more ash/fat/other unwanted constituents and protein availability in concentrate is more varied- lower than that of whey protein isolate.
    It all depends on what the person's goal is especially in this difficult financial climate since isolates tend to be a bit more pricier.

    Question becomes this: who cares if there's more ash, fat, lactose, etc.? You seemed to imply that isolates are somehow better.
    Having said all of that, good quality concentrates/isolates will end up giving you the same results in the end.

    Then it's not better, which makes your point moot and not worth mentioning. Isolates aren't better. What you're missing is the processing, which is far more important to the integrity of the whey than the type. A whey isolate derived via ion-exchange loses a lot of the unique benefits of whey whereas a whey concentrate derived using cross-flow microfiltration will be far superior. Just because it is a concentrate means nothing until you factor in the processing. Most affordable isolates tend to be ion-exchanged, which means your affordable isolates vs. my CFM concentrate (which is cheaper) is inferior since the pH sensitive protein fractions are damaged and beta-lactoglobulin is more abundant.

    Even then, your notion that somehow getting 90% protein per scoop is somehow better isn't particularly convincing. Sure, I get 78% protein per scoop from my whey but I also save a **** ton more money and my whey is from a GMP certified facility and a mixture of CFM and ultrafiltration. You pretty much can't get better than that.
    BTW, why get so offended/defensive about your figure when I put up that picture? Wasn't insulting your physique, but making fun of Ian S.'s

    I wasn't getting offended or defensive. I have very little patience for people who have to go off topic to belittle someone as opposed to sticking to the topic and fleshing out a civil conversation. I had assumed that your picture was implying something about me, especially since no words were accompanied thus leaving much room for interpretation.

    Regardless, you did insult my physique. I just want to get to the heart of the information (which we finally have), not engage in internet mental *kitten* or pissing match. You said something I disagreed with, so you felt the need to insult me as opposed to intelligently refute it. You stated your position more clearly and I have responded.
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    BTW, why get so offended/defensive about your figure when I put up that picture? Wasn't insulting your physique, but making fun of Ian S.'s logic since you said the Twins give out "retarded information."

    On a side note, do you think the Hodge Twins are a good source of info?

    No I already stated earlier that I only watch them for the LOL's. They give out some good info and some terrible info but they are more credible IMO than Ian who just talks down on people and starts hate to get attention. Not really gonna beat a dead horse tho.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    BTW, why get so offended/defensive about your figure when I put up that picture? Wasn't insulting your physique, but making fun of Ian S.'s logic since you said the Twins give out "retarded information."

    On a side note, do you think the Hodge Twins are a good source of info?

    No I already stated earlier that I only watch them for the LOL's. They give out some good info and some terrible info but they are more credible IMO than Ian who just talks down on people and starts hate to get attention. Not really gonna beat a dead horse tho.

    Ian definitely isn't the most mature, but when he does give information I find it to be very good.
  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member

    Regardless, you did insult my physique. I just want to get to the heart of the information (which we finally have), not engage in internet mental *kitten* or pissing match. You said something I disagreed with, so you felt the need to insult me as opposed to intelligently refute it. You stated your position more clearly and I have responded.

    Never really was my objective to start out any sort of MFP/internet argument but it happened anyway. I did learn a lot more about concentrates from this which I try on a regular basis while bulking - but prefer isolates when cutting down. And me responding with "Good luck on your body fat loss goals for 2012" had to do with your first response "Please go, ignoramus."
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    thx for the suggestions, do you know where i can get them in canada? I heard lots of good things about the one from target, but sadly we don't have a target here :( we only have six star here at our walmart... what is that one like?

    If you have a Popeye's Supplements store near you they offer samples you can try in store. See what tastes good.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i will have to see if there is one and go get some samples...
  • laccy40
    laccy40 Posts: 136
    I can recomend you don't get GNC's soya protein - it's vile! It makes me gag every time I drink it. Roll on pay day and I can buy some whey protein.
  • raevens
    raevens Posts: 2
    visalus, i swear by it, tastes amazing

    Visalus Tri-Sorb Protein for Athletes and Body Builders
    This shake is not just for weight management. It is for nutrition and for health. The shake, when mixed with non-fat milk or soy milk delivers 20-25 grams of protein, which is the amount nutritionists recommend we get in each meal.Body builders believe they often need more because they are trying to build lean muscle. This may not be true as not all proteins are created equal. This is the key reason they don’t put ‘grams’ of protein on the shake and tout it like many store brands do. I say this because some brands pump up the ‘grams’ of protein by adding gelatin …. great for skin/hair/nails, but not lean muscle. Some use dehydrated milk powder and some just whey. Those also are OK but not the latest in science, which is what most body builders are looking for.

    They use a combination of proteins because they act differently in the body. The soy is used because of it’s heart health benefits. Adequate consumption of soy in the diet can help the body lower c-reactive proteins, an indicator of inflammation and possibly heart disease. Soy is also easily digestible and a complete protein. Visalus soy is unique in that they use a non-GMO Soy (not genetically modified) and it has been specially processed to remove the isoflavones that can impact estrogen. While those isoflavones may be beneficial (especially for women with fibroids) muscle builders, and others worry about the impact of estrogen. Non-GMO soy is about 45% more expensive than regular soy but we chose to use it because of the concerns some people have about soy.

    They also use a whey concentrate for fast acting hunger control plus a unique whey hydrolysate, which is the latest technology and is very expensive. It helps retain lean muscle and is very highly absorbed. While some wheys can be absorbed about 80%, whey hydrolysate is much higher. It is a pure, clean and concentrated protein. Combine that with the Aminogen and they have more ingredients to help build and maintain lean muscle while promoting fast loss.
  • My protein powder does not contain sugar. I use Jay Robbs Egg White Protein

    24 grams of protein per serving!
    Lactose Free
    Mixes with a blender or shaker bottle
    No fat, No cholesterol
    No sugar, No aspartame
    No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners
    No casein, msg or gluten
    Made with stevia
  • Guess I will have to go check out costco, seems cheaper.

    It's much, much cheaper. Don't hold your breath on the flavour, though. It doesn't taste awesome but it's decent enough that it doesn't really make anything else worth it considering the incredible price point. does make something that tastes much, much better (you can order samples) and their 5lber is far cheaper than XPN and proteinco.Their 25lb bag ends up being cheaper than Leanfit but you have to buy 25lbs of whey.

    Buying the cheapest product you can find is often very risky. Obviously we all have a budget so it's natural to search for what appears to be the best deal. I am finding a lot of products don't contain what they claim especially in the category of whey isolate. For a company to price their products unbelievably low, they are either not putting what they say they are in the product, they are liquidating and about to go out of business, or they are purposely losing money trying to kill off some of the competition. The unfortunate reality is whey protein prices have soared in the last year especially, making it hard for many to afford their supplements. Just use caution when you find an unreal deal.

    Joe A.
  • Is the $19.99 price for concentrate or Isolate? I saw someone else post a price of $29.99 for 4.4lbs at Costco. Either way, it costs more than that for raw whey isolate so something isn't right here....

    The market is really crazy at the moment due to whey prices going through the roof for the last year or so. I understand looking for the best deals as the prices have hit our pain threshold as well. I'll do my best to get third party testing done on the unbelieveable deals especially so we can help people avoid the scams.

    Joe A.
  • Echos5
    Echos5 Posts: 3
    Anyone taking PGX for fiber, they also have PGX a protein shake with Whey