fresh foods/meals that store well in fridge

sadira86 Posts: 23 Member
i'm really working on eating more clean, fresh foods. when i'm bringing food to work for lunch i like to pack a lot of little things that are easy to grab and go. i don't like having to do a lot of prep every day/night for my lunches (i'm even lazy about making my husband's sandwich for his lunch every day).
some things i've been bringing lately are tabouleh with some melba toasts, carrot sticks, tuna salad with crackers, etc.
but i'd like to find out more foods that i can prep at the beginning of the week in separate containers and just grab them and go in the morning throughout the week. i really love salads but i hate putting them together. is there a way to prep a bunch of them and have them stay fresh in the fridge throughout the week?
is there somewhere i can go to find more ideas for stuff that i can do this? or do any of you have any ideas?


  • Nu_Mel
    Nu_Mel Posts: 48
    I'm in the habit now of whatever I'm having for dinner, I make extra for my lunch the next day and I do the same for my husband. For snacks I either have protein shakes, chicken/turkey muffins with a handful of vegi's, tin tuna with vegi's as well. I throw it together as I'm getting tea ready. Carrot and celery sticks with hommus is another idea.

    I find I get our lunches together while I'm doing dinner. That way it's fresh, if something changes from day to day, easier to cater for a little more.
  • airecloud
    airecloud Posts: 4 Member
    For salad, me and my mom prep a head of lettuce for the week and literally leave it in water (in the fridge), we find a container usuall a bowl with a lid and do it that way, its heavy in the fridge and takes up more space but the lettuce tastes great and its super easy to grab, and throw some chopped cucumber, frozen peas, and some peppers on it. We eat a lot of chicken breast in my family so often we cook up an extra one or two for our salad throughout the week. OR we boil a bunch of hardboiled eggs and pull em as we go. (to put ontop of the salad)