ew... can core strength training eventually fix this...?

after having two c-sections, my stomach just isn't cute anymore. is there any hope for me ever having a flat stomach again?


:sick: :embarassed: :frown: :sad: :noway: :grumble:
sorry for the picture :( I don't feel like I could explain it otherwise!


  • empty_with_you
    i found some good articles online for you:) if you havent looked it up yet, i wish you luck!


  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member

    I figured it out anyway :laugh: thank you so much! I am trying to find pictures too to help me see that it is possible. I can't find any before and afters that don't include a "tummy tuck" surgery. :ohwell:
  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    My belly looks the EXACT same way! Ive had zero luck losing or tightening it during my 32lb loss. I have 17lbs to go so hopefully I see change eventually :( I began heavy lifting this month as well soo here's to hoping I guess!
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    I think a lot is genetics. Over the years my belly has flattened and the more body fat I lose, the smaller my belly gets...but I still have that deflated flap of wrinkly skin. I think the issue is that I come from a long line (on both sides) of women with very un-elastic skin that doesn't shrink back after being stretched. I'm envious of those women who have had multiple pregnancies (and even twins) who don't have stretched-out belly skin. I only had one kiddo and my belly looks like I've had a litter. :laugh: I even have stretch marks on my calves, feet, and upper arms...and the arms are saggy.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Well it looks like some is fat and some is loose skin. You'll have to continue losing fat and see what the end result is.

    However I fully believe exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts benefit a ripped stomach (along with diet of course) more so than "core" training. Your core will get worked out during these exercises if you lift heavy enough. I do some ab work but not really crunches...more medicine ball twists, full situps, and planks.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    C sections reduce core strength and you may never get it back. Your more concerned with the look and IMO, even if you flattened out a little more, loose skin will be the issue. At that point you decide on how bad you want that flat stomach again.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I've never had kids and my stomach looks like that - due to genetics. I've noticed that running and situps helps, but it's one of those things that I have to acknowledge may never change or go away. Even at my skinniest, I had that.
  • Testosterone
    Testosterone Posts: 236 Member
    core strength training is manily a myth, your abs work non stop isometrically whenever you move or pick up a weight. but that looks like it would need a tummy tuck. sorry.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    but that looks like it would need a tummy tuck. sorry.

    Every time my dentist tries to sell me on some cosmetic dentistry procedure I flat-out tell him that if I had money to throw around on things to improve my appearance my teeth (which are perfectly straight and white...he just has a boat payment, methinks) would be about the last thing I'd change--belly and bat wings tuck would be at the top of the heap! :bigsmile:
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    core strength training is manily a myth, your abs work non stop isometrically whenever you move or pick up a weight. but that looks like it would need a tummy tuck. sorry.
    i'm gonna have to agree with this. some things exercise can't fix, loose skin included.
  • ijustmightbecrazy
    The time it takes for loose skin to tighten up depends on age, skin elasticity, and the rate at which you're sloughing off dead skin cells to be replaced by new skin cells. It can take 1-2 years MINIMUM for loose skin to tighten back up, and the only thing you can really do to speed the process of your skin tightening up beyond increasing muscle mass is to exfoliate thoroughly in the shower and moisturize with Palmers or similar lotions containing both cocoa butter and vitamin E.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    All over strength training can help, but fix? Who knows. There are too many factors to know for sure. You might be able to get away with laser treatments to minimize the appearance after all over body fat loss, and to help tighten the skin. That's somewhat cheaper than a surgery. Creams/lotions with caffeine can help tighten the skin up some, temporarily.

    No way to know for sure, but to try! Go for it!
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    I have no suggestions, but I just want to say that I don't think "ew" when I look at that picture. You look great!

    I've had to learn to embrace my "stripes" because I will never be rid of them. My cellulite and stretch marks are just part of my skin, and the only folks who see it either love it (boyfriend) or don't care (doctor).

    But I guess if looking good in a bikini were my biggest concern, it would bother me. But that's not on my top ten list anymore.

    Learn to love the skin you're in! Easier said than done, I know.
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    I've had two aell and look exactly the same. Ive been doing cardio, tons of tummy exercises and pilates. Its slowly shrinking but definitely not gone yet.
  • skyann
    skyann Posts: 1
    Hi, I am a trainer and have had 3 c-sections. I have worked out so many hours a day and got to a size 2. It was still there. I know call it my trophy. Last Friday night I went to a wrap party. They wrapped that part of my stomach and by morning I lost 1.5 inches. If I would of tried harder with my food I would of probably lost more but I was just about to start my flow. My friend I went with lost 10.5" in 48 hours:).
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    But I guess if looking good in a bikini were my biggest concern, it would bother me. But that's not on my top ten list anymore.

    Learn to love the skin you're in! Easier said than done, I know.

    That's really good advice that more of us need to take to heart. I could dwell on the things I don't like about myself (my saggy skin, stubborn cowlick that won't let me have cute bangs, asthma, lordotic spine, "sturdy" legs that will never be long and shapely, even if I had very low body fat), but I try to concentrate on the things I do like about myself (hourglass shape, super awesome bloodwork, low BP, strong body that can take me for miles on-foot or on-bike, pretty hair, youthful face that still gets me carded at 39). And my belly looks the way it does because I carried an awesome kid around for 39 weeks of my life. :smooched:
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Heh, and I remembered a funny I saw just a couple of days ago...
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    that's exactly how my stomach looks, post-baby....and I never even had a c-section. O.o

    a friend told me a body shaper would help. I haven't tried this yet.
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    Thanks everybody for the advice! A lot of it is really helpful :flowerforyou: