When will I start losing weight?

So I started my excercise/healthy food journey around April 7. I workout 5 days/week and average burning around 800cal/day. My daily calorie limit is at 1530. I haven't been losing weight as quickly as I think I should be. Any advice? My diary is open


  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    So you lost a pound, good stuff so far. How fast do you think you should be?

    So are you eating back some of what you burn? If you are eating your calorie goal then burning over 50% of it you likely won't lose much.

    What is the nature of your working out? Are you doing cardio or weight lifting or a mix? If you are doing weight lifting your body composition (fat %) will be changing so bear in mind that does not equate weight loss; but fat loss. Remember, there is no such thing as "toning", you burn fat and build muscle, and that = healthy and fit.

    As far as "what" you are eating, you look to be convenience eating, slim fast shakes, cheese sticks and healthy choice fast food. If you work a hectic job I can understand that, however...

    That's boring and lame.

    Start trying out cooking, eat some nutrient dense, healthy things, eat a bit more good fats. Play around with what you put in you within the same amounts of calories (you could probably suffer to eat a bit more honestly) and see how things feel.

    Instead of a slim fast shake? Pack a hard boiled egg, some celery salt to season it with, a few strawberries and some almonds. You'll probably enjoy it more and feel better.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    Are you eating enough? I know it seems counter intuitive, but eating too little can cause you not to lose weight, and then when you do, it'll be more from muscle mass than from fat stores.
  • willis84
    willis84 Posts: 86 Member
    Should I aim for my 'remaining caliries' to be at 500? That's where I get a little quationable
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Practice this.

    Eat right at your BMR. If you execerise and burn 500 calories. Eat back 400 calories.
  • willis84
    willis84 Posts: 86 Member
    How much do you know to eat back? What If I burn 800?
  • willis84
    willis84 Posts: 86 Member
    My bmr is 1400
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    I'm saying eat most of it back, but since you can't be 100% accurate with calories burned (especially if you do weight lifting), don't try to eat all, and don't force yourself beyond hunger either.

    A big help with this will be introducing new and interesting foods to your diet like I mentioned earlier.