How can I be too thin??



  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    This is a site based on averages, but I can't imagine anyone at that height/weight being overweight. If you're that skinny and have "loose bits" you don't like, I'd focus on muscle tone, and that probably means you'll be gaining some weight as you put that healthy muscle on.

    I'd strongly recommend that you see your doctor at your earliest convenience. If you're that height and weight and you feel like you're overweight, you might have other issues (such as an eating disorder) that no one on this site is qualified to diagnose, though we can certainly offer our support.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    Btw, your profile says you've been "ill your whole life". Is this something that effects how you gain/lose weight, by chance?
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    What's your height and weight?
    can I give an approx figure?? (REALLY self-concious...) 5'4", aprox 100lbs
    It bothers me that you would be self-conscious about this. That tells me that you think it's embarrassingly heavy, which would be a very skewed perspective.
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    btw we are all doctors here!
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I would suggest talking to a doctor about this, not the internet. You might need actual help with this.


    Your mind might be tricking you sweetheart. I am very against people harping on others for "not being happy" with their weight, but your posts do sound like a classic anorexia case.:frown: BMI isn't correct in all cases, but 5'4" at 100 lbs sounds VERY unhealthily skinny.

    If you are wanting to APPEAR thinner, perhaps you should focus on eating healthier and working out, so decreasing body fat percentage and increasing you muscle. But even this you can't take too far because your body NEEDS fat to stay healthy, especially if you are female.

    Alot of times when your mind gets sick it tricks to a doctor and make sure you are ok.:sad:
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    What's your height and weight?
    can I give an approx figure?? (REALLY self-concious...) 5'4", aprox 100lbs
    It bothers me that you would be self-conscious about this. That tells me that you think it's embarrassingly heavy, which would be a very skewed perspective.

  • The crazy tool on here says my BMI is too low. How can I be too thin if I feel like I have weight to loose/muscle to build??
    But I WANNA loose 10lbs!!

    As others have said and suggested, go and talk to your doctor about this. Ideal weight is between 111-146. If you think you are "fat" then definitely the toning to help tone your muscles and body to get that more "perfect" shape you might have in mind. But before anything go and talk to your doctor for his/her recommendation before starting any diet-exercise plan.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    The crazy tool on here says my BMI is too low. How can I be too thin if I feel like I have weight to loose/muscle to build??
    But I WANNA loose 10lbs!!

    did you stomp your foot and cross your arms? temper tantrums are more effective that way.
  • bxtr87
    bxtr87 Posts: 17
    Btw, your profile says you've been "ill your whole life". Is this something that effects how you gain/lose weight, by chance?
    Probably because Ive not been able to be as active as I would like to be. No matter what the number, if youre not toned, the weight looks like HELL on you. Thanks everyone for the support.
  • TxAngel79
    TxAngel79 Posts: 318 Member
    You are too thin without a doubt! I think you need to see a Dr! You want to be healthy!!!!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Having too low of a bmi can cause some serious issues. I started having issues at that point even though I still FELT like I had 'more to lose'. Try focusing on a weight lifting routine and eating the appropriate amount of calories in order to build muscle (Gain weight). It will help with that 'flabby or more to lose' feeling by making you tighter and stronger.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    What's your height and weight?
    can I give an approx figure?? (REALLY self-concious...) 5'4", aprox 100lbs
    It bothers me that you would be self-conscious about this. That tells me that you think it's embarrassingly heavy, which would be a very skewed perspective.

    Exactly, I am the same height and weigh 35 pounds more than you. I am within a healthy weight range. What does that make me then? an elephant?

    Please try to put things into perspective and get some help.

    this site might help as well:
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    Btw, your profile says you've been "ill your whole life". Is this something that effects how you gain/lose weight, by chance?
    Probably because Ive not been able to be as active as I would like to be. No matter what the number, if youre not toned, the weight looks like HELL on you. Thanks everyone for the support.

    Well, at the end of the day, you can achieve great results with great nutrition and low impact cardio/weights. Def talk to your doctor.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Being too thin but still needing to lose fat and gain muscle is not uncommon. If you have little muscle, that is likely the reason that your BMI is too low. With more muscle on your body you can weigh more without actually getting any bigger because muscle weighs more than fat.

    (and please don't highjack the thread with nonsense, it doesn't matter why it weighs more (e.g. it's more dense) it still weighs more)
  • bxtr87
    bxtr87 Posts: 17
    The crazy tool on here says my BMI is too low. How can I be too thin if I feel like I have weight to loose/muscle to build??
    But I WANNA loose 10lbs!!

    did you stomp your foot and cross your arms? temper tantrums are more effective that way.
    Why thanks alot. Can really feel the love (now can you feel the sarcasim...)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Btw, your profile says you've been "ill your whole life". Is this something that effects how you gain/lose weight, by chance?
    Probably because Ive not been able to be as active as I would like to be. No matter what the number, if youre not toned, the weight looks like HELL on you. Thanks everyone for the support.

    So true. But if you are toned, you might weigh more too. Please, be aware of distorted body image. It's a real thing that most of us females suffer, and some males do too! Don't think of it as needing to lose 10 pounds. Think of it as getting in shape. Eat enough to fuel your exercise and you CAN be as active as you would like to be.
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    Interesting side note--this is the second post in as many days where someone is 5'4" , weighs 100lbs, complains that people say she's too thin and wants to lose 10 pounds. Is it something in the air around here????
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I read yesterday in "New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women" that a body fat percentage of 18.4% or less is considered "underweight" and the example given was... I think... a 5'4" tall woman who weighs 108 lbs is underweight.

    So yea you definitely fall into that category.

    The main thing that worries me is that you are still self-concious. You are self-concious about your weight... and you are literally UNDERWEIGHT. That sounds like an eating disorder to me. I highly recommend that you talk to your doctor about this, and if you don't feel ready to talk to your doctor about it, talk to one or a few of us so we can help you build up your courage.

    The most important thing here is for you to be healthy and happy. And we're here for you to help you achieve that.

    Good luck and feel free to friend or message me. <3
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Btw, your profile says you've been "ill your whole life". Is this something that effects how you gain/lose weight, by chance?
    Probably because Ive not been able to be as active as I would like to be. No matter what the number, if youre not toned, the weight looks like HELL on you. Thanks everyone for the support.

    So true. But if you are toned, you might weigh more too. Please, be aware of distorted body image. It's a real thing that most of us females suffer, and some males do too! Don't think of it as needing to lose 10 pounds. Think of it as getting in shape. Eat enough to fuel your exercise and you CAN be as active as you would like to be.

    ^^This. Don't worry about your weight. Worry about muscle gains. To do this, you need to eat a little more and lift, lift, lift weights. It will look better to weigh more with muscle than to weigh less without muscle.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I might add... that muscles weighs more than fat by volume... 1 pound will always equals 1 pound... however gaining 1 pound of muscle looks a whole lot better than gaining 1 pound of fat... So honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about what the scale says. Especially, if you are eating enough calories of good nutrition dense foods and getting enough excercise.