Military Wife needing some accountability

Hey y'all! I'm Sam, I'm 24 years old and I've been around here for a little while now, lost about 20 lbs and have now been in a rut for weeks. I definitely need some more "friends" to help keep me accountable!


  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I am a former military wife. My husband was in the Army National Guard for 6 years and retired last year. I need to lose 20 lbs.
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    Hey Sam I am an Army Wife, feel free to add me if you like!
  • Wouga
    Wouga Posts: 145 Member
    Hi, I'm an Army wife, feel free to add me :)
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    I am a former Army wife as well but I am also a soldier so I know the struggles from both sides. Feel free to add me if you wish. I also moderate a group called One Day at a Time. It is not military related but there are good, motivated people that will help you along your journey. We do daily chat threads, weekly workout challenges, weekly weigh-ins, and keep eachother accountable and motivated. Look us up and join if you like.
  • JennyAnn35
    My husband was in the Air Force for 13 years, just retired in Sept, and I am prior Army (like a million years ago). Feel free to add me, we all need all the support we can get!
  • adrijordan
    Oh my goodness I'm SO excited to see more army wives like myself! :D I'm pretty new here, just 5 days, but i've been loggin in everyday and don't mind giving a peptalk when needed. You all can add me if you like.
  • 01angel
    01angel Posts: 3
    Hey sam, I'm angel..and I'm 24 as well...I just started this site and im down 10+ pounds.. please do add me..the more friends on here the better!
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Hi, I love encouraging people on their journey. So you and anyone else who needs friends can add me.
  • 01angel
    01angel Posts: 3
    hi, sam my name is angel and i'm 24 as well....add me im new to this site..the more friends on here the better!
  • brutusnight
    48 year old ex army Sgt.. I've lost 22 pounds in about 50days and any one who wants to add me would be great... brutusnight
  • countsenseless
    countsenseless Posts: 42 Member
    hi im dylan been on here for about a week lost 11 pounds already, about to join the air force when i loose this weight. add me if you want could use some more friends.
  • jamiefnteel
    I'm more then happy to help :)
  • gamburgey
    Air Force wife here!! Feel free to add me. I LOVE the extra supposrt & motivation MFP gives us.
  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    Serving Royal Air Force Sergeant here, please feel free to add me.
  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member

    How do you manage to post this as a clickable link, I have been trying for ages without success?
  • Samtastic87
    Thanks for all the replied, you guys are awesome!
  • crewsnthrulife
    crewsnthrulife Posts: 5 Member
    Army wife as well...feel free to add me. I am trying to loose about 20 more myself. And it is harddddd work
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    Navy wife here! may will be 12yrs my hubbys been in..he just left for deployment so want to have a bangin bod when he gets back :happy: just started turbofire 5days ago and cant wait to see how it transforms my body!
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    Another Army Wife here............Feel free to add me!