I want to do vegetarian...help?

I rarely eat meat to begin with, if I do, only turkey. I want to go completely vegetarian, but need advice on how to get all the nutrients I need. I know I'm not getting them now:) I also can't eat Tofu/tofurkey, ect due to food allergies. Thanks:)


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You'll probably be eating a lot of beans....I have no other advice though! Can you talk with a nutritionist about this? If you can, I would recommend that!!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You'll probably be eating a lot of beans....I have no other advice though! Can you talk with a nutritionist about this? If you can, I would recommend that!! Vegetarian Times magazine has a lot of great recipes! I am not a vegetarian but I use them and sometimes add meat, haha :)

    Edited to add...when I clicked to post the first part of what I wrote it didn't seem to go through, so I kept typing...sorry about the weird double post!
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    you can buy lots of cheese's Morning star has wonderful meatless products
  • maddie0707
    maddie0707 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I've been vegetarian for 12 years (since i was 8) and the important thing is just to try everything. The main nutrient that is difficult to get enough of is obviously protein. Dairy products area good source of this, especially eggs, but obviously cheese can be very high in fat. I mainly get my protein from eggs, nuts and lentils and try to be a bit different with them. With eggs i make tortillas, scrambled eggs, souffles etc so i don't get bored. Lentils i use to make salads, curries, soups...they go with so much.

    I eat lots of dark green vegetables to get iron but obviously this still doesn't quite compare to all the iron in red meat so i take an iron supplement every day which is only about £1.99 for 60 tablets from my health food shop.

    Quorn is great too as they make it to be so many different things. They do mince, 'chicken' pieces, sausages, 'turkey' slices for things like sandwiches.

    Hope i helped a bit...there's honestly a lot out there for you to eat as a vegetarian and it's not as boring as some people think lol