Anyone else struggle with this?



  • SouthernSweetie74
    I used to never drink water. I hated it. I drank diet sodas, tea, and coffee. When I decided I finally wanted to make a lifestyle change, I went to the dr. He told me to give up my diet sodas and to drink 48 oz of water in the top portion of the day and 48 oz in the bottom portion of the day. I'm not quite there yet, but I can say that I do drink at least my 8 cups, sometimes more a day. And I've grown to really love it. Especially cold. I gave up my diet sodas, and I don't even miss them. I still drink coffee in the morning and every once in a while, I will have a glass of unsweet tea. But mostly, I opt for water. I feel better. Of course, I'm also eating healthier. Also, drinking that much water helps me feel fuller throughout the day. And like someone else said, sometimes we mistake hunger when we are actually thirsty. Your body needs water.
  • thelegend81
    so you work an 8 hour workday? keep a big bottle at your desk/near you if possible and make it a goal to DOWN a cup and hour. I used to have to force myself to do this but like others have said, the more you drink it the more you want it. Your attitude about it will likely change.

    Totally agree, I keep a 2 litre bottle with me, work, home and gym. I'm probably drinking 8 litres a day. I find myself more alert and not snacking at all. It took a while to get used to and around 20 visits to the wc a day at the start, but it's worth it......
  • JustBeingBella
    JustBeingBella Posts: 19 Member

    When I don't have enough to drink, my fingers swell a lot. Also, my eyes feel dry. You will notice how you feel once you're properly hydrated.

    This is so true! When you don't drink enough you don't really notice until you do and you then see the difference.

    The end of last year I started to get dry irritated skin on my right fore arm. I was so confused but I don't like to bother my doctor so I hoped it would go away. Then it got worse and was on my upper arm. I went to see the doctor and he said I had dermatitis and prescribed me a cream. Before I even bothered to go and get the cream I drank loads of water and it went away. :D

    I feel much more awake, alert and my skin hasn't looked this good in years!!!

    Drink water even when you're not thirsty! :-)
  • rehtaeh78
    rehtaeh78 Posts: 90
    For almost 20 years I've had a water bottle with me everywhere I go. Especially since they've become so popular in recent years, you can find some really cute ones! My fave is a pink and black sport bottle by Nike, but I also have some cheap ones from Walmart. Fill it up and take it with you EVERYWHERE. I even take mine when I do errands so I can chug at red lights and before going in the store. I especially like to dump a lot of ice in it which feels great on warm days. The pop-up tops work better for me than the twist off tops because it's easier to use one handed. Just try it out and before you know it it'll become habit :)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Yeah, and two minutes later I would throw up . . .
    If I'm having a hard time getting the water in for the day I just chug! 3 of my water bottles equals 8 glasses of water and I can chug the whole bottle in 2 mins.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Set a timer. If you consciously make a decision to drink an 8 ounce cup of water every hour, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to stay hydrated. Keep in mind that caffeine is a diuretic so caffeinated sodas and teas shouldn't really be included in your total water intake.