MFP help with Diary PLEASE

After logging all your food and activities for the day, there is a button that says complete diary...then it says "if every day was like this you would weigh _____ after 5 weeks? Has anyone actually been successful with this? Has this theory been tested?


  • dramajudy
    It's hard to answer that question because most days (at least for me) aren't the same. One day I'll be very under my calorie intake, the next I'll go a little over. If you're consistent with your calorie intake, theoretically you should lose what MFP estimates. Unfortunately there are so many variables (how much your body is used to eating/burning, water weight, time of day, etc. etc.) that can affect what you see on the scale-- therefore just keep aiming to eat under your calorie goal and the weight will come off
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    Yes I hope I see the results that MFP is estimating :-)
  • yamagirl19
    That's what motivated me. I was like in 5 weeks????? My body does it's own thing. I am going to try it. See if I can do it. I'd love to be 10 lbs lighter in 5 weeks.

    You should do it with me. The 5 week thing... HAHAHAHAHA