Greetings Fellow Fitness Friends!

Greetings all!

My name is Letia, and I am starting back in after about a six months (and about 30 lbs regained!) hiatus, but its my first time on MyFitnessPal.

I got super discouraged when my weight got stuck at 286 lbs after dropping from roughly 370. So I bagged it all. I have dropped about 16 lbs since March 22nd, and am fully back in the swing, gym membership in hand, 1500-1700 calories a day goal.

I'm a mother of a beautiful 2 year old, She-she, a wife of a wonderful man named Scott (who is working out with me! YAY PARTNER!) and am an indie-author. I love it, its letting me be a stay at home mom and wife.

I garden (partly because I love to, partly because long term its cheaper, and partly because its healthy fresh veggies and fruit - who can say no!), write, craft, sew, and generally am just a artsy type of person.

Feel free to add me and good luck to you all!


  • FitBlitz
    FitBlitz Posts: 146
    Ohhhhh, artsy folk. I like them. ;D

    Consider yourself added, mah new friend!
  • mollyquewl
    I like the artsy, gardener folk too!
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Added, because I love your user name (and you seem pretty neat)!