looking for hypothyroid buddies



  • Having thyroid problems sucks!!!! But we can do it with motivation and determination

    My issue is having support.. I'm not lazy, mu\y body just doesnt have the engery and no one belives me. I get funny looks when ever I eat and i am told skipping a few meals wouldnt hurt me! Its makes e want to give up. I stop going to the doctor 2yrs ago.
  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    You can add me if you'd like. I told my dr. I thought I was hypothyroid and he tsk-tsked me for years before he finally tested me. I'm on 125 mcg's and have lost 59 pounds total in over a year. It's slow, but coming. I find that adding spices like cumin, curry, tumeric, and cinnamon to my foods help to increase my metabolism to help burn calories. Some days the energy just isn't there to do what I know I should, but I listen to my body first and foremost. Pushing too much does more harm than good. A balance is key to success.
  • jenngarza
    jenngarza Posts: 54 Member
    Motivation has never been my problem its my weight that keeps stalling no matter how hard I workout and that's when I get frustrated and depress..I really hope to find resolution soon because all I want to do is be at a healthy weight..I'm not even looking to be super skinny just out of the obese range
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    I was diagnosed 23 years ago after my twins. Every now and again they try and tweak my meds and it throws everything all to hell . Just persevere and move on. I sometimes feel that I'm fighting an up hill battle but keep on plugging along!
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    I take 90 mg of Armour Thyroid. I've been on Armour for a little over a year. I took Levothyroxin for two years before that. I started MFP in November, and am about to hit the 50 pound mark. One of my proudest moments at my endo was when he told me that I lost weight because of what I was doing - not because of my medicine. It's just something to keep in mind. Thyroid meds will keep you functioning, but they are not diet pills. You still have to do the work.
  • jenngarza
    jenngarza Posts: 54 Member
    Having thyroid problems sucks!!!! But we can do it with motivation and determination

    My issue is having support.. I'm not lazy, mu\y body just doesnt have the engery and no one belives me. I get funny looks when ever I eat and i am told skipping a few meals wouldnt hurt me! Its makes e want to give up. I stop going to the doctor 2yrs ago.
    I understand. There are days that I can't keep my eyes open and I have zero energy
  • jenngarza
    jenngarza Posts: 54 Member
    I take 90 mg of Armour Thyroid. I've been on Armour for a little over a year. I took Levothyroxin for two years before that. I started MFP in November, and am about to hit the 50 pound mark. One of my proudest moments at my endo was when he told me that I lost weight because of what I was doing - not because of my medicine. It's just something to keep in mind. Thyroid meds will keep you functioning, but they are not diet pills. You still have to do the work.
    I totally hear ya..but my tsh is plummeting so I know my meds needs to be re-evaluated. Like I said I lost 50lbs then I got pregnant so I know its possible
  • abacorica
    abacorica Posts: 29 Member
    I sent a request. Have had an under active thyroid for about a year. Doctor says my meds counteract that but it is still hard to loose weight even thought I lift 4-5 times a week. We can do this, will just take time and determination!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid with goiter which is the swelling of the neck when I was 16 years old. It's a struggle everyday. I will be so tired that I do not want to get out of bed. A lot of people at work think that I just need more sleep, but don't understand that I have thyroid issues. Nor do I care to share it because I don't want it to be an excuse. I have a sign a coworker got me that says "Yawnville"!
  • jenngarza
    jenngarza Posts: 54 Member
    I'm so glad to have found this site...I know we can do it!!! Feel free to add me since we all suffer from this. We all know we have to work extra hard to lose the weight and its a constant up hill battle
  • jenngarza
    jenngarza Posts: 54 Member
    I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid with goiter which is the swelling of the neck when I was 16 years old. It's a struggle everyday. I will be so tired that I do not want to get out of bed. A lot of people at work think that I just need more sleep, but don't understand that I have thyroid issues. Nor do I care to share it because I don't want it to be an excuse. I have a sign a coworker got me that says "Yawnville"!
    Lol yawnville that's so me at the moment
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Motivation has never been my problem its my weight that keeps stalling no matter how hard I workout and that's when I get frustrated and depress..I really hope to find resolution soon because all I want to do is be at a healthy weight..I'm not even looking to be super skinny just out of the obese range


    I've been diagnosed since January, and am currently taking Synthroid. I've lost 14 pounds since then, but let me tell you it is a STRUGGLE. I do bootcamp 3 days a week and supplement those classes with the Insanity DVD workouts. I too just want to be at a healthy weight, so I feel your frustration. It's especially frustrating when you see (or hear) people around you dropping weight like it's nothing. But slow and steady I guess, right?

    I'm sending an add request...how many calories are you eating a day?
  • jenngarza
    jenngarza Posts: 54 Member
    Motivation has never been my problem its my weight that keeps stalling no matter how hard I workout and that's when I get frustrated and depress..I really hope to find resolution soon because all I want to do is be at a healthy weight..I'm not even looking to be super skinny just out of the obese range


    I've been diagnosed since January, and am currently taking Synthroid. I've lost 14 pounds since then, but let me tell you it is a STRUGGLE. I do bootcamp 3 days a week and supplement those classes with the Insanity DVD workouts. I too just want to be at a healthy weight, so I feel your frustration. It's especially frustrating when you see (or hear) people around you dropping weight like it's nothing. But slow and steady I guess, right?

    I'm eating 1800 because I'm breastfeeding at the moment but once I wean him off the boon (lol) I'll see what I need to take in once he's off
  • I started out 8 yrs ago with Graves Diease after I had severe preclaimpsia during my last pregnancy.
    Then I had radioactive treatment which also made me hypothyroidism. So I am not currently taking
    Levothyroxin but have to alternate each day from 75 mg and 50 mg since my body is very sensitive more than
    the standard person would be to this medicine. I just want to loose 10 lbs but it just seems so hard to do.
    There are alot of factors that impact your weight such as bringing your thyroid within the normal balance range,
    your diet (finding nutritional balance eating 5 mini meals per day), reducing your stress level, other medicine interactions may cause some level of conflict and increasing your level of activity to 30mins to 1 hour every day. My doctor recommended
    to at least walk 2 miles everyday. These are some of the things that I had to learn which truly worked.
    Prior to my pregnancy issues, I weighed 121 lbs then during my pregnancy I gained weight up to 181 lbs. After I had my
    child I weighed 108 lbs and now I am 133 lbs. There are so many things in our environment that will also cause problems with the thyroid such as flouride from toothpaste and chlorine from swimming pools. I just took time to research something everyday on how to improve the thyroid every day until I mastered this issue. There is alot of information online and this seems to such as very common thing now in our time unfortunately. Well, hope this helps in some way. Thanks all for sharing your stories.
  • jenngarza
    jenngarza Posts: 54 Member
    I started out 8 yrs ago with Graves Diease after I had severe preclaimpsia during my last pregnancy.
    Then I had radioactive treatment which also made me hypothyroidism. So I am not currently taking
    Levothyroxin but have to alternate each day from 75 mg and 50 mg since my body is very sensitive more than
    the standard person would be to this medicine. I just want to loose 10 lbs but it just seems so hard to do.
    There are alot of factors that impact your weight such as bringing your thyroid within the normal balance range,
    your diet (finding nutritional balance eating 5 mini meals per day), reducing your stress level, other medicine interactions may cause some level of conflict and increasing your level of activity to 30mins to 1 hour every day. My doctor recommended
    to at least walk 2 miles everyday. These are some of the things that I had to learn which truly worked.
    Prior to my pregnancy issues, I weighed 121 lbs then during my pregnancy I gained weight up to 181 lbs. After I had my
    child I weighed 108 lbs and now I am 133 lbs. There are so many things in our environment that will also cause problems with the thyroid such as flouride from toothpaste and chlorine from swimming pools. I just took time to research something everyday on how to improve the thyroid every day until I mastered this issue. There is alot of information online and this seems to such as very common thing now in our time unfortunately. Well, hope this helps in some way. Thanks all for sharing your stories.

    I had grave disease as well and I was very active. I manage to lose 50lbs that I gain after my thyroidectomy but then I got pregnant and had high risk pregnancy so was on bedrest off and on my last two trimesters so those fifty pounds that I lost quickly added up. I'm looking to get back into the groove of things and lose that weight again I just want to make friends who know first hand how hard it is to lose weight
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member

    I'm eating 1800 because I'm breastfeeding at the moment but once I wean him off the boon (lol) I'll see what I need to take in once he's off

    I'm currently eating around 1600, and I seem to be losing between a pound and 2 pounds each week. And I only eat *SOME* of my exercise calories back on my intense workout days instead of all of them like they recommend. If you start Insanity, I wouldn't eat much less than you're currently eating...you need the calories to fuel your body through the workouts.
  • jenngarza
    jenngarza Posts: 54 Member
    Cool!!! I'll keep the same intake although I have to confess I'm struggling to even get there the most I eat is about 1200-1500
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Cool!!! I'll keep the same intake although I have to confess I'm struggling to even get there the most I eat is about 1200-1500

    If I find that I'm not hungry enough to eat all my calories, I reach for the peanut butter. It's one of my favorite calorie-dense foods and you don't have to eat much of it to get to your daily calorie goal. Protein powder added to smoothies, or even with water, is another good source (and great for right after those Insanity workouts to refuel those muscles and helps on the recovery time too). If you have a GNC near you, I suggest the GNC Pro Performance® AMP Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60. Or here's a link to get it online:


    It's a little on the pricey side, but it's the best stuff that I've found out there.

    Good luck starting the workouts tomorrow! They're nuts at first, but they're addicting. One of my favorite Shaun T quotes: "That *kitten* is BA-NANAS, Yo!" I think he says that at the end of the Pure Cardio DVD. :)
  • jenngarza
    jenngarza Posts: 54 Member
    Cool!!! I'll keep the same intake although I have to confess I'm struggling to even get there the most I eat is about 1200-1500

    If I find that I'm not hungry enough to eat all my calories, I reach for the peanut butter. It's one of my favorite calorie-dense foods and you don't have to eat much of it to get to your daily calorie goal. Protein powder added to smoothies, or even with water, is another good source (and great for right after those Insanity workouts to refuel those muscles and helps on the recovery time too). If you have a GNC near you, I suggest the GNC Pro Performance® AMP Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60. Or here's a link to get it online:


    It's a little on the pricey side, but it's the best stuff that I've found out there.

    Good luck starting the workouts tomorrow! They're nuts at first, but they're addicting. One of my favorite Shaun T quotes: "That *kitten* is BA-NANAS, Yo!" I think he says that at the end of the Pure Cardio DVD. :)

    LOL...now I am pumped and cant wait to push play :)