Its been 18 days & I'mStill Smoke Free ;)



  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Congrats! Today makes 8 months and 1 week being smoke free. Your body will love you more each day! Keep up the awesome job! =^_^=
  • guamSUPERgirl90
    im still struggling to kick the butt! I have more hope now after hearing all of you successfully off!!!
  • jenkinsdeb
    Good work, I should be doing the same but want to wait till I reach my goal of 20kgs, only 9 to go then It;l be a good honest effort from me. 1 thing at a time tho, Congrat's.. ;-)
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Well done all of you.

    I'm an ex smoker, quit about 2 years ago now and haven't looked back. Very happy with it, don't miss smoking, don't care if people smoke around me or not.
  • paulsmisses
    paulsmisses Posts: 178
    myself, the hubby and my dad who we care for, all quit smoking together on the 1st of APril. So much easier doing it all together and we are all feeling the benefits of extra pennies in the pocket! and we are hoping that with our kids been 3 and 5 they wont remember ever seeing us smoke and therefore be less likely to smoke themselves!
  • janenightingale
    janenightingale Posts: 55 Member
    I've just counted up and realised I gave up 30 years ago!! OH gave up after much struggle 6 months ago - so proud of him. It is NEVER easy so you can be justly proud of your achievements. Well done all!
  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    Congratulations. As an ex-smoker I know what an achievement that is for you.
  • bailbondbabs
    GREAT JOB!!!!!! You should brag, pat your self on the back, sing it to the hilltops! You should be so proud! I am coming up on 5 months after smoking ALOT for 25 years! It is HARD work to quit so make sure you tell your self how wonderful you are for making it every day! Congats!
  • headVbody
    Congrats on being an official non-smoker!

    I just realised reading these posts that I need to see my giving up smoking as a reward, not a punishment!

    Thanks everyone... good luck on your journeys....
  • mali240
    mali240 Posts: 126
    Good job!!! It's been 15 months since I last lit one up, (to be honest I only did it coz I found out I was pregnant) I had mini goals, first not smoking first trimester, then being smoke free till the delivery. The little girl is now six months, and have yet to give in.

    Is it hard?? Yes
    Are there days I really really want a bensen and hedges super slim in my hand? Yes
    But is it getting easier day by day? Yessssss :)

    It's a struggle nearly every day. But everyday it becomes easier to convince myself to make one more day

    Waaayyy to gooo
  • Saunterer
    Well done to all of us quitters :-)

    Smoke free for about a month now, and this time (the dozenth or so time) is IT.

    The freshness feels fantastic. Now I am looking forward to more and more lightness as well.

    7 pounds down, 53 to go. But the first goal, closer by, more do-able, is to slim down to below the triple digits (in kilo's!) so on my way to 99 kilo - that's 16 pounds to go.

    Walking, cycling and above all swimming are helping a lot. And so are you here in the friendly community. Feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Yay! That's fantastic!

    I quit smoking two months ago and have hardly had any cravings. I used nicotine replacement for the first couple of weeks (gum and lozenges) and then stopped using those. For me, exercising is the best motivator - makes me aware of how hard my lungs work! Especially climbing a hill that used to make me really huff and puff!

    My weight did start to creep up, which is why I joined MFP, but I'm not craving food as much as I was. :)
  • lindsayb0422
    I quit smoking on December 28th. I am so thankful to be smoke free. Not just for me but for my boys too. My 11 year old worried and stressed out so much over it. It finally clicked how selfish I was for causing him all that stress. I will never go back :-) It's definitely not easy but it's very doable and so worth it!!!
  • slimsteelerfan
    slimsteelerfan Posts: 193 Member
    Good for you! I quite 11-30-11. I must admit it was hard, but I haven't smoked since. I must admit that I get headaches from time to time, but other than that......I'm good! Hang in there. I quite cold turkey.
  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174
    Congrats! This is a decision you will NEVER regret. Keep going, it gets easier!
  • monicaabrown
    Congrats! It's day 19 for me! It's still hard for me sometimes but I can do it and it's nice to see so many people going through the same thing and being so proud. It's hard for people who do not smoke to understand and at home that's all I'm around so it's great to have someone to relate to!

    Congrats again!
  • DawnM62
    DawnM62 Posts: 60 Member
    congrats and well done everyone of you
    I actually succeeded in giving up on the 4th August 2008 was it hard? yes it was
    was it worth it ABSOLUTELY
    could I still fancy one? once in a blue moon but then I just walk a little too close to someone who is smoking and thank the lord I gave up
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    ok, this is something I have been needing to do also...I have been afraid to do it while losing weight, fearing that I will eat too much to replace the urge to smoke..any suggestions???
  • SpankyBuns
    SpankyBuns Posts: 24 Member
    Congrats to you, I hear it is one of the hardest habits to quit...keep up the good work!
  • blueangel20110
    Way to go all us quitters!! I quit on January 30 of this year and I am so happy that I did. I was one of those smokers that actually enjoyed smoking and did not want to quit. I smoked for 27 years at 2 packs a day. My family would harp on me to quit and the more they harped, the more I smoked. One morning I woke up and there was an elephant on my chest. I could not breathe. Boy did that wake me up. I knew then it was time but there was still doubt in me. On my way to work which takes me over an hour each day to get to in Northern Virginia/Washington DC rush hour, I prayed to God and asked him if it was his wish that I quit smoking, I would reach the CVS to buy the Nicoderm Patch and not be late for work. Let me tell you, I don't think I had to brake the whole way there. It was a Monday and I breezed to that CVS and still made it to work 15 minutes early. I threw a half a pack of Marlboro Lights, ashtray and lighter away and I haven't looked back. The best decision I ever made and I feel so much better. I am now just gaining my smell and taste back and it's wonderful. Good Luck everyone that is trying to quit. Believe me, you won't regret it and it is the best thing you could possibly do for your body!
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