5 foods you should never eat?



  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    There's no such thing as 'foods you should never eat!' Learn to eat in moderation my love. :drinker:
  • Taramotto
    Taramotto Posts: 17
    Lol, Katiedidd, I can relate to that!
  • jcrnprn
    jcrnprn Posts: 25
    Part of my plan to get healthy is eat food as naturally as possible. I want to get rid of all the processed foods. Those chemicals can't be good for you. So one of my goals to keep active is also to grow some veges and a couple of fruit trees in the backyard. I am using Splenda and I will finish what I have and then switch over to the stevia. As far as Organic foods, well the foods I grow in the backyard will be organic. There is no way I'm paying organic prices. Every little change will help.
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    Buy better quality coffee so that you don't have to 'improve' the taste with cream and sugar/sweeteners.
  • Why not whole wheat bread? That seems silly to me - since everything seems to preach that you should not eat anything "white"
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    5 foods not to eat:

    1 - the packaging the food comes in
    2 - anything you are allergic too
    3 - anything that you do not like the taste of
    4 - food off of a strangers plate
    5 - half slobbered on cheerios by a toddler

    Now you know the secret :D
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    5 foods not to eat:

    1 - the packaging the food comes in
    2 - anything you are allergic too
    3 - anything that you do not like the taste of
    4 - food off of a strangers plate
    5 - half slobbered on cheerios by a toddler

    Now you know the secret :D

    Love it! This makes perfect sense to me - my new mantra!!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I don't know their "seargent sunshine" LOL some of the stuff that passes for food these days may be surpassed in nutrition by the packaging :P
  • Taramotto
    Taramotto Posts: 17
    @ Sergeant That is great info, thanks for making me laugh!
  • jcrnprn
    jcrnprn Posts: 25
    5 foods not to eat:

    1 - the packaging the food comes in
    2 - anything you are allergic too
    3 - anything that you do not like the taste of
    4 - food off of a strangers plate
    5 - half slobbered on cheerios by a toddler

    Now you know the secret :D

    Too funny
  • jcrnprn
    jcrnprn Posts: 25
    Why not whole wheat bread? That seems silly to me - since everything seems to preach that you should not eat anything "white"

    I think the bigger issue are the amount of preservatives and sugar added to the "whole wheat bread", I'm at work but now I think I need to read the label of my nutty wheat bread (which I love).
  • Hawksbillus
    Hawksbillus Posts: 128 Member
    I think that our progress toward health and fitness must be done incrementally. We're never going to be successful if we wolf down pizza, cookies and candy by the truck-full one day then try and change to carrot-sticks and wheat grass the next. For example, Splenda may not be the healthiest choice but right now, we're focusing on reducing our calories to get thin and fit. Or, as someone mentioned earlier - eating a banana is a FAR better choice than a slice of chocolate cake. It's truly all making increasingly BETTER choices each day.

    Excellent point! Small changes can be sustained and improved upon. Big, sudden changes can just end up being discouraging.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    I quick note on Stevia and Splenda..

    As with a lot of junk food/artificial sweetener and sugar, they make you crave more and more. Whereas, Stevia does not give you that feeling.
  • billtonkin
    billtonkin Posts: 109
    It tells you right there in the ad, the 5 foods not to eat.

    1. Yellow banana.
    2. A banana with a few brown spots.
    3. A banana with more than a few brown spots.
    4.. A banana covered with brown spots.
    5. A black banana.
  • Taramotto
    Taramotto Posts: 17
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    Thank you Openheaven for posting those five. Yes it does seem like a load of crap, but jeeze, what's wrong with whole wheat bread? Honestly, in the 10 days I have been on here I haven't had any bread, but even before I tried this I always tried to eat whole grain bread.

    It turns to sugar in your body...they said that using sprouted grain bread (like Ezekiel Bread - freezer section) or rice bread, or millet??? bread is a better alternative. You want to eat as few processed foods as possible. Whole foods are MUCH better for you!!

    I LOVE me some bread, but I think I am going to switch to sprouted to give it a try - I've had it in the past, and while it's no french baguette, it is quite good!!!! :wink: It's VERY filling, very dense! (Make sure that you keep it in the freezer though or it will spoil very quickly!!!)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I quick note on Stevia and Splenda..

    As with a lot of junk food/artificial sweetener and sugar, they make you crave more and more. Whereas, Stevia does not give you that feeling.

    Neither Junk food nor artificial sweeteners make me crave more. Surely you meant "may". Aspartame has been a HUGE help in my weight loss! :D
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The only food I avoid are ones with trans fats.

    Moderation is the name of the game. Eat what you want and keep it under your calorie goal and hit your macros.
  • busymom50
    busymom50 Posts: 29
    my husband bought it (if its the same thing) an online diet plan. It makes sense and I tried it,but too strict and expensive. I tried the health food bread from something other than wheat.But it went bad before I could use it all since everyone else in the family still used reg white bread. AND I was hungry all the time.Needless to say it didn't last,and the diet cost about $100. MFP has been more helpful,and staying within my calorie limit--give or take-the best I can,so far has been much more helpful and I am not starving. I lost 5 lbs on the online diet avoiding the bad healthy foods. Then I quit and gained 20 back. Now I feel better,have friends to help. And so far have lost 14 lbs.
  • jujube64
    jujube64 Posts: 1
    I explored the website after watching the video. They seem to promote glueten free breads. Wheat bread has glueten. But then I googled the same question "5 foods not to eat". I looked at Dr Oz's answers, he recommends whole grain or steel cut oats as alternatives. My husband bought rice bread and he said it tastes stale. We all just need to go back to nature. Eating more natural foods I think is the key and of course moderation.