the 3 o clock come down!!!

WHy is it that i just can not get past the 3 o clock daily mile.... I seem to be fine in the morning and lunch time and even after dinner i can cope but come 3 oclock i cant make it past the hour without binging on something and i never feel satisfied so logic tells me it is not even food that i need as i would be fine after i eat something.... Anyone else have this ? any ideas welcome.


  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I always allow for a snack mid afternoon. I can do without anything from breakfast to lunch but my afternoon snack is very important and I would find myself picking at anything and everything if I didn't. Also, because I have to take regular meds and need to eat a little something at the same time, I have a supper as well. You are welcome to view my diary if you wish.
  • mo247x
    mo247x Posts: 11 Member
    thanks... glad i am not alone :-)
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I alway pack an afternoon snack with my lunch something that I can take to meeting if needed, like nuts and dried fruit.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Are you eating enough daily? Soundslike yourbody is telling you it needs more fuel.
  • krissymorgan31
    I am always feeling like I need something at that time!! I have started drinking a huge glass of water and waiting 15 min. If I see I am still hungry, then I have fruit or some type of yogurt. If after 15 min I am good, then I don't eat. I do have to admit there are times when I eat terribly at this time. Especially on the days where I have baked for my kids. Whether its zucchini bread or muffins, I might steal a piece! I just think that this is a time that my body needs a little something and I will feel so much better if I give it something, (and I am def not as grouchy after I eat something either)!!
  • mrsajcarter
    mrsajcarter Posts: 5 Member
    I have to plan my snacks because I agree, they're VERY important in order to not binge on the bad stuff. Try cottage cheese with tomatoes or strawberries mixed in or simple things like a piece of fruit + string cheese or plain Greek yogurt with honey drizzled on top.

    I found that it helps to eat 5 meals/day (breakfast, AM snack, lunch, PM snack, dinner) so you can look forward to eating...keeps you full and keeps you burning calories. :o)
  • Summer_is_Here
    This is the bewitching hour for me also...but even more challenging is the 8PM time. I must tell myself, "KITCHEN CLOSES AT 8PM"!
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    That's exactly how I am. I can eat super healthy in the mornings/midday; even though I often wake up for work as early as 4:30 a.m., my appetite just doesn't come around until at least noon. And even then it's manageable. But, no matter what I eat, I always get the "munchies" when the sun starts to go down. It's a habit I probably formed as a kid, always eating snacks after school let out at 2:30 or 3 p.m. But now I'd love to UNlearn this habit, as it does not fit my current lifestyle at all (not to mention it's making me gain weight). I'm trying to combat the "3 o'clock comedown," as you all it, by doing exercise when I feel hungry at that time of day, even though it's also when I'm the most tired. The exercise (or even just light meditation) can sometimes curb my appetite and make me realize I'm more thirsty than anything else. I know my emotions are tied to this feeling, too, so when possible, I'm going to treat myself to a bath or some reading time outside on days when I'm feeling ravenous, have some free time, and KNOW I shouldn't eat anything until supper. Hopefully these new coping methods will work. If you think of anything better, I'd love to hear it!