Clothing alterations

I am wondering if anyone has any good tips for altering clothes or making the ones that are too big fit while loosing weight. I have to wear business or business casual to work and I don't want (can't afford) to buy new clothes at every size on the way down.

Or does anyone have a good link to a sewing for dummies or something like that.
By the way, having too big clothes is a lovely problem to have.


  • LesIsMoreXX
    LesIsMoreXX Posts: 169
    You'll probably have to get a stitch ripper and take in the sides of your pants. If you have a sewing machine it won't take that long to alter them but if you haven't got time for it do you like wearing kind of stretchy material? With business clothes they're not hard to find. You could find something with an elastic waistband.
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    It's hard to be helpful without more information about specific garments, etc... But I sew quite a bit so I may be able to give you fine hints. Feel free to message me if you like!
  • jaroyan
    jaroyan Posts: 13 Member
    I'd love some hints here, too. I have a machine, but have sadly never used it (eep!). My pants look worse than bad on a daily basis at work; is it even possible to take pants in 3-4 sizes and still have them look good?
  • cimmera1969
    I don't think you can take them in that much. I can't even keep them up! I started in 18 and the next time I went to pick up a couple pair of pants to get me by, I was into 14's. Now most of them are getting baggy. I feel too bad if I let them just hang. It is nice hearing people call me "skinny"...even if I know I have about 31 more pounds to go to my goal!
  • jaroyan
    jaroyan Posts: 13 Member
    That's what I was thinking, but really don't want to invest any money into a new wardrobe until I've truly reached the end of the rainbow. 20 more pounds to go could mean a lot more than just a few dress sizes. Oh well, at least w/ summer coming I can just wear skirts and dresses which are much easier to alter.

    Thanks, all!
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Normally a medium-sized shirt is a good length for me, but it will be too tight around the upper chest and arms. So what I do is buy a large size and then use a knife to cut/tear off some length.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I didn't like the way my clothes fit when I lost weight and had them altered. But you can see.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    How about thrift stores??...thats what I been using. :)
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Find a good consignment shop near you and see what they have for deals. You could rotate clothing as needed. Or buy second hand or find good cheap (yet nice) clothes that stretch and wil fit longer and just get KEY peices, Im finding that tops will last much longer than bottons.. I can belt too lose tops pants and skirts tend to look sloppy.