SW(slimming world) or WW (weightwatchers)??

Having been very ill for several weeks I fell spectacularly off the dieting wagon and since I've started to get better I've struggled to get back onto it.

I have the books for both SW and WW and have in the past done well on both but confess to finding WW easier to understand than the new SW way..

Can you please tell me if you prefer SW or WW and why


  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    I've never used SW but I was a big fan of WW as it gave me heaps of flexibility - but that was until I found MFP and I prefer this to WW now.

    I'd say it comes down to whatever you feel works for you and you're most likely to stick to. Good luck with it.
  • pascale485
    pascale485 Posts: 173 Member
  • dynamicwon
    dynamicwon Posts: 175 Member
    I'm a lifetime member of WW BUT I prefer MFP everything you need including the support is right here! Eating plans are too restrictive. MFP is more of a lifestyle and so easy especially if you put it on your phone.Also get a heart rate monitor and calorie counting watch like Polar then you know exactly how many calories you are burning.
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    I buy WW once in awhile just to see what recipes they have. But I find I like it here, and above all I have a great support network here, that keeps me going.
  • dcampus
    dcampus Posts: 18
    I love slimming world; you don't have to do the new Extra Easy plan - just stick to the old red and green days if you prefer. I like being able to eat all the carbs etc!
  • salsa81
    salsa81 Posts: 68 Member
    I did Slimming World a long time ago and have done Weight Watchers both on the internet, going to a group and on my own.

    I must admit that I find WW a lot easier to understand and as long as you stick to it all, the weight does come off.

    I've lost about 3.5 stone (about 50 pounds) on weight watchers over the last 3-4 years. I always find that if I fall off the wagon, I find it quite easy to get back on the wagon again.

    I found SW quite hard to get my head found.

    But I guess it's whatever works for you and whichever you find the easiest to loose weight and understand!
  • fruitsalad15
    fruitsalad15 Posts: 102 Member
    Weightwatchers!!! Every day of the week! My sister did both and said that WW was sooo much easier, you weren't really restricted at all.

    I did WW too but it cost too much so I just use MFP - its free!!!
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    it depends, are you in control of your diet? do you easily fall off the band wagon? lol! ive tried both ww and sw time and time again...i never stick to them! its best to eat regular, cut out carbs or have very small amounts, lots of proteins, cut out the crap and exersize well...i have shakes alot aswell.x
  • TheDudette
    TheDudette Posts: 174
    Either WW or this website, which is basically the same idea, work for me. I'm sure SW works, but I don't like anything that tells me what I can and can't eat and I feel like SW comes dangerously close to that. I'm kind of a weird natural eater though so SW may work for someone who needs structure which I already have placed upon myself. I just needed help with portion control, not what to eat.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I never heard of Slimming World. I had great success on WW, but on the Momentum program.
  • samandlucysmum
    I found WW more successful, but not as much as MyFitnessPal, and it's free, there is plenty of support on here too.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    last year i was on sw and lost a stone and a half and loved it. however i got really ill, fell off the bandwagon and put all the weight back on again. if you can do it by yourself, do. i couldn't afford to keep up the weekly fee.
  • KerrySayers27
    KerrySayers27 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm doing Weight Watchers and I find it soooooo easy. The trick to it is to weigh EVERYTHING and don't guesstimate. I've never used SW so I can't really comment on it but I do read loads of posts on the WW message boards from people who've swapped from SW to WW because they find it much easier. xxx
  • MustangCindy67
    MustangCindy67 Posts: 91 Member
    Go with what you budget allows...:) My daughter loves WW. I preferr MFP, it is easier to understand and counts my calories for me.... I also tried Atkins for 2 weeks in January and lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks...then followed MFP for another 13 lbs and now back to Atkins for 2 weeks to try and boost my loss....and Atkins is free...:)
    PS.... exercise works too..... I eat what I want...if I need a treat I have one and then exercise to counter some of the calories.... moderation not deprivation works for me ....when I have choices and am not limited then I dont crave chocolate etc. but put me on a diet and I am craving everything within 10 minutes...even crap I usualy dont eat...lol...
    try different things and listen to your body while doing what ever you decide on.... good luck on your journey....:flowerforyou:
  • mickyjg
    mickyjg Posts: 49
    it depends, are you in control of your diet? do you easily fall off the band wagon? lol! ive tried both ww and sw time and time again...i never stick to them! its best to eat regular, cut out carbs or have very small amounts, lots of proteins, cut out the crap and exersize well...i have shakes alot aswell.x

    I spend more time off the wagon than on (lol)

    What shakes do you have??
  • mickyjg
    mickyjg Posts: 49
    Either WW or this website, which is basically the same idea, work for me. I'm sure SW works, but I don't like anything that tells me what I can and can't eat and I feel like SW comes dangerously close to that. I'm kind of a weird natural eater though so SW may work for someone who needs structure which I already have placed upon myself. I just needed help with portion control, not what to eat.

    That's kind of how i feel about it too. if i want to mix carbs/protein et then i want to be able to.

    I may be missing something and I know the support on here is terrific but MFP doesn't actually offering any kind of healthy eating plan or exercise routine does it, it just records what you eat and how much weight you lose which a lot of websites offer.
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    Weight Watchers is easy to understand but I had a bad experience with it. The points don't provide adequate calories.

    I just posted a thread today about my WW experience if you want to read: