little bit of a vent

There's a lot of stress right now in my life. Things with my sister, my uncle, my boyfriend, and my friend are going on. All different things. All equally important. All not fair. I wish I could magically make their lives easier right now. But life is hard and I just keep looking to God for strength. I did not sleep well last night because all these people were on my mind. I somehow managed to wake up and go rollerblading. I have to work in about an hour and a half. I'm praying that this day goes by quickly. Pray that I don't start emotional eating!! It's when I've been stressed in the past that McDonalds and pepsi and chocolate become my best friends. I'm pretty sure I'll be ok. I'll probably run and lift weights to take my frustration out. Ya know how you just get sick of life sometimes? That's how I'm feeling...


  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    There's a lot of stress right now in my life. Things with my sister, my uncle, my boyfriend, and my friend are going on. All different things. All equally important. All not fair. I wish I could magically make their lives easier right now. But life is hard and I just keep looking to God for strength. I did not sleep well last night because all these people were on my mind. I somehow managed to wake up and go rollerblading. I have to work in about an hour and a half. I'm praying that this day goes by quickly. Pray that I don't start emotional eating!! It's when I've been stressed in the past that McDonalds and pepsi and chocolate become my best friends. I'm pretty sure I'll be ok. I'll probably run and lift weights to take my frustration out. Ya know how you just get sick of life sometimes? That's how I'm feeling...
  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    isnt it funny that when something bad happens everything bad happens it all comes at once. so ive been there plenty of times. just dont let it get down even though your stressed right now it will all eventually pass and life will be easy again so just keep looking forward to that.
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Just stay strong and pray for everyone in your life that needs it. Make sure you help them as much as you can, but remember to help yourself too. Stay strong and definitely go for a run. That will help a lot.
  • dpiggies24
    Just remember: One problem at a time. We get stressed because we try to take on more than one challange at a time and get frustrated which leads to stress. I did that myself, battling cancer, worring about my children and my husband, plus taking care of my mother that just had a massive stroke and had to stay in the hospital, then come and live with me and my family. I just tried to juggle too much at once. I had to learn that I can't save the world and I can not be the one to fix it all.
    You do really have to Breathe at one
    The day does get brighter down the road.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    It is difficult being stressed isn't it. You obviously care about these people in your life. Take care of yourself too. Great idea getting out to get some exercise. Hopefully you will be distracted from all your stress. Good luck to shaking some of the stress out of your life.
    Just try to not take ownership of their problems just be their to help them along the rocky patches.
  • jesbjerg
    jesbjerg Posts: 1
    remember that you can't help people with their problems, unless you're taking care of yourself. often many of us will put our own health aside to take care of others and their problems first - forgetting that we can do more for those we care about if we are the healthiest we can be.

    i speak from 5 years of neglect ... now wishing i'd taken care of myself a day at a time, instead of letting myself go a day at a time.

    stay strong ...
  • Josie23
    Josie23 Posts: 17
    What I find to be helpful is to say a prayer for the people I care about, then I feel like it is in God's hands and He will do what is best. It may not be what we think is best but He knows what is best.
  • juleep007
    juleep007 Posts: 12
    Just take a deep breath and trust that things will get better. Usually the darkest times bring about the greatest rewards. Just take time for yourself.