New to this site and ready to lose weight

:smile: New on here and hoping to meet some great people. I have put on the pounds while attending nursing school and now that I have accomplished that goal, I am ready to tackle the next......To lose all the extra pounds!!!!


  • Dmaxsgirl
    Dmaxsgirl Posts: 49 Member
    I'm just starting too. Feel free to add me! Congrats on nursing school!
  • nukebhs83
    nukebhs83 Posts: 158
    friend request sent.
  • nukebhs83
    nukebhs83 Posts: 158
    I'm just starting too. Feel free to add me! Congrats on nursing school!

    sending friend request to both of you.
  • Matsikay
    Matsikay Posts: 4 Member
    I am also starting a new work out regimen. I've been on the site before, lost weight and have maintained. Now I'm back to lose the final 10-15 pounds. If I can't do that - at least firming up and toning things will make me happy. :wink: Looking for people to inspire and be inspired me push past that final weight block!
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    You can add me, I'm on daily. Good luck!
  • I am also brand new to the site. I am having an extremely hard time dieting. I lose weight during the week, but then on the weekends is when I have the most difficult time! I love food... but had 2 small children, and its hard to stay away from their snacks, even though they aren't really unhealthy snacks, just have more carbs then I should be eating. I am definetly looking for some motivation or some people to help me stick to my weekend diet!!!!! Thanks!
  • tzin99
    tzin99 Posts: 28
    Welcome to mfp!
    feel free to add me.. good luck!
  • laynunugawa
    laynunugawa Posts: 108 Member
    any of you may add me. I have been on here off and on for the past couple of years, it might not say it on my tracker but I have lost total of 61lbs so far and have 20 more to go. Perhaps we can help each other out eh:)
  • Welcome to mfp, an congrats on finishing your nursing classes, I have only been on here since the 5th feel free to add me
  • tamerkins2
    tamerkins2 Posts: 212
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me - I am here every day :smile:
  • Marlys101
    Marlys101 Posts: 100
    Welcome! Congrats on nursing school.
    Feel free to add me
  • Hello, you can add me! Am fairly new to this, but am enjoying it immensely. XXX
  • donnalord
    donnalord Posts: 18 Member
    hi, good luck on all your goals and dreams, feel free to add me!