Total Body Cleanse - Any Suggestions?

I am interested in doing a Total Body Cleanse to jump start my new healthy lifestyle. I want to get all the bad toxins out of my system....probably lots of sludge from too many weekends of partying back in the day! Lately I have been feeling really groggy, kind of dizzy, and experiencing some tummy troubles. I don't want to do a cleanse that makes me have to run to the bathroom every hour (unless that is the only effective kind).

Any suggestions?


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I am interested in doing a Total Body Cleanse to jump start my new healthy lifestyle. I want to get all the bad toxins out of my system....probably lots of sludge from too many weekends of partying back in the day! Lately I have been feeling really groggy, kind of dizzy, and experiencing some tummy troubles. I don't want to do a cleanse that makes me have to run to the bathroom every hour (unless that is the only effective kind).

    Any suggestions?

    My suggestion would be to just eat more whole and nutrient dense foods, and drink a good amount of water.

    There is no need to do any sort of cleanse involving putting veggies in a blender or drinking lemon juice/etc, Your body will detoxify itself to the best of it's abilities on it's own and drinking juices aren't going to induce cleanliness.
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    I tried the 14 day Acai Berry Cleanse. It claims you can lose 2-5lbs of built up matter, and reduce bloating. I do feel like it helped with bloating, but the 2-5lbs loss didn't happen for me. I actually posted this topic right after you, so I hope there are some serious responses, and not little boys posting dumb statements.
  • PrncessBre
    PrncessBre Posts: 444 Member
    I think that would be a good idea to jumpstart a lifestyle change. I tried the Acai Berry cleanse as well and lost a couple pounds. Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • AmandaLAcosta
    I like the website

    They have a bunch of great recipes if you are into juicing! You can do just juicing for 3 days or just add it to your diet..

    Good luck!
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    By "Total Body" do you actually just mean bowels? Because actual cleanses, like liver, spleen, kidney, gallbladder detoxes are all pretty intense.

    My mom has substituted trying to actually lose weight with just "detoxing" which doesn't work because she ends up just going back to the same behaviors.

    If you actually are interested in a QUALITY cleansing system to give you a fresh start in a new lifestyle, then I would suggest Dr. Schultz's cleansing programs. You follow set instructions and you have to commit to it.

    But most "Detox" things you will find are just basically fiber in a pill, and really do nothing for you. It would be better to just start eating non-processed foods and really increase the fruits and vegetables in your diet.:ohwell:
  • kkarrolle
    kkarrolle Posts: 120 Member
    You don't need to pay for a body detox if you eat and drink properly your body will do a great job all by itself.

    Cut out processed foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, eat plenty of veg, some fruit, good fats, fish, chicken, some red meat, limited nuts and seeds, limited dairy. Give yourself a week or two, see how you go...gradually increase some other foods but eat as unprocessed as possible.
  • Ames1026
    Ames1026 Posts: 38 Member
    I have used the one in the 24day challenge from Advocare. Ive seen alot of people have alot of success with it.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    You are wasting your time looking at any sort of cleanse honestly. You can't force the cleansing of toxins from your body; you have organs that do that. Yes you can eat certain foods etc that contribute to liver health (dark berries and the like) but unless you are killing your liver with copious amounts of whiskey (I prefer Kentucky Bourbon myself) and stop that habit, you won't speed that up or "jump start" anything.

    People feel great when they do an acai or whatever cleanse? Sure, placebos are great like that. Generally folks are either lowering caloric intake, or changing their nutritional profile in conjunction with this if they already typically eat junk and so of course they will feel better.

    It's like when people in the states hype up yerba mate and overpay for it...sheeeet, drank that growing up all day erry day and paid pennies for kilos of tea leaves at a time (come from an Argentine/Paraguayan family). Good stuff though.

    So I found those two guys funny, but what they were ultimately getting at was: "cleanses are sorcery, just eat good stuff"
  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 163 Member
    There is no quick fix. As you can see the shortest thing being suggested is the Acai berry cleanse, and that's just something that's on top of the food you're eating. Eat healthily, if you want have a supplementary thing like acai on top of that, but putting good food into you is the only way you're guaranteed to lose the unhealthy stuff. There isn't a flushing food, if you get me. Don't fall into a fad diet cleanse, because it'll be a waste of time and probably deprive you of food/nutrients.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I am interested in doing a Total Body Cleanse to jump start my new healthy lifestyle. I want to get all the bad toxins out of my system....probably lots of sludge from too many weekends of partying back in the day! Lately I have been feeling really groggy, kind of dizzy, and experiencing some tummy troubles. I don't want to do a cleanse that makes me have to run to the bathroom every hour (unless that is the only effective kind).

    Any suggestions?

    My suggestion would be to just eat more whole and nutrient dense foods, and drink a good amount of water.

    There is no need to do any sort of cleanse involving putting veggies in a blender or drinking lemon juice/etc, Your body will detoxify itself to the best of its abilities on it's own and drinking juices aren't going to induce cleanliness.

    ^^ this

    stay away from processed foods, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and drink lots of water. Most of the the so-called cleanses are little more than fibre supplements, be especially wary of any products that use the term detox - in the context of your body it's pretty much meaningless pseudo-scientific bafflegab, your liver & kidneys do that all by themselves.

    Keep it simple and keep your money.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Lot's of water, fresh fruit and vegetables. Eat as clean as possible and exercise (sweat sweat sweat). Your body naturally detoxes itself but nourishing it with healthy foods, water and a good old fashioned multivitamin will help it run more efficiently!!

    I also love sauna's. I'm not sure I buy into the theory that you're sweating out impurities....but it just feels so good to sweat! I like to think that it's doing me good anyway lol :happy:
  • BoatReadyBody
    Water water water :)
  • cpettigrew
    cpettigrew Posts: 168 Member
    water and a very large can of collard greens or spinach. not joking, either, it works, and its a lot healthier and cheaper than most things on the market.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Dr. Bronners
    All one! All one!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I recommend a long, hot shower with soap and a good, rough loofa.

    Also, your liver and kidneys do a pretty good job of keeping your insides clean on their own.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    More fiber and, as Cory said, a good long shower with lots of soap and maybe some exfoliates. Don't forget to wash between your toes and behind your ears as I sometimes have a tendency to do.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member

    And stop listening to medical advice from people that are not recognised by your government as qualified.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Honestly, all that "sludge" is long gone. A balanced diet and water will do what you want.
  • LiveLifeLogically
    LiveLifeLogically Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice! I have decided not to take the cleanse route....right now I'm enjoying a Tall Glass of Water with a Spinach and mixed raw vegetable salad!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice! I have decided not to take the cleanse route....right now I'm enjoying a Tall Glass of Water with a Spinach and mixed raw vegetable salad!

    I *love* when people ask for advice and then actually make an informed decision! I am proud of you!