Sugar withdrawals



  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    OnceAndFutureAthlete Posts: 192 Member
    My wife struggled with sugar addiction and artificial sweeteners and her only way to kick it was to go cold turkey. She had four ROUGH days and then totally beat it. By six days her headaches were gone.

    We found that if you want to cut sugar, you have to cut it all the way. Use artificial sweetners if you need to but in my opinion, you will gain much by learning to enjoy natural flavors over artificial ones. Of course, you don't need to try to cut the sugars found naturally in foods such as fruit. It's the added sugar that gets you.

    YEP, get rid of the artificial sweeteners, too, if you can. They just keep your tastebuds trained to sweets. If I need a little something, I use a little honey or stevia, depending on what it is.

    There's a soda brand I like - Zevia, sweetened with stevia, that you can find at Wegmans, Whole foods, and a bunch of other places - check out their web site for flavors and locations: www Works for those times you just HAVe to have something.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Cold turkey. Lots of water. Sugar free jello with sugar free cool whip. Fruit.
    I've been there. I was BAD. I could put down a whole box of 24 piece Godiva truffles in a DAY.
    I rarely have it now, and when it do I'm able to eat it in moderation. And I've been able to do this for a couple of years. Occasionally, and I mean very occasionally, every several months or so, I will go on a sugar binge, like the worst kind! It will probably be a lifelong struggle for me. I think it's because I HAVE to restrict my diet so much to keep my cravings under control and I can't have gluten either. But boy, when I eat it I have cravings for days afterwards. Ugh.

    Do you really really know the benefits of cutting out sugar? Cancer cells feed on sugar. Sugar creates free radicals in your body causing cellular damage, it ages you and causes wrinkles!. Sugar causes insulin spikes stopping your fat burning process. Sugar lowers your immunities, you are even more likely to catch a cold after one can of pop! The benefits if cutting it out, outweigh the taste. Doing tons of rersearch motivated me to give it up.

    You CAN become one of those people who can only have a small amount of sugar sometimes. :)
  • MissKris14
    MissKris14 Posts: 65 Member
    I had to completely cut sugar (except fruit) from my diet. I can't even have a little bit otherwise I will crave it like crazy. I'm a complete addict! And everyone else is right - cut the artificial sweeteners. I used to drink tons of diet coke. Not only is that stuff poison, but it messes with your sugar levels and can actually make you hungrier. I find eating clean, natural foods really helps!
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    My wife struggled with sugar addiction and artificial sweeteners and her only way to kick it was to go cold turkey. She had four ROUGH days and then totally beat it. By six days her headaches were gone.

    We found that if you want to cut sugar, you have to cut it all the way. Use artificial sweetners if you need to but in my opinion, you will gain much by learning to enjoy natural flavors over artificial ones. Of course, you don't need to try to cut the sugars found naturally in foods such as fruit. It's the added sugar that gets you.

    YEP, get rid of the artificial sweeteners, too, if you can. They just keep your tastebuds trained to sweets. If I need a little something, I use a little honey or stevia, depending on what it is.

    There's a soda brand I like - Zevia, sweetened with stevia, that you can find at Wegmans, Whole foods, and a bunch of other places - check out their web site for flavors and locations: www Works for those times you just HAVe to have something.

    I do agree with getting rid of artificial sweeteners, to a point. I don't think they are the greatest thing, but they sure have helped me beat a sugar craving a time or two. But not every day. And I don't necessarily agree with the thought that you should eliminate them because they will keep you trained to want sugar. Because so will anything that tastes sweet including fruit. But if you are drinking several diet pops a day, yes you will crave sugar, therer has been loads if research done in that one. But that's just my opinion and experience with artificial sweeteners. Again, I'm not a huge fan, because I mostly eat clean, but they help in a pinch or during a certain week lol.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I had to completely cut sugar (except fruit) from my diet. I can't even have a little bit otherwise I will crave it like crazy. I'm a complete addict! And everyone else is right - cut the artificial sweeteners. I used to drink tons of diet coke. Not only is that stuff poison, but it messes with your sugar levels and can actually make you hungrier. I find eating clean, natural foods really helps!

    Same here and yes I cut the diet pop as well and that has helped too! I only have the occasional sugar free jello or fudgesicle or the like if I'm having a really bad craving.
  • Dita2810
    Dita2810 Posts: 9
    How about sugar substitute such as: stevia or aspartam
    sometimes i use brown sugar
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    Will probably get killed for this but I've not cut sugar out at all. The kind of diet I'm doing is low fat and sugar has got 0 fat. I still have sugar in my tea and everything and this diet personally works for me. Sorry probably not help but I've not cut anything out, just have it all in moderation x
  • LizJ08
    LizJ08 Posts: 127
    I am a recovering sugar addict as well but fortunately have not experienced withdrawal symptoms. That sounds just terrible! I've lost 19 lbs on here and it's helped me to focus on what I "can" have instead of what I "can't." I use quotes there because I refuse to say any foods or drinks are off limits for me because I know myself...I'll rebel. A few of my friends on here have given me some good advice in regards to sugar. I try to stay away from it all day and like most of you have said (who have given excellent advice, by the way), fruit is your friend LOL. Also drink that water! Any of you can request me as a friend if you want. I look at sugar addiction just like drug or alcohol's a day by day process and when you are doing well and not relying on it/overeating it, you are "in recovery." I also know that if I start the day out with too much sugar (even a granola bar), it stimulates my appetite and sets me up for failure. I also try to avoid too much artificial sweetener but do have some maybe three to four days a week (I try to limit it to once a day or less). As a reward at the end of the day, I allow myself a sweet treat, but usually not anything too concentrated with sugar and something that contains some protein or whole grain so I'm filling my belly and getting some nutrition from it. Examples: Kozy Shack rice pudding (love that stuff), graham crackers, 100 calorie kettle corn, whole grain sugary cereal, weight watchers or skinny cow ice cream treats). Every now and then I do allow myself candy or chocolate in moderation. Best of luck!
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Good way to start is to see how much high fructose corn syrup is in every food and condiment you're eating. Toss that crap out.

    Good point. Several studies have proved that high fructose corn syrup (HFC) adds more belly fat than the same calorie amount of table sugar. I've even heard that if fat is analyzed in a lab, scientists can determine what kinds of food created that fat. Amazing!

    HFC is in lots of processed foods, and one researcher Dr. Russel Blaylock, calls HFC and MSG "excitotoxins." They stimulate appetite and literally excite brain cells to death.

    If going sugar free doesn't curb your cravings and help you modify your impulses, you might also look into cutting out HFC and MSG.