Nighttime eating sabotaging my wight loss! 


I'm new to MFP and I'm hoping that using MFP in conjunction with Weight Watchers online I'll finally be able to reach my goal weight.

I find that I'm doing very well morning through mid day but come evening I find myself very hungry even though I've had a satisfying dinner.  I have been having difficultly for over a year now staying asleep for more than 3 hrs at a time and when I wake up usually around  1 or 2 AM I have to eat something and it usually isn't the most healthy choice (bowl of cereal or peanut butter toast).  I know this is sabotaging my weight loss and I would like to know if anyone else has a problem with late night eating or poor sleeping habits.  Any suggestions on a supplement (preferably natural) that can help me sleep better.  I worry about taking sleep aids because I have 3 children and since my husband  works nights I'm afraid I won't wake easily if they need me in the middle of the night.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be great!  Thank you! 


  • Try some melatonin you can find it in the vitamin section anywhere.
  • Well I guess the best thing to do is figure out what is causing you to wake up in the middle of the night and try to deal with that... I too find myself extremely hungry at night, despite having a filling meal... I try to drink a BUNCH of water before going to bed, that helps me to not feel hungry, the downside is I usually end up waking up to go to the bathroom, but go right to sleep after... i also find that if I don't exercise to expend energy i have problems sleeping at night, but when i exercise, i sleep better because my body is tired. Also, it may take a while for your body to get used to your new routine... just stick with it, until your body is used to it....
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    In my opinion night time eating along doesn't sabotage weight loss, if anything it helps, the idea is to keep the metabolism moving...."what" your eating is the culprit here and in most cases...are you getting enough calories thru the day? This may be part of the reason you're waking hungry..I eat every 2-3 hrs, day and night...I have lost 63 pounds....just sayin
  • Jen2Bfit
    Jen2Bfit Posts: 125 Member
    I too have been struggling lately with nighttime eating. It seems that when I get ready for bed. all I can think about is a bowl of cereal. I try and ignore it, but it usually gets the best of me and I find myself coming back downstairs and having the cereal. I am not sure if this is that my body is not getting something that it needs and that is why the desire is so strong, or just a really unhealhy craving. After the cereal, I feel calmer and fall right asleep. I am hoping to put a stop to this as well though.

    The only suggestion that I would have for this would be to cut back on calories during the day to allow for the eating at night. It doesn't matter what time of day you eat the calories, so if you save room for your late night minchies, it should not make a difference.
  • Lynvincible2012
    Lynvincible2012 Posts: 28 Member
    Firstly, welcome! I'm only here a week and it has really motivated me big time, and everyone is so nice and supportive, so add loads of friends to help you along!

    That's a tough one. I'm a night time eater too, I always have something just before bed, and it seems such a waste since you would otherwise burn off 300-500 calories while you sleep. I don't know a lot about supplements or anything like that, but I'd try maybe getting up 30mins earlier than you usually would, and try doing your excercise for the day a couple of hours after your evening meal and follow with a healthy snack like a piece of fruit and a big bottle of water. That way, you'll be tired out, and full of liquid, so shouldnt feel the need to nibble during the night.

    One thing i will say is make sure you are eating lots of fibre if you tend to feel hungry, coz it fills you up. I got fibre powder (part of the Liportim diet range in Ireland) and you just stir it into your morning coffee and it provides your days allowance of fibre. Otherwise, if you do end up waking and feeeling the need to eat, drink water first, then if still hungry, have a small bowl of porridge or a few dry rice cakes to take the edge off.

    I think this is, like me, a matter of will power!

    Good luck, and message me if you want to chat :) xx
  • peace_pigeon
    peace_pigeon Posts: 120 Member
    Melatonin and magnesium both help me if I am having a hard time sleeping at night. Since your diary is closed, I can't really give you much advice on your diet, but to help keep night time cravings at bay, I would make sure that I was eating plenty of protein, healthy fats and fiber during the day, and minimal surgar and simple carbs. Getting enough excersize during the day helps as well... Lack of good quality sleep can really mess with your whole system- I'm sorry that you are struggling with it. Good luck!
  • A calorie is a calorie is a calorie no matter when or where it is consumed or burned. Some say don't eat after X time, some say it doesn't matter. I say it depends on YOUR body, since everyone is different. (For instance, for me, it doesn't matter if I eat at night, it actually helps keep my metabolism in gear.)

    As far as sleep, change your sleep habits. Get rid of the TV out of the bedroom if you have one. Start maintaining a regular sleep schedule (always go to bed at X time and wake up at Y time...yes it does actually help.) Cut out caffeine. As far as a sleep supplement goes, give Melatonin a shot. Be sure to check the label to make sure it's natural and not synthetic. It's not enough to completely knock you out, but will help with resetting your sleep cycle.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I thought you might be interested in an article I read a few months back:

    Basically, it talks about how our modern idea of sleeping for a full unbroken eight hours is a relatively new one. For most of human existence, it was considered normal to sleep for 3-4 hours, wake up, do something low-key for an hour or two, and go back to sleep until morning. People would even socialize during this time. The article even cites books from only a century or two ago that give suggestions on what to do with that time. So there's nothing really wrong with you, it's just that in our modern world where we artificially light up the night and demand longer and longer waking hours, you either sleep through the night or end up exhausted.

    As to the eating, if you know you're going to wake up hungry, prep something healthy before you go to bed and reserve the calories from your total for the day. Then it's simply a part of your routine rather than a slip-up.
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    I used to be a big-time night binger. Doesn't sound like you are binging which is a good thing.

    The only thing that is going to break you of the habit of eating in the middle of the night is YOU.

    My advice? Have a small high-protein/compex carb snack right before bed (string cheese + 4 whole wheat crackers, your peanut butter toast as long as it is all natural PB on whole wheat bread, cottage cheese + fruit). If you wake up 3 hours later do NOT let yourself get out of bed. Think of relaxing thoughts. Count backwards from 100. Anything that will help you all back asleep. Once you do this for a few nights it gets a lot easier. I completely broke myself of getting up in the middle of the night and I used to do it EVERY night!
  • toxicmikki
    toxicmikki Posts: 60 Member
    Golly Gee!!! Thanks for all the great advice and support...I think im gonna like it here! I have learned a lot of interesting facts, and have many things to consider now but most importantly I feel like a great amount of the stress I was having over the nighttime eating has been lifted! Thank you all!

    I'm not sure about the diary thing, this is my first time really using MFP...I'll look into it.

    Thank you guys again, your great!
  • i eat what i want do what i want :bigsmile: just have to exercise :mad:
    <<<<<< and its bs, i eat after 2.00am sometime because im to busy gamein, and look at me , i need to tone tho then il be happy
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I have a suggestion but before mentioning it, the notion of "keeping your metabolism going" is basically a dietary myth. You can go for lengthy periods of time without eating and you're not going to cause any metabolic slowdown until you reach multiple days w/o food.

    I'd recommend eating less during the day for a while but keep your total daily intake the same. Basically, during the daytime, reduce your calorie intake so that you essentially "bank" calories for the evening. Then, eat a large meal before bed and see if you sleep better while full.

    You should know after a few days whether or not this works. Some people absolutely love doing this, and physiologically speaking, as long as your total daily intake is correct (calorie deficit for the day) then it's just fine to practice this.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    Any thoughts or suggestions would be great!  Thank you! 


    Stop doing that.

    (Glad I could help...)
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member was considered normal to sleep for 3-4 hours, wake up, do something low-key for an hour or two, and go back to sleep until morning

    Wow - when they were younger, my kids would surely have subscribed to this.

    Except for the low-key part.

    Well, and the "go back to sleep" part.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    If you know this is your habit, why don't you save some of your daily calories for your late night snack? I have a sweet tooth so I save about 200 cal for an after dinner before bedtime brownie or frozen yogurt or something. If you know what you're eating or plan, you could easily keep a few calories for the snack.

    If you are usually at or over your goal, you could take the kids for a walk or do some exercises before bed to get a calories back...and if exercising makes you tired, maybe do it right before bed and make yourself tired enough to sleep all night
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Try some melatonin you can find it in the vitamin section anywhere.

    This in conjunction with 5-HTP... The Melatonin gets you to sleep and the 5-HTP keeps you sleeping (but not in an un-wakable way). plus 5-HTP is a natural mood enhancer. And neither interact with common forms of BC if that is an issue. :-)
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    In my opinion night time eating along doesn't sabotage weight loss, if anything it helps, the idea is to keep the metabolism moving...."what" your eating is the culprit here and in most cases...are you getting enough calories thru the day? This may be part of the reason you're waking hungry..I eat every 2-3 hrs, day and night...I have lost 63 pounds....just sayin

    Same here (minus the 63lb weight loss) Make sure you are eating enough. No need to stop eating at 6. If you have calories left, eat. Also, try eating something with protein before bed. For example, cottage cheese is great. It is a type of protein that breaks down slowly. When I eat cottage cheese, I have 1/4 cup with a teaspoon of dry ranch dressing.

    Also, maybe you are loading up on too many carbs and so your blood sugar is dropping. Try increasing your protein intake and decreasing your carbs... and eat every 2-3 hours.
  • toxicmikki
    toxicmikki Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks again everyone! , I'm going to pick some melatonin up today and try it along with the 5-HTP to hopefully improve my sleep cycle. I feel very relieved to know that a snack in the middle of the night is not going to keep me from reaching my goal. I guess I was under the impression that you must never eat anything before bed because it will all turn into fat. I'll just take it one day at a time and I'm glad that I found MFP for inspiration and motivation!

    Have a wonderful day!!!