I am in a mess, it's all gone wrong...

I need help here guys. Last year I lost 5 stones (70 pounds) but now.....:sad:

So far I have put back on 21 of those hard earned pounds and it's getting worse.

I'm eating everything in site and it aint healthy.

In desperation I have just purchased the WW starter pack to try something new and give myself a kick up the bottom.

Give me you comments, good or bad.

I really need some encouragement

Has anyone out there recovered from a nosedive in their success?


  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    the first step is to admit you have a problem. Good job! We all slip, sometimes worse than others. Pick yourself up. dust your self off and do it again. Don't let all your hard work be for nothing. You can do this (and you are better off then when you originally started)
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    21 on but not all of them and look you haven't given up :). Keep going one day at a time. Go outside and take a walk or call a friend whn u wanna give up. If u can't go outside to walk get some videos to do at home . U can do it
  • We all slip up. We get to feeling and looking good and one splurge leads to another and before you know it...you're back where you started (or in my case worse than when I started). I found that in order to keep myself motivated I got a pedometer and challenged myself to take a certain number of steps daily. Once I reached that goal, I set another and so on and so on. Don't get too discouraged. We all go through this. Go ahead and friend me and I'll be happy to offer support and encouragement. :flowerforyou:
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    Fall 2010 I was 180 lbs... Last spring and summer I worked out very hard and ate well and was down to 139 :) annnd instead of maintaining through the fall and winter I slipped back into old habits and went back up to 165. Im not going to let it ruin my mood or opinion of myself though, I know where I went wrong and how to recover. Im currently down around 155 (official weight logging tomorrow!) and Im very proud of myself for it.

    If anything, you should be proud of yourself you realised you are relapsing and want to make changes again. Best of luck sweetie!
  • Do you like to dance? Try Zumba! It's a great little pickmeup. You will look and feel better. "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again."
  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member
    Been there and done that. 5 years ago I was down to 146 pounds and looked and felt great. Then one day I just stopped keeping track and stopped working out and regained 40+ pounds. It's taken this long to get myself back on track. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • I havent recovered yet from my nose-dive but I'm on my way. I see you got the WW pack to help you out. I'm excited because today I received my Richard Simmons food mover to help me. Lets do this thing, we just need a little help and thats what we are doing. Lots of luck and success.
  • nailqueen74
    nailqueen74 Posts: 38 Member
    I can relate! I did WW about 10 years ago and lost 31 pounds in about 11 months. I did little to no exercise...the weight crept back on a couple of years ago, gained about 10-12 pounds....I just got lazy. I made a decision in August 2011 that I needed to exercise regularly and count my calories. Started on myfitnesspal.com and have lost 21 pounds. I am actually lower now then my "goal" weight 10 years ago. I was really sick most of March with a major head cold so there wasn't a lot of exercise happening and then I got a sinus infection 10 days ago! The past six weeks have been really rough. I have found that maintaining the loss is much harder than actually losing the weight! Keep keeping on. It isn't easy but we are all in the same boat! I like sweets/candy/chocolate A LOT so I just hold myself accountable and try to not beat myself up.
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    When I lost weight about 10 years ago, it came back very quickly. Now I realize even though I didn't use a bad diet I did use the wrong one for me and because I didn't actually learn how to eat healthy or the impact of various foods on my body I was unable to maintain results the second I went off my diet.

    I hadn't made a lifestyle change, I had been on a diet. Now, I've made a change to my lifestyle. One I enjoy and actually crave to be a part. I think that mentality is key to going the distance, it has to be something you can and want to do for the rest of your life.
  • I got down to 152 and over the past winter I slipped as well. I am now starting again at 166. I have though learned to be kind when I slip and just get back at it. I wish you all the best. It can be hard but well worth the struggle. Get good sleep, and drink lots of water. Congrats on your WW program.
  • tsimmsva
    tsimmsva Posts: 49
    the first step is to admit you have a problem. Good job! We all slip, sometimes worse than others. Pick yourself up. dust your self off and do it again. Don't let all your hard work be for nothing. You can do this (and you are better off then when you originally started)

    I couldn't have said it better!!!!
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    First off - congrats on losing 70 pounds last year! You were obviously very focused and motivated then.

    Yes, you've had a setback. But the fact that you're acknowledging it and that you want to get back on track is important.

    Remind yourself of what motivated you last year, and see if that doesn't get you started again. If it doesn't, then find something that will motivate you now.

    You've done this before, so you know it CAN be done. Best of luck to you!
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    I need help here guys. Last year I lost 5 stones (70 pounds) but now.....:sad:

    So far I have put back on 21 of those hard earned pounds and it's getting worse.

    I'm eating everything in site and it aint healthy.

    In desperation I have just purchased the WW starter pack to try something new and give myself a kick up the bottom.

    Give me you comments, good or bad.

    I really need some encouragement

    Has anyone out there recovered from a nosedive in their success?

    STOP EATING! .. If you realize your doing it, you have to start putting more effort NOT eating! .. Don't buy junk only buy things that will put you in the right direction.

    You can do this.. you just need to find that groove, find some kind of activity (running, biking, zumba etc) that makes you feel accomplished and good about yourself - once you start feeling good about yourself you will want to continue doing it!
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    The important thing is you've realized you have fallen back on your success. Pick yourself up and remember that you WANT this!!

    Perhaps make up a list of all the reasons why you want this, what you're going to do when you get back down to your healthy weight, any words of motivation.... something to look at when you want to eat something unhealthy

  • dlaw7860
    dlaw7860 Posts: 1
    Brand new to this website -- but certainly not to dieting and yo-yoing. I'm back at (or near) goal -- and this time i SWEAR it won't happen again. Those same old 30 to 40 lbs....

    For me it is mental -- i have to look inside and find that reason for myself. WW -- good move. I've also done the Jenny Craig -- another good move -- sometimes being accountable to weigh in at a meeting is helpful until you find the resolve.

    I agree with the active -- if you can get involved in some new exercise it helps -- get those endorphins rolling -- and best of luck to you!!
  • jwusch
    jwusch Posts: 4
    One word for you my friend Keto... There is an excellent community of weightloss folks at http://reddit.com/r/keto

    It is basically a low carb diet, but with the help of the reddit community, there are so many recipes that you never get bored of eating bacon... If you want to send me a friend request, we can talk about it more.
  • Jewels_Ka
    Jewels_Ka Posts: 67 Member
    I have done the same thing!!! I tried D-TOX program and let me tell you...once you done that ...you dont even want to go back to junk. Pick something like that for yourself....Start with cleaning your body and then start back on HEALTHY life style approach... - You can do! i know its hard... But really - you can! Been there Done that...Do it again - piece of cake!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    I need help here guys. Last year I lost 5 stones (70 pounds) but now.....:sad:

    So far I have put back on 21 of those hard earned pounds and it's getting worse.

    I'm eating everything in site and it aint healthy.

    In desperation I have just purchased the WW starter pack to try something new and give myself a kick up the bottom.

    Give me you comments, good or bad.

    I really need some encouragement

    Has anyone out there recovered from a nosedive in their success?

    STOP EATING! .. If you realize your doing it, you have to start putting more effort NOT eating! .. Don't buy junk only buy things that will put you in the right direction.

    You can do this.. you just need to find that groove, find some kind of activity (running, biking, zumba etc) that makes you feel accomplished and good about yourself - once you start feeling good about yourself you will want to continue doing it!

    This! You've already taken the two toughest steps. You've realized the problem......and now, you've admitted the problem out loud! If you can do that, you can do the rest of it! I totally...totally...totally agree with finding some sort of activity that makes you feel GOOD about yourself. Set small acheivable goals so that you don't have to wait months to feel like you've succeeded. At first try setting daily and weekly goals for both your food choices and your exercise. Next move on to bigger monthly challenges and THEN worry about the big picture once you're in your groove.

    For me, it was running. At first my only goal was to make it through an entire minute...lol. Then I moved up gradually to 1 mile. THen I started working on my 5k and then 10k. Now only 1 yr later, I"m ready for my first half marathon. I was by all rights, an aging, lazy, morbidly obese woman. If I can do it, anyone can!
  • pat6250
    pat6250 Posts: 90
    Okay, take a deep breath... we have all done this. We lose weight, reach a goal, get lots of compliments, and then, all of a sudden one day, we realise we have been eating any old thing we want, and WAAAAHH! :sad: So, begin again! You only gained part of it back, I gained back all I lost, and more, so I know it feels awful. BUT, today is a new day. First, throw out all the nasty food that is making you crave MORE. Get rid of the sweets, the saltys, the greasys, whatever is not healthy and fresh. Then, make sure some fresh fruits and veggies are handy. Nibble on those while you plan your next move. Drink some water, or sip a cup of plain tea. Envision you, being one stone lighter (your first goal). Do you like what you see? Good, then plan how you will get there. Begin NOW, don't put it off. Come on, we are all here, pulling for YOU! You are worth it, we want you to succeed! :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    Did something change in your life??????????? Stress etc.?????? Just get back on the horse.