


  • stacymay13
    stacymay13 Posts: 95 Member
    I usually do low calorie diet but when I hit a plateau, I do Atkins induction. It helps the scale move and motivates me. I then return to my normal diet. It just depends on what works best for you... different strokes! Feel free to add me! :)

    You don't gain any weight back when you start eating carbs again? I'm really curious because one of co-workers is doing something similar right now.
  • Jljones2787
    Nope, as long as I continue doing low calorie and stay within my range (1200), the weight stays off. Doing induction seems to jump start everything again. :)
  • texasyarngirl
    I very successfully lost weight about 8 years ago on Atkins. I've since turned 30, then 35 and had a child and am just gaining. I've been focused on watching my food, exercising and the scale is NOT moving. I just bought the new book "...for a new you" and am going to read it while I travel today.

    In short, I've found that low-carb diets work for me in the past, and I have a lot to lose. So I'm going back to that - but with lots of exercise so I can add some good carbs back once I get closer to my goal weight.

    I totally admit that I am very drawn to fast results - I need that right now, I need ot see the scale move so I feel like working to lose weight is not for nothing. Anyway ... I'd love to "friend" anyone else out there following a low-carb lifestyle ...
  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    I tried it once. My friend and I did it together. I did lose weight but I found myself hungry all the time so I couldnt stick to it. I gained the weight back almost immediately after stopping the Atkins diet.

    That sucks.....
  • fabulouslysweet
    fabulouslysweet Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the advice I just finished my day one in the week one induction and I do agree that it is awesome cause I didn't the sugar spikes like I used to have and I wasn't starving like I used to . It was a controllable hunger that I could deal with. But I didn't get that tired sluggish feeling which I usually get from bread overload
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Just started on Monday. Sugar free jello with real whipped cream on top keeps me sane. Been having salads for lunch. I also got some of the egg whites in a carton to make omelets with. Trying hard to keep it low fat too. Best of luck to you.

    I also love jello with whipped of my favorite low-carb treats! I want to caution you, though about trying to do Atkins, and keeping it low-fat. Low-carb and low-fat do not go hand in hand. Try to avoid products that say "low-fat", and instead try to eat lots of good fats (fats from avocado's, nuts, etc). Fat is not the enemy, but low-fat products are bound to be made of processed stuff that I can't pronounce, and isn't good for you!
    Good luck!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Hello everyone! I was just wondering if anyone else on here was on the Atkins diet? I need some group members who are going through the same diet as I am. Please let me know and if you are how is it working for you?

    I'm sorry that you asked a question specifically geared towards people who follow Atkins, and the first 2 or 3 responses were negative. That happens a lot around here, because people don't know or understand how Atkins/low-carbing works. There are at least 3 groups of low-carb and Atkins eaters on here, that share recipes, support and ideas! Go to Group and do a search for Atkins or low-carb! It sounds to me like you know exactly what you're doing, and you've experienced the benefits of the low carb lifestyle! Good luck!
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Hello everyone! I was just wondering if anyone else on here was on the Atkins diet? I need some group members who are going through the same diet as I am. Please let me know and if you are how is it working for you?

    I'm sorry that you asked a question specifically geared towards people who follow Atkins, and the first 2 or 3 responses were negative. That happens a lot around here, because people don't know or understand how Atkins/low-carbing works. There are at least 3 groups of low-carb and Atkins eaters on here, that share recipes, support and ideas! Go to Group and do a search for Atkins or low-carb! It sounds to me like you know exactly what you're doing, and you've experienced the benefits of the low carb lifestyle! Good luck!

    I don't know why people are so negative. Im eating like, half a cauliflower, cabbage, a HUGE salad and heaps of other healthy vegies just to make it to my 12g net carbs everyday. Now, somebody on a 'healthy' high carb diet, will typically eat a salad sandwich for lunch, cereal for breakfast and meat, veg (inc potatoes or rice or pasta) for dinner, and probably top it off with some toast or dessert. So, yes they are eating their vegies and salad. And yes we have more fat as low carbers. But the portions of vegies we are eating are HUGE if you do atkins correctly. For all of those who spit on the diet, the rules are simple. Keep your carbs under 20g. 12-15g must be vegies. When taking off fiber, you end up eating a good 20g a day in just vegetables. The other 5-8 g are for cheeses, cream, meats, eggs - all natural foods. You must increase your fat intake with healthy fats like olive oil and meat fats. Eat till you are full, but not stuffed. Do this for 2 weeks, then start adding 5g carbs a week with nuts, berries, more vegetables and salads. Once you reach a point where weight loss stops, then you have found your carb limit. This diet is healthy, I have read the book 2 times now, and I feel fantastic (day 13 here). This diet is not a no carb diet. It is a 'low-carb' diet with only natural, good carbs. Good luck to all my fellow low carbers!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Hello everyone! I was just wondering if anyone else on here was on the Atkins diet? I need some group members who are going through the same diet as I am. Please let me know and if you are how is it working for you?

    I'm sorry that you asked a question specifically geared towards people who follow Atkins, and the first 2 or 3 responses were negative. That happens a lot around here, because people don't know or understand how Atkins/low-carbing works. There are at least 3 groups of low-carb and Atkins eaters on here, that share recipes, support and ideas! Go to Group and do a search for Atkins or low-carb! It sounds to me like you know exactly what you're doing, and you've experienced the benefits of the low carb lifestyle! Good luck!

    I don't know why people are so negative. Im eating like, half a cauliflower, cabbage, a HUGE salad and heaps of other healthy vegies just to make it to my 12g net carbs everyday. Now, somebody on a 'healthy' high carb diet, will typically eat a salad sandwich for lunch, cereal for breakfast and meat, veg (inc potatoes or rice or pasta) for dinner, and probably top it off with some toast or dessert. So, yes they are eating their vegies and salad. And yes we have more fat as low carbers. But the portions of vegies we are eating are HUGE if you do atkins correctly. For all of those who spit on the diet, the rules are simple. Keep your carbs under 20g. 12-15g must be vegies. When taking off fiber, you end up eating a good 20g a day in just vegetables. The other 5-8 g are for cheeses, cream, meats, eggs - all natural foods. You must increase your fat intake with healthy fats like olive oil and meat fats. Eat till you are full, but not stuffed. Do this for 2 weeks, then start adding 5g carbs a week with nuts, berries, more vegetables and salads. Once you reach a point where weight loss stops, then you have found your carb limit. This diet is healthy, I have read the book 2 times now, and I feel fantastic (day 13 here). This diet is not a no carb diet. It is a 'low-carb' diet with only natural, good carbs. Good luck to all my fellow low carbers!

    Here's the problem, IMHO. The first group of people, they just hear the word "Atkins" and equate it with eating huge amounts of bacon--which just isn't true. This group has never actually tried it, but they heard things from their boss/friend/cousin who failed it, leading us to : The second group of naysayers. These are people who actually "tried" the diet, failed it for whatever reason, and now say it doesn't work and it's the worst diet ever (because, as with ANY diet, if you go back to your bad eating habits, you're bound to gain weight back). The third group of people are sugar and carb addicts. And, if you listen closely to what they say, you hear the same stuff addicts of any type of drug will say: "I can NEVER live without __________." (fill in the blank with your favorite sugar laden carbage). "I get headaches and feel bad when I cut out ___________." "I can't go the rest of my life without __________." "I need __________ in order to do my high-energy exercise". "I need ________ to get through the day." The carbs are like crack to this group, and they will say anything to justify their addiction.

    Like I said. In my humble opinion.
  • jelndcl4ever
    jelndcl4ever Posts: 6 Member
    I have done it, lost a lot of weight, then quickly put it back on and then some!
    Suggestion that seems to work best: Eat what you want, keep track of it on here, and stop when you reach your calories! Do your best to include healthy foods as you go... it really is the best way to do it and to feel your best on top of it!
    If carbs seem to bring you down, then limit it to one serving per meal.
    I have lost 30 pounds just by eating what I want and keeping track on an easy system just like this!
  • gardengals
    gardengals Posts: 46 Member
    I started with Atkins about 15 months ago and I have been super happy with it. I see this style of eating as a lifestyle not a diet, so it's been not that hard to stick to. The biggest thing for me is that now if I eat something super carby and super sugary (like a piece of cake) my body totally reacts to it and within the hour I feel gross, bloated, slightly nauseaus and sorta jittery. Before I started my blood tests were all pre-diabetic and my Dr wanted to put me on medication....and after a year my bloodwork was TOTALLY NORMAL! One thing I focus on is consuming "whole foods" ....think about if we were cavemen (LOL) what would we be eating? Fruits, vegies, meats, whole grains....not the processed crap that is out there.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I did Atkins a few years ago, and it works well. I felt good and wasn't hungry, but it wasn't the way I wanted to live, long term. Too many things I enjoy were off limits or too restricted.
  • kabloozi
    kabloozi Posts: 119 Member
    I'm trying Atkins/south beach ... They seem similar not sure if I am in ketosis but just started. Hopefully we can help each other!
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    I also recommend joining the Low Carbers group on here for more supportive advice. I lost around 20 pounds in a few weeks on low carb and kept it off, even when I switched back to calorie restriction. The people who "gain it back" are typically the ones who only lost 3 or 4 pounds with it. You WILL gain back 3-4 pounds when you go back on carbs because it's your body's glycogen stores and the water that goes with it.

    The people on here pretty much hate on the low carb thing overall. I stopped doing it because it wasn't a lifestyle change I wanted to keep so I figured I would go back to the way I plan to eat for life. It's definitely slower progress, but I'm OK with that.
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    Atkins works! I lost 70lbs with it! It is just hard for me to maintain. I liked Atkins but it sounds like it is a lot different now than went I did it back 12 years ago. Hey whatever work to make u not fat! I say do it! I also remember feeling really health too but I ate a lot of veggies and meat! The only problem is Atkins is very unforgiving if you cheat you have to restart! That makes it hard! Good Luck dont let the know it alls bring you down!
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I am doing "keto" which is the atkins induction stage thats it.

    After 3 months of "doing it the right way" I went to my doctor did some test they couldnt find out whats wrong with me. Come to find out im IR and have PCOS. This makes it almost impossible for a woman to lose weight. My body turns the carbs into fat and stores it on my body. I lost 20 pounds in the first month going "low carb." There are some people who have sugar and their insulin levels sky rocket (me) and then you get that carb hang over feel. If this is you I highly recommend going to the doctor you might have IR.

    Currently there is no research showing that a high fat diet is unsafe.

    The fact is that diabetics and people who are IR/PCOS benifit from this lifestyle change. You cant just "go off" this diet its a way of life. You feel so much better without the insulin spikes that you dont want to go back to the way you were :)

    I finally like to say that altho this is a very extreame diet imo it is what I have to do. I am currently looking at getting put on diabeties medication if I dont get my weight under control and change my eating habits. Watching calories and working out didnt work for me i lost 3 pounds in 2.5 months. Something had to change and this diet has worked. Its not for everyone but it beats the alternative! I have two friends who both have done this diet, both were diabetic, and their doctors put them on this diet. Today they both are not on insulin OR medication.
  • goal2B140
    goal2B140 Posts: 29
    hi, I just started an Atkins Support Group... feel free to join :)