I thought I'd share my story and introduce myself

My name is Vicky, I'm 21 from Swindon which is in the UK. I pretty much started losing weight around July last year after I saw some photographs of myself at a music festival and I wasn't happy with the way I looked at all (although someone there did - my lovely boyfriend who I met there!) So, I began swimming 2/3 times a week and cutting out junk food (not all together, but I didn't eat as much) swapped fizzy drinks for lemon squash or water, and started eating more fruit, not much veg as I'm not a fan. I then talked my mum into not cooking too much at meal times and giving me a smaller plate with smaller portions. Yes it was difficult to adjust, because I felt I was STARVING all the time. But yeah.

By Christmas, and having my 21st birthday in the middle of my 'diet' I'd lost 1 stone and 10lb. I was so happy, I didn't notice much of a difference with my own body, but people, including my fella and my nan did. I was dead chuffed when people would walk up to me and ask me had I lost weight and I was looking great :). Christmas was a bad, I gained around 4/5lb though excessive eating, and I was so upset because all my hard work was wasted. New Year I made a pact with my fella that we'd lose weight together, and within a month/month and a half I'd reached my original weight. Then I was stuck. My weight didn't move at all for a good few months, I was over eating nor was I under eating. I maintained my weight. I don't know about you guys but when I hit a stone eg. 16, 15 stone, I find it difficult to get over it, but a few weeks ago, I had all 4 of my wisdom out, and I was in a lot of pain for a week or so, and I found it difficult to eat solids, so I had strawberry milkshakes, soup, pasta, soft bread, and drink a lot of water (obviously had pain killers as well). And through that circumstantances I'm at my lowest weight for a very long time, I don't ever remember being this weight I am at now, ever.

I am very proud of myself, and this hasn't been an easy journey, but with the help and the support of people on here, I had managed to get this far, and I'd like to lose another 45lb. I'm in no hurry because its true what they say that the slower you lose it, its easier to keep it off.

I wish all of you success on your weigh loss/or gain journey (I know this site helps everybody in different situtions). I remember we're in this together. That's why we are here for the help and support of each other, and I couldn't of done it with everybody on my friends list, you are all a huge influence and are incredible people.

People who read this and are not on my friends list, add me, I will show you all the support you need as people have given me.
I love this site. I'm not addicted to it, but its a big part of my life.

Thank you for reading :) xxx


  • supernewyorkgirl10
    Hi Vicky!
    It's lovely to meet you! Today is my first day on MFP, your story is so inspiring because you never give up! I wish I could be more like that!
    Feel free to add me! :) Would love to get to know you better!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I`m glad you shared your story.I`m proud of how far you have come.It`s true it`s not a contest.
    Keep up the good work.
    I`m addicted to this site also.It helps on days when I have no motivation.
    Have a great day!!