Help with breakfast calories?


So I ussually just have cereal for breakfast (284 cal) and ussually am not only hungry afterwards but also find I am hungrier during the day and hence either have lunch early (meaning more snacks in the arvo) or have a snack between breakfast and lunch.

I was thinking of adding maybe a slide of toast or two with breakfast, or maybe even an multigrain english muffin with like vegemite on and thus I will be having a bigger breakfast (400-450 cal) instead. I don't want to give up my cereal (weet bix) because I love it but it just doesn't fill me up enough. Ecspecially since I walk before breakfast so am very hungry when I get home.

So I was looking for advice as to whether people find that having a larger breakfast means they don't get hungry as earlier, I am looking for food at 11:30 am, and does this help them loose weight or am I better off just sticking to my small breakfast and staying hungry till lunch or having a snack between breakfast and lunch.

Would love to hear from other people regarding their experience or personal prefrence. As some say having a larger breakfast actually makes you loose more weight, and others don't. So very confused.

Thank you :)


  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I'd plan to have a snack and make a good choice.
    I personally find it doesn't matter what I have for breakfast, I'm hungry 2 or 3 hours later. So i plan ahead and have decent choices laying around. (doesn't mean I don't find them cookies though!)
  • Teapotdomescam
    I understand haha I am an avid cereal lover. Wouldn't give it up for anything :)
    I would suggest going with a banana. It's an extra 100 calories depending on the size and they are very filling. I like going with a cup of coffee as well if that's your thing.
    Better yet, why don't you try mixing fruit in with the cereal? That way it seems like you are just eating your normal cereal but you're simply adding more yummy stuff to it and increasing your calorie intake for the morning.
  • almaster666
    almaster666 Posts: 52 Member
    Healthy snacks.
    Better to take in small amounts of calories 6 or 7 times during the day than feeling hungry.
    When I have a huge breakfast, I still get hungry by 10:30-11 so I'm better off having a small breakfast and snack before lunch (nuts, protein shake, banana...) and eating my lunch a little later.
    Try different things and see what works for you.

    Eating smaller meals, more often generally works for most people.
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Make myself a smoothie of milk, protein powder and frozen fruits, for around 300 calories. Then I have a toast and peanut butter :)
  • KristysLosing
    I hear ya!! That is one reason I used to not eat breakfast. Now I have cereal, about 335 cals, at 8:30am and have lunch at 11am. I'm usually hungry by then. I have a bigger meal for lunch which usually holds me over until I'm done with work at 5pm. I might have a small snack around 1:30pm, but I find mints, like breathsavers, help with the want to snack. Good luck to you!!
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    add a yogurt, maybe you need some kind of protein with breakfast
  • 1myfit
    1myfit Posts: 69
    instant oatmeal. I make chocolate chip, cinnamon bun, or maple just add 1 tsp of brown sugar and 2oz of milk.....So good. and only 165 cals. If I'm hungry at mid morning i have 1/2 cup of coffee....takes my hunger away.
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I used to be the same way.
    Now I eat oatmeal EVERY MORNING!
    I do 1/2 c (uncooked) add water & a mini box of Sunmaid raisins
    once cooked (I microwave it...I use the quick oats)...I add 2tbsp sugar-free coffee creamer, and 1/4c unsweetened almond milk
    I sprinkle a bit of pumpkin spice on is heavenly!

    I also have a 100% whole wheat English muffin with 1 tblsp unsalted Adam's Natural creamy peanut butter

    Every morning, when I get up...I always eat a banana,
    and I wait a couple hours to eat my actual breakfast

    I used to eat boxed cereal...but was starving an hour later....I won't eat anything but oatmeal now!
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    greek yogurt, fruit (blueberries and strawberries), flax, wheat germ, chia seeds, bran cereal. sub out oatmeal for the yogurt every other day. 300 cals each. Never hungry til lunch time.
  • kme74
    kme74 Posts: 2 Member
    I add a protein to my cereal breakfast. It's usually a slice of peanut butter toast, a greek yogurt, or vege sausage. They add enough that I feel full for like 4 hours instead of 2.
  • Becca224
    Becca224 Posts: 36
    Thanks so much for all your comments, I like the idea of adding more protein to breakfast. Maybe I shall try it one morning and see if I can make itto lunch time without getting hungry. If not I think I will just opt for heaklthy snacks.

    Unfortantly I have very lil time in the morning to cook, but I think I might have to try some of those oatmal recipes on a weekend. They look pretty god so thanks for those suggestions.

    Thanks for the help guys!
  • DottieNewton
    DottieNewton Posts: 112 Member
    I find if I start the day with carbs only --I crave carbs all day--I have eggs and whole wheat toast and fruit if I want. Works better for me.
    There is nothing wrong with having a healthy snack if you want. Yogurt and/or fruit is good. or a high fiber bar. Much better to eat when hungry then to feel starved at meals.
  • jesss5885
    jesss5885 Posts: 187 Member
    i love adding bananas, grapes, and or raisins to my cereal! SO yummy and filling!
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    You can try this...

    1/2 cup of Oatmeal
    1 Tbsp of Peanutbutter
    1 scoop of Protein Powder
    1 Bananna
    Depending on the protein powder its Roughly about

    455 Cals
    60 Carbs
    35 Protein
    20 Sugar

    This i have at 6-630 am

    Then im off to the Gym shortly after ( i like to workout in the morning)

    mix everything together and microwave for 45sec and voila ready to eat.

    I have this EVERY MORNING

  • mibrewer413
    mibrewer413 Posts: 78 Member
    You need to add protein. I usually eat a 100 calorie bagel with either weight watcher cream cheese and a hard boiled egg or with a scrambled egg and a slice of cheese as a sandwich. Then I have a snack before lunch such as a banana or greek yogurt.
  • Becca224
    Becca224 Posts: 36
    You can try this...

    1/2 cup of Oatmeal
    1 Tbsp of Peanutbutter
    1 scoop of Protein Powder
    1 Bananna
    Depending on the protein powder its Roughly about

    455 Cals
    60 Carbs
    35 Protein
    20 Sugar

    This i have at 6-630 am

    Then im off to the Gym shortly after ( i like to workout in the morning)

    mix everything together and microwave for 45sec and voila ready to eat.

    I have this EVERY MORNING


    Thanks, sounds like a great recipe. Must try it one morning. Can I ask what protien powder you use as I have never used protein powder before. Thanks
  • Becca224
    Becca224 Posts: 36
    Mmmmmm bagel, now that sounds really good. Though all bagels I have found seem to be over 100 calories, and that is just the bagel itself.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Add protein to your breakfast and/or have a snack before lunch.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    IMHO... A calorie is a calorie as far as long term weight loss/gain. This is without regard to when you eat it. That being said, WHEN you eat has everything to do with the energy to make it through the day. It is not how I do it... My schedule sort of dictates how I distribute my calories but I think more earlier in the day and taper as the day wanes is the best route to go... If you eat heavy at bed time what are you fueling for ... although eating near bedtime may make you sleep better... More prior to your day's activities allows you more energy to make it through the day. That being said, if you are still hungry... snacks are not evil.. Just make sure it is a low calorie nutritious choice.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Cereal makes me SOOOO hungry! If you want to keep your cereal maybe pair it w/an egg muffin - these are super easy to make on the weekend and then just pop in the microwave for 45 seconds during the week:

    - Eggs or egg beaters (I used beaters for even more simplicity)
    - Muffin/cupcake pan
    - Veggies/mix-ins of your choice

    - Pour egg beaters (or beaten eggs) into greased muffin pan - fill 1/2 way
    - Add toppings directly into eggs
    - Bake for 375-degrees for 30 minutes

    Once cooled, I just popped them into plastic bags so that I can grab them easily in the morning. Or, if you want them warmed up, just pop one or two in the microwave for 30-45 seconds. (Surprisingly, I didn’t mind them cold vs. warm.)