Anybody tried Insanity?

I got sucked in my an infomercial, and now I want to buy Insanity. But I have a few questions...who out there has tried it and been successful? I'm worried about spending the money then not being able to do it. I am a runner, so I'm in ok shape, I just want more definition and I HATE lifting weights. I am a 30 something year old female with not much upper body strength. Just wondering if I would even be able to do half the stuff on those videos.


  • ryn013
    ryn013 Posts: 116
    Well I'm not quite the same as you - but I am a runner and I think it's really paid off. Today I did day 1 (the fit test) and I'm hooked, I'm actually doing it for a second time in a few minutes... call me crazy but I think it's fun.

    There's a lot of success stories around the forums that I've seen, it seems to do what it promises :)
  • immotivatedinparis
    LOVE IT!i just finished recovery week,i'm going into my 2nd month.a little nervous but excited!when i started insanity i could do like 2 or 3 real push ups,now i can do 40 in a row without stopping.i've lost about 4kgs since i started too.i recommend it to anyone!
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I did it for about 2 weeks. I could definitely feel it afterwards. I plan to start using it again once they finish working inside my apartment.
  • BeachyBecky
    BeachyBecky Posts: 74 Member
    My hubby has been doing this and his results so far are amazing!
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    I'm a distance runner and I am in my 4th week of Insanity. It's very challenging, but I'm liking it. I feel like I get a good work out. I haven't weighed myself since starting, but I don't feel like I have lost tons of weight. My pants are fitting looser though.... especially thigh area. Plus Shaun T. is easy on the eyes. :)
  • lgtahoe
    lgtahoe Posts: 96
    I'm thinking of trying it but I'm a runner too. Other runners, how do you split your workouts? I do training runs 3 days a week, easy runs 3 other days, and I've been doing Jillian Michaels DVDs 2x a week. Wondering how I can fit Insanity into my running schedule.
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    I just finished it.. I lost 10 more pounds in the 60 days but more importantly toned up A LOT and I feel so much better!

    I decreased my 1 mile best, 5k and 10k times. Max running speed and the length I can sprint was drastically increased.

    It really trains every muscle you have in ways I've never known were possible

    It's as much as physically rigorous as it is mentally tough, especially the first day of month 2 and the last week of the program!

    Any particular questions message me!
  • lgtahoe
    lgtahoe Posts: 96
    I just finished it.. I lost 10 more pounds in the 60 days but more importantly toned up A LOT and I feel so much better!

    I decreased my 1 mile best, 5k and 10k times. Max running speed and the length I can sprint was drastically increased.

    It really trains every muscle you have in ways I've never known were possible

    It's as much as physically rigorous as it is mentally tough, especially the first day of month 2 and the last week of the program!

    Any particular questions message me!

    What was your running schedule like when you were doing it?
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    my running schedule.. well considering insanity was 6 days a week.. day 7 is supposed to be complete rest.. I did insanity.. plus..
    On the rest day I ran 5k.. on the "recovery day" I ran 2 miles and worked out with weights.

    It's very tough to do other exercise things while doing this program. If you are running to train for something (like a marathon), then maybe do insanity after.
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    I just finished week one today and I really like it. The workouts go by quick and they make you work your *kitten* off. Can't comment on whether or not it's worth the money though because I just used a torrent. I'd totally recommend it though if you like to follow something that is already planned out for you.
  • realwombat
    realwombat Posts: 15 Member
    Love Insanity... Just love it. I'm on my week 4, and I can certainly tell that my fitness has improved dramatically. Go for it!!
  • lilsmiley11122
    lilsmiley11122 Posts: 11 Member
    I am a runner and tried incorporating Insanity into my most recent marathon training program for the strength benefits (like OP, I hate weightlifting). My usual schedule was long run Sunday, rest Monday, Insanity Tues, Insanity Wed, rest Thurs, tempo/speedwork run Fri, rest Sat. This worked well for me until I hit the point in my training where every weekend was a 14+ mile run... I decided it was asking too much of my legs to do that plus Insanity. I did enjoy the challenge of Insanity and am thinking of starting it again (6 days/wk as designed) now that my marathon is over and I don't have another race on my calendar.

    If you're early on in a training program, I would say give it a try and see what works for you. Good luck! :-)
  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
    I'm on week 2 of month 2.

    I was running 5K about 3 times a week before starting this.

    I reckon you'll be fine, month 2 is where is really kicks in, but it's great.

    I've lost some weight, but that wasn't the main motivation for me, but the toning up is working brilliantly, at least that's what my wife says.
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    yeah, pduckworth... month two is many times harder and is longer! but hang in there, itll be worth it!
  • angie_sample
    My husband and i just started it. we are on day 4. It is intense. My legs are finally recovering, they have been so sore. I've lost a pound though and its only been 4 days. I would say go for it! :) GL
  • jkrod81
    jkrod81 Posts: 16 Member
    I love Insanity! I completed the program back in the fall and decided to do the second month again after that. I'm currently on week 9 of Turbofire coupled with Chalean Extreme for strength. In my opinion, Insanity is the more intense workout of the two and I feel like I had the most success with dropping weight while using Insanity. But beware... It is a tough workout. My husband started Insanity and dropped it because he couldn't keep up. Now he is doing P90x and is considering trying the Insanity again now that he is in better shape.
  • mariobadr
    mariobadr Posts: 58 Member
    If you do opt to do insanity, MAKE SURE YOU STRETCH YOUR CALVES. Shaun T doesn't do that during his stretch routine, and one of my calf muscles literally locked up on me after the workout when I sat up from the toilet. Not pretty :P.

    You can do the standard calf stretch against a wall, or the downward dog yoga pose also works.
  • mcshoelovin22
    mcshoelovin22 Posts: 263 Member
    Im in my 4th week of Insanity and it is addicting. Like I look forward to coming home to the butt kicking. I'll admit the fit test had me on the floor for about 20 minutes but I saw then that it would be a challenge and I try hard to not walk away from those. Good Luck in your journey and keep water n a towel on hand. Your shirt will be soaked when your done.
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    Ok so i want to address the calves / legs stuff!
    My first few days my legs were sore my calves, deathly sore!

    However, by the second week, if you were in decent shape before starting, if they are still sore like that then you are not hydrating properly and/or you need to supplement or ingest more potassium and calcium and more protein.

    The quadfeca -> calcium, potassium, water and protein are paramount for proper muscle development and maintenance!
  • McGruber03
    McGruber03 Posts: 113
    Thanks everyone! I was just worried that I wouldn't be able to do it, but I've ran 3 marathons (2009-2010) and now I mainly do half marathons, just because training for a full is so time consuming. So, I think I'm in good enough shape to at least try it. I appreciate all of your comments!