Dealing with negativity towards my weight.



  • keegannati
    keegannati Posts: 114
    So then some recruiters will work with you? I couldn't find an answer cause I just had to close down the page. The negativity was harshing my mellow.
    I almost joined the army out of HS and my recruiter was going to work with me on getting into good enough shape. I think they understand that the average person is not in military shape. As for the ignorant haters, all you can do is ignore them and prove them wrong.
  • sarainca
    sarainca Posts: 19
    I was reading something last night that said all it takes to gain 50 pounds over 5 years is to eat the equivalent of one 100-calorie cookie extra a day. It's a myth that everyone overweight is lazy and don't care, just like it's a myth to say that all cyclists don't stop at stop signs.

    When I see someone extremely obese in the grocery store, I try to think, "That person may have lost 100 pounds already and really be working hard to lose more weight, so who am I to judge them?" None of us know what other people have gone through or are going through.

    Ignore unsupportive people and keep working towards your goals. You obviously care a whole lot and are anything but lazy or you wouldn't be here and you certainly wouldn't be working on your college degree.

    Keep up all your positive efforts and don't let what others say or think deter you.

    Thank you thank you thank you. I think the EXACT same thing. I was running on a park trail near my house and someone yelled "Fatty!" out their window as they drove past me. I was SO discouraged and mortified. But then I thought, Hey! At least I'm trying!!! They have no idea my situation, my life, anything! I'm happy with my progress and my goals and that's all that matters. :)