Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

So I just orders Jillian Michaels Body Revolution on what I eould call a Well thought out Whim. Anyway, i was just wondering what 1.) What People thought of it 2.)how long did the shipping take?


  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    I just started the program today, so can't really judge what I think of it. As for the shipping, it definitely took longer than the 10 days (noted 7 to 10). I ordered on Feb 15 hoping to get it by March 1 (counting business days only), but it didn't show up until the second week of March. Hope yours arrives quickly.
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    i have been doing it for about 3 weeks. i don't remember it taking more than a week to arrive..i live in cali. i only need to lose 12lb but need to firm up and am really out of shape. i do the exercises 5 days a week instead of 6 due to schedule and i am not strict about the diet since i don't need to lose too much...about 80% i would say. but i really like it so far. she is very motivating and you really can get through 30 minutes of anything. feel free to add me if you like :happy:
  • mrskellyray
    mrskellyray Posts: 114
    i've been doing it for 2 1/2 weeks. and have lost ALOT of inches. :) I'm not following the meal plan but using whole foods and 1200 calories. :) I have only lost 4 pounds, but i have 1 in off my waist, 2 inches off my belly fat, and 3 inches off my chest/bust. :) Those are my BIGGEST areas i needed to lose and haven't seen movement since i started working out (although inches have been coming off everywhere else but the big problem areas" :) It's a wonderful program! definitly recommend it! I can tell i'm building ALOT of muscle!
  • steff160
    steff160 Posts: 3
    I am on week 7 OF JMBR and I love it.. I am seeing big results and it's only 30 minutes day, amazing!
    A word to those of you that have been doing many of JM's other DVDs and are at the "advanced" levels 3&4.. you may want to just skip workouts 1&2 altogether.. They are very "level 1"-like from her other programs and you won't feel challenged. I did the first week and then in the second week moved right to workouts 3&4. Just a suggestion... try it out and see what you think.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I am just finishing up Ripped in 30 and thinking of doing Body Revolution.

    Thanks for the input.

  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    It took me about a week to get my order. I just started week 3. I love it so far. I am not following the meal plans. My family is too picky:tongue: . I did find this regarding calories for Body Revolution:

    Basically it says if you are close to your goal (around 5-10 lbs left to lose) you need to eat more calories. I am eating 1700---NOT eating my exercise calories. I burn around 150-200 calories per workout so I NET around 1500-1550 and I am losing---slowly. However, I hear the last few lbs take awhile to lose anyways---so I blame that---NOT the higher calories that I am eating. Don't be afraid to eat more if you are closer to your goal:smile: .
  • I ordered mine Sunday at nighttime and got it Wednesday morning. So it only took 3 days! I haven't started it yet, I'm gonna stock up on healthy food today and start tomorrow! I'm really excited, the only thing is I won't be following the lunch part of the meal plan.
  • I got mine March 17 and have lost 24lbs already!!! But I was wondering how many calories do u burn doin a 30 minute workout
  • Just wanted to ask how you did your first month? I have not lost hardly anything and I am in week 3. I have also been doing a mile each morning in addition to this. I only have to loose about 9 pounds, but was getting discouraged from not loosing much. I am trying to stay on 1200 calories, although I've had a couple meals way off that!
  • flobee76
    flobee76 Posts: 66 Member
    watching this... I am interesting in purchasing this as well.
  • I just ordered this program and I am looking for maybe a grocery list for this program or at least how many calories the meal plan is based on.
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I am very interested in purchasing JMBR but I am not allowing myself until I complete the C25K program. I'm not the most consistent person so I want to see this through first before I purchase another. I never got past week one in 30DS, I always got bored or my work schedule picked up. I would like to complete that first too.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    Oops double post.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    I just ordered this program and I am looking for maybe a grocery list for this program or at least how many calories the meal plan is based on.

    It is based on a 1200 calorie plan unless you have less to lose. If you have less to lose (around 5-10 lbs) you should be eating 1500. Found that info here:

    However, I am not following the meal plan. I am eating 1900-2000 calories which is close to my maintenance and I am still losing slowly---but that is ok for me since I am within 2-3 lbs of my goal.