
It has taken 320 days of combined diet and exorcise, and I'm down 70 pounds. I think I'll actually go to the pool with my boy this year. I don't think I'll be attracting any ladies, but I hopefully won't attract any whalers either. Has anyone else dealt with muscle spasums In the calves? My walks have progressed to 5ks a few times a week at an 8-9 min mile pace. I've had this in both legs for about a month. I took the last week off from exercise and it hasn't stopped. I just got my bloodwork back for life insurance, everything looked great except for LOW cholesterol. I've never heard of that before. ANYTHING RING A BELL HERE? - Tim


  • fatgirlslimlady
    fatgirlslimlady Posts: 30 Member
    hm... a close friend of mine was having trouble with muscle spasms too, and she found that eating more magnesium-rich foods helped greatly.
  • c_muschany
    c_muschany Posts: 37 Member
    Wondering if you could be low on potassium.
  • Josephina57
    Josephina57 Posts: 170 Member
    I was having horrible muscle cramps in my calves at night. Doctor suggested a vitamin D supplement and I haven't had any problems since.
  • SomeFatRushFan
    Fitness Pal says I'm way short in Potassium. Gonna give a supplement a try. Thanks to all.