Favorite Pre-Workout supplement??

monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
Mine is C4 from cellucor because it gets the job done and its the cheapest one i could find LOL... but all time the best ive ever tried is dark rage from MHP but the stuff is a rip off. $40 for 20 servings.


  • txbjp371
    txbjp371 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started using a pre-workout and Jack3d from USP Labs has done wonders so far!
  • kilojoule
    kilojoule Posts: 74
    are these just energy type supplements to get you amped for a more intense workout? at the moment I only take protein, a casein blend in the morning and night and a isolate whey before and after gym mid day. have been tinkering with the idea of trying these but am unsure of the benefit.

    thanks in advance
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    I've had great luck with NO-xplode 2.0 (which has some creatine in it) and even better luck lately with Conrolled Lab's White Flood (which doesn't). Both were solid products, the only reason for the switch was because I decided to start dosing creatine separately.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Muscle Pharm Assault.

    If I'm out; grapefruit and black coffee.