first day here! who else needs to lose 100+??

I started my weight loss journey at 301 pounds! (Gross I know!!) I lost 10 pounds already( not the healthy way) but I cut my calorie intake and I'm trying to walk more. But I lack the motivation to get up and go! Not only that I only have one lung, so after a while I'm out of breath and breathing hard fast.

Who else is trying to lose more then 100 pounds? And how are you going about doing so?

Add me if you'd like too.


  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I need to lose 125lbs. I'm just walking and counting calories. We lived in an unsafe neighborhood and I literally never left the house (also PPD), so I think just walking and keeping normal activity levels will work for me.
  • lostemt76
    lostemt76 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm trying to loss over 100 lbs. Starting weight was 335 ick never want to see that again. Have hit a rough spot but not giving up. You can sure add me it you like.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    Hi. I don't eed to to lose a whole 100, but 60 to begin with was still pretty high for me. I also gained weight because of anti-depressents for post partum. Who gains weight AFTER havinng a baby, right? LOL I know it's different, but I am a good MFP buddy. Add me if you want.

  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Hello and welcome! I am fairly new to this site as well and have about 100 lbs to loose. So far, a week and a half in I have lost 5. The main thing that has helped me is logging my calories -- it makes me aware of serving sizes and I portion out only that amount. And it's really not that bad!! I am not a huge exercise fan, but I know I need to start so I can really jump start my metabolism. Good luck...YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • saresare03
    I think the Texas heat stops me from walks outside. It's already heading towards The 90s which feels like 100. :( I remember I got as dog to go walkin with me.... hes lazier then i am. Lol
  • MPSEmilysMama
    I have 100 lbs to lose! Well actually I have 90 now that I"ve lost 10 lbs. I'm counting calories, walking, weights, etc. Protein shakes when I don't feel like eating breakfast or after working out. It's working so far. I've had a few bad days, but I"ve decided that I'm not beating myself up over t any longer.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I need to lose at least 100 ideally! I just had a baby. I was 270 pre-pregnancy, 288 was my peak weight during pregnancy, and now I'm down to 260 14 weeks post-partum. I carry all my weight right in my abdomen so it's been an absolute bear trying to shed it! Feel free to add me if you need some support! :)
  • jewelrycats
    Welcome. I also need to lose 100lbs. & would be glad to have you as a weight loss friend. Congrats on the loss you already have!!!!!!!
  • TelliWelli

    I started 6 weeks ago at a starting weight of 287.5 with a goal weight of 160. So my goal is to lose 127.5 pounds. So far I have lost 33 pounds. I am working with my doctor and am doing Nutrimed. It is 800 calories/day that consists of 8 100 calorie shakes per day. It's hard but it works.

    I have struggled the last couple of weeks, but am back on track with my motivation. I have a couple of weeks where I went off and I felt horrible and didn't lose anything and so that was enough to motivate me to stick with the program I'm doing. I know most people don't think it's healthy or right for them. But it's what I have decided to do.

    The last 3 weeks, I have only worked out twice per week for an hour at a time, however, I was also doing yard work 2-3 times per week for at least 2 hours. So I counted that as a work out because I was extremely sore afterwards. This week I will bump up my cardio and start strength training to give my body a kick. I only lost .75 pounds last week which was the lowest in the past 6 weeks.

    I struggled getting my water in and all my calories in some days while other days (when not following my plan) I was way over my calories. I also have to be very careful of my sodium intake and I have noticed that my body retains fluid very easily.

    Only weigh yourself once a week. Pick a day.

    Good luck.
  • saresare03
    My main calorie in take was never food... it was juice!! OMG I was the.juice queen! Now I'm trying to be a water queen which is so much harder try then I thought. I hate splenda with a passion and most water enhancers contains it. :( bleh!
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I started out this year at 303 pounds (so I'm right up there with you with the EWW factor of that) and 4 months later I'm down to 264.6! I want to get around 143 (since apparently that's a healthy weight for me) which means I've got a total of 160 pounds to lose. I've been counting all of my calories, making healthier food choices (although I still eat some junk from time to time because I know that I can as long as I workout and earn it), drink lots of water and work out 4-5 days a week.

    At the beginning of the year, I just spent most of my time on the treadmill walking at a 3-3.5. Then my best friend convinced me that we should start the Couch to 5K program. I did that for a month before my knee started killing me. My doctor recommended that I do the elliptical (which I've owned one since August of last year but stopped using it this past December when my friend and I started hitting up the gym together) or the stationary bike. I opted for the stationary bike because it allowed me to read my Kindle while exercising (plus there's typically a large fan right in front of the bikes so I can stay nice and cool :). I started lifting weights about a month into my exercise routine. I also take my son on what I like to call "boredom walks" whenever it's getting close to time to pick up my daughter from school but I'm tired of being at home. Those can last anywhere from 20-60 minutes depending on how bored I am. Haha

    I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey. You can do it!
  • saresare03
    My friend wanted me to do the c25k with her, but it's so hard to job with one lung. I just need to give it a nice work out first to get it used to jogs. I never made it to 30 secs of jogging. That and the boobs punches me in the eye even if I wear 3 bras. :( but I've tried getting on my really old treadmill at the highest incline. I just need to stop being so lazy and get up and go!!! I have pants from my past that I want to work my way back into. I wasn't skinny in high school but I would love to be a 14 again!! I am a size 20. My highest was a size 24. my mini goal is to wear a size 17/18 by my 27th birthday which is in 4 weeks.
  • imready2start
    I am right behind ya! I start at 300 pounds.... I am down 25 pounds and we can support each other all the way! Just make mini goals and we will celebrate all the way ;)
  • SherryLohr
    I am on day 4 with my new diet plan and I have lost 4 pounds! My husband and I are doing the Biggest Loser dvd's at home and I am cooking healthy meals. Look at sites like and and look at the healthy section. Those are some really good recipes. If you do the videos it will help you build up to a stronger workout as your body can with only one lung. Make sure you are eating foods you like that are good for you and watch your proportions. If you try to go for stuff that is healthy but you really don't like it you are more likely to fail. Do this for 1 week and you will see a little bit of weight coming off and that will motivate you to keep going. You might only see 1 - 5 pounds difference but that is going in the right direction and the next week will add a few more...or I guess I should say take them away ;) Good luck!!
  • MzVonda
    MzVonda Posts: 87
    Welp I started out at 293 and I was hurting and I started using to help me with my calorie count and Body by Vi shakes to help me with energy and weight loss....I can happily say since being on it starting in Feb 2012 I am down to 259!!!! All I can say is take it one day at a time as if it was the first day! Keep up a regular routine that you can stick will start to see the pounds melt away!!! Good luck! (Trying to post pics but it doesn't seem to be working) Photos/552881_3628858249624_1519113349_3152618_1943430916_n-1.jpg