Is there any one who is on 1200 caloires a day?

MFP has me getting 1200 cal a day and I was wondering if anyone else is on the same calorie count, and are you losing. I want to make sure I am getting enough calories so I can lose weight.


  • LoseSyra
    LoseSyra Posts: 75 Member
    I am on 1250 a day. This is probably the fewest calories I have ever eaten and it has not been easy. I was so hungry (initially was on 1200 calories a day) that I went back and changed my goals to the recommended 1 pound a week to lose goal which gave me 50 calories extra. I am responding to your inquiry because I was thinking for a while that eating this few calories was impossible. I try to have a larger breakfast now, more like 300 calories and that has helped with hunger throughout the day. I have lost about 11 or 12 pounds in 3 months. I have a sedentary desk job so I log all exercise which allows me to eat more. I usually eat most of my exercise calories back. Initially I lost weigh pretty easily for the first 3 weeks or so, but looking back at that it was more water weight. Then I plateaued (sp?) for a while after losing 5 pounds, also had a knee injury. Then I kind of recommited myself to exercise more (slowly as I was doing PT for a while) and to cut out sweets and nighttime snacking and I've been losing again. This has been a battle, but it has been working. Friend me if you'd like.
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    I am. Today is my 100th day, and I've lost 41.5 pounds. Many people struggle with 1200, and bump it up a little and still lose weight. I have awesome will power when I set my mind to something and I'm DOING this :)

    Friend me if you'd like!
  • NSQuintana
    NSQuintana Posts: 207
    I am as well. I tend to go over, usually on the weekends. But so far, I have lost 4 pounds since the beginning of this month.
  • jerseyjenus
    jerseyjenus Posts: 103 Member
    I am at 1200 calories and I this is only my second week, so I am definitely struggling a bit. Learning not to beat my self up if I go over. I have a hard time finding filling foods.
  • stylishgirl
    stylishgirl Posts: 34 Member
    I am on 1270 a day and I find that to be very difficult. I was originally on 1500 a day and lost about 40 pounds but then I hit a plateau. I reassessed my bmr and goals and now it has me on 1290, there are certain days where i eat 1100 or 1150 and feel full and other days where i go over 1300 and am still hungry. funny thing when i was partnering with my cousin she had almost the exact same goals, the weird thing is that her starting weight was 75 pounds less than me.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I have been on 1200 calories since Memorial Day last year.
    I eat back most of my exercise calories and don't restrict my food selection much, though I have trended to eating more healthy foods.
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    I am and it isn't easy. I have to really plan out my meals for the day. I have been excercising more so I get a few more calories but I am trying not to eat back ALL of them. I am doing slimfast for breakfast, then I plan out dinner to know if I have to have slimfast for lunch or if I can have a sandwhich or something else. If I know that we are going out to dinner and there is a chance that I might over do, then slimfast for both meals. It is helpful to me planning it out so that when it comes to dinner I don't end up only being able to eat a carrot stick.
  • sehrler
    sehrler Posts: 89 Member
    I am, and I find that the "5 small meal" plan works best for me--I tend to get really hungry, scarf down food and then feel sick afterwards. When I eat breakfast, a late-morning snack, lunch, late-afternoon snack, and dinner I am rarely starving hungry. Plus it regulates my blood sugar so I don't crash. And I make sure I eat protein-rich foods. I've been learning to listen to my body and adjust my sodium and fiber intake. Restricting cals this much makes me really think about what I consume before I eat it, is it worth it? Nope, don't want that cookie, I'd rather have 3x as much fruit for half the calories and a lot more nutrition. Finally learning healthy choices at the ripe old age of 44, who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

    I also work out hard every day so I have a big buffer, I almost always burn 600+ cals first thing in the morning so if I feel like having a treat, it's not an issue. I can't live without pizza and the occasional ice cream treat!!!
  • msgremmy
    msgremmy Posts: 88
    I'm also supposed to consume 1200 calories, and I tend to go under. Always remember that many veggies are super low in calories and can be filling. I fill a good portion of my plate with a salad or broccoli, carrots and zucchini and then have my protein and carb. I love carbs, but I eat my veggies first so by the time I reach the carb, I'm already pretty full. As others suggested, eating 5 times a day, smaller portions, can do the trick for some people. Good luck!
  • maggiepz
    maggiepz Posts: 141 Member
    I get stuck and don't lose weight on 1200 I guess. I was being "bad" and lost weight now I'm being "good" eating 1200 calories and my weight is stuck so I'm going back up to at least 1300 or more on heavy workout days. My BMR is 1462.
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    i started out eating 1500 but found i was eating way to much sodium and sugar.. so i lowered it to 1200 and seem to be losing ok..
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    I am doing the 1,200 cals a day. I also eat what I burn as well. I'm only 5'0" and I feel like 1,200 is enough if I don't do any exercising. When I exercise I eat between 1,300-1,400. I do splurge on the weekends, which I know is not good. I have only lost 1.5lb in the last 2 weeks. Which isn't too bad I guess.
  • kkm2605
    kkm2605 Posts: 45 Member
    I am on 1200 cal per day since Jan 9, 2012. I sometimes go over... but mostly not. youa re more than welcome to check my food diary for ideas on what i eat per day
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Yup! 1200 calories has gotten comfortable for me as long as I eat the right foods (loads of veggies & fiber, a good amount of protein, moderate amounts of fruit, grains, and few sweets & simple carbs). When I stray it gets tough. I lost 30 lbs maintaining 1200 calories a day over 3 1/2 months. Toward the end I used calorie spikes to get out of a plateau (1300 calories one day, 1100 the next). Now I'm in maintenance mode. I stick with 1200/day during the work week and go to 1700 or so on the weekend days. I've been able to maintain the weight loss for almost a year and a half this way.
    May not work for everyone else, but it feels good to me!
  • Aubreyhazel
    I am on 1200 calories a day and its been 30 days. I have lost 6lbs and 10 1/2 inches. It was hard at first but i have learned to adjust and eat the things that i want but adjust them to be fewer calories. I dont kill myself working out or starving myself because i want this to be a lifestyle not just to loose weight for now. I still eat my favorite like pizza but i make it healthier and have my husband and son eating it. My husband isnt even using myfitness pal but being that i am cooking better and healthier hes lost 17lbs and he doesnt even exercise he only walks alot. So dont get discouraged just eat healthier and portion control is key. I love snacking but now its healthier snacking.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I'm not but I'm apart of a small support group where most of the women us MFP and we have figured out that the calorie assessment tool isn't always spot on. We have women in our group who range from 5'0 130lbs to 220 and 5'5 and they are all getting 1200. I personally think that 1200 is too low until you are a small person. Some people still pull it off but I think it's better to gradually work your calorie intake down rather than jump to 1200 just because a program spits out that number. Just listen to your body!
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member
    I am on 1200, 5ft 6 and started at 200lbs.

    All I do is some exercise if I want to eat more. I didn't move my *kitten* enough to start with so it is a win win situation for me.