My Cry for HELP.

Hey There MFPers. I am back, and I need help. If you want to friend me after you read this I would appreciate that SO much, I need some healthy, supportive, positive people in my life.
So a little history. I joined MFP about a year and a half ago. It has been an amazing community of supportive loving people. I lost almost 20 lbs, going from 175 to 155. Then I got down to 149. I stopped logging my food, I stopped supporting my fellow MFPers, and I just kind of got lost. I am working out lots, its my passion, its a de-stressor, its going to be my life. I am an exercise science major, a dance teacher, I want to get my yoga teacher certification. I love hiking and the outdoors, I love moving and having a healthy body. My goal is 140lbs, and I was just 9 pounds away. Then I got into an unhealthy relationship with a guy in my life, and these past three weeks, I have binged back almost six pounds. Thats terrifying to me. I completely lost control of my ability to make good food choices. I have been using food as a drug to medicate my pain and stress about the choices I made with this guy, and where I am at right now. I hate how my body feels, my clothes are getting tight, and I just feel gross. I need a fresh start. I need to get back to the healthy ways of eating that I KNOW I know how to do. I know what to do. I just need to DO it. I need an intervention. I need someone to hold my hand and tell me that I can get through my emotions without eating a pint of ice cream or a box of cereal. I am pretty much terrified to share this story with my friends and family. I need you guys, my friends and family on MFP to, if you have the time, give me some support. I am such a supportive and loving person myself, I am happy to return the favor :)

Thanks for reading.


  • RickyRaj
    RickyRaj Posts: 25
    We're here to help you :)
  • toxicmikki
    toxicmikki Posts: 60 Member
    I'm very sorry to hear about your painful relationship and that you lost your way for a bit, but the important thing is that you have made the decision to get back on track and that's the first step! Lately i have also become an emotional eater which is hard for me to deal with because all my life stress was like a weight loss drug for me, the more stress i had in my life the more weight I lost. Now it's completely opposite!

    I'm new here but would love to be motivational buddies, please feel free to add me as a fried and good luck to you!
  • bxtr87
    bxtr87 Posts: 17
    I know I cant physically be there for you to assure you that you can get through this horrible time in your life, but in spirit I am. You sound so sweet, and you deserve more than binging on food gives you. You dont really need that guy, do you ... Youre back in the right place. Let me know if theres anything I can do.:smile:
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    I am also an emotional eater. I know exactly how you feel. You are stronger than you realize and food is not the never is. It took me a long time to realize that. A guy should never make you feel like you are less than what you are a strong, beautiful woman deserving of all the happiness in the world. Coming back to MFP is the first step in turning your situation around. We welcome you with open arms!

  • <~~~Going through a similar issue! The GF decided, via a Text Message, that we should only be friends now! It has been three weeks and I have to admit, I've been angry, Hurt, dejected/depressed and all that goes with that! I binged all day Saturday and feel toally worthless! I lost 22lbs as of the day of the Text Break up! I am so afraid to jump on the scale.

    :brokenheart: :mad: :explode: :sad: :angry:
  • we're here for you dear! You can get back into the swing of it. We believe in you!
  • It sounds like you are hurting so bad, please be kind to yourself!

    Remember, PAIN = Pay Attention Inside Now

    Think about why you are really hurting, did you lose your way, or was this path the only way to remind yourself just how important treating yourself well is.

    At any rate, every time you feel that OMG feeling coming over you drink water. It sounds ridiculous but let that crisp cool water put out the angry fire inside. Plus fresh air and laughter goes a long way.

    Hang in there, we need your support too!
  • Hey There MFPers. I am back, and I need help. If you want to friend me after you read this I would appreciate that SO much, I need some healthy, supportive, positive people in my life.
    So a little history. I joined MFP about a year and a half ago. It has been an amazing community of supportive loving people. I lost almost 20 lbs, going from 175 to 155. Then I got down to 149. I stopped logging my food, I stopped supporting my fellow MFPers, and I just kind of got lost. I am working out lots, its my passion, its a de-stressor, its going to be my life. I am an exercise science major, a dance teacher, I want to get my yoga teacher certification. I love hiking and the outdoors, I love moving and having a healthy body. My goal is 140lbs, and I was just 9 pounds away. Then I got into an unhealthy relationship with a guy in my life, and these past three weeks, I have binged back almost six pounds. Thats terrifying to me. I completely lost control of my ability to make good food choices. I have been using food as a drug to medicate my pain and stress about the choices I made with this guy, and where I am at right now. I hate how my body feels, my clothes are getting tight, and I just feel gross. I need a fresh start. I need to get back to the healthy ways of eating that I KNOW I know how to do. I know what to do. I just need to DO it. I need an intervention. I need someone to hold my hand and tell me that I can get through my emotions without eating a pint of ice cream or a box of cereal. I am pretty much terrified to share this story with my friends and family. I need you guys, my friends and family on MFP to, if you have the time, give me some support. I am such a supportive and loving person myself, I am happy to return the favor :)

    Thanks for reading.

    <~~~No intention to take away from your issue. Just want you to know Many of us are or have gone through similar issues. Praying you get back on track soon and forget the person. I truly beleive in KARMA (Never has let me down)!!!!
  • carlynn13
    carlynn13 Posts: 281
    aww honey, we all fall down at times. Feel free to add me :)
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I HATE bad relationships...I read once that a relationship is only as strong as it's weakest link...I dare you all to really think about that.

    Cry hard, it's OK...then pick yourself back up...go for a good long walk...come home, make a 1 week meal plan and don't deviate from it. Try really hard to walk 30 minutes everyday, if for no other reason than to clear your head. Think really hard about the above quote while you are walking...1 WEEK, that's all. DON'T THINK BEYOND 1 WEEK!

    Next Monday post again and let us know how your doing...we all care here or we wouldn't be here :)
  • microMXL
    microMXL Posts: 51
    fell free to add
  • Pronoiac
    Pronoiac Posts: 304
    You can do this! Living forward is the only real alternative.

    Just keep swimming,j ust keep swimming... : )
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    your not alone in your journey! We can do this!! Feel free to add me if you want :wink:
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    Add me, I would love to support you
  • Stay strong we have all been there. My thing is I don't eat and drink a few on an empty stomach. Hang in there things will get better!