Exercise can be fun... right?



  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    Don't forget that walking counts as exercise, too. Hubby and I walk 3 1/2 plus miles every day, and we have both lost 30+ pounds. We've now taken up jogging in the form of a modified C25K. If you have a dog, I'm sure he's LOVE to join you for a nice, leisurely walk in the park. Our dogs now know exactly when it's time to go. :-)
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    I started off with the Turbo Jam dvds, I looked FORWARD to doing them everyday! I lost 21 pounds in a month! Then I moved on to other Beachbody DVDs. As I've gotten more and more into working out my attitude has changed. For example - I got a wild hair to completely a half marathon - so now I run every day my training plan tells me to. Nevermind how much I bitterly hate running. -- I do it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    ZUMBA!!! The most fun exercise there is. You burn a lot of calories but not even feel like you are exercising.
  • mineboy
    mineboy Posts: 2,478 Member
    just have to make an start....

    i went from 1 km a day to now doing 50kms a week..

    like today i had done 12kms and it rain all day..
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Try everything until you find something you love! It will really build your confidence too just getting out there and being brave! x
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    Hells Yeah it can be fun!!! I actually look forward to my workouts. It's gives me some "me" time!!! :happy:
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    For people who have difficulty motivating themselves to go to the gym, one thing I cannot stress enough (from my experience) is that you must find a way to make it NOT about the workout.

    I've got plenty of ideas for this, mainly applying to your cardio time.

    When I go to the gym, sometimes I cue up music on my player that I've never heard before; something a buddy suggested "man, you gotta listen to the new ... CD".
    Recently I've been going to the gym to watch hockey. Though I live in a baseball town, baseball doesn't excite me on TV. But the point is: use the gym as an excuse to watch your favorite shows where you won't be interrupted.

    Then there's books. Sometimes I bring a suspenseful book on my Kindle, or listen to an audiobook on my MP3 player. The "what's next" factor of that book can keep me on the treadmill for hours, and leaves me looking forward to coming back.

    Let's see, what else...

    I have yet to try studying on the treadmill. But if you do two activities you don't like to do together, it should cut the time to do both in half! I've got a huge test I have to take one year from today, so I guess I'll let you know how that works out :)

    Walking on the treadmill is a great time to catch up on social networks, if you have your phone with you at the gym.

    Hmm. Yeah, that's about all I got.
  • Denise6914
    Denise6914 Posts: 176
    I love Zumba and playing Just Dance on the Wii.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I find that MOST people do better in groups. Many people I talk to love some kind of group activity, whether it's a running group, or just a class of some sort, spinning, Zumba, anything.

    For me, I hate waiting for people, people canceling last minute, and all that. That's why I only do sports that don't require others, like surfing, running, hiking, biking, things where I can just go and do it and I don ave to wait or even schedule something. I ate scheduling anything. I'm spontaneous. I'm very independent and self-motivated so I have trouble understanding this idea. But, many of my friends, work associates and family are like this and enjoy participating with others.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    ... For me, the endorphin rush post-workout is worth any pain and suffering I might have during the workout...

    This is where I am.

    This! I hate working out, but the more I do it, the more of a habit it becomes. At first I had to force myself - I would literally have a temper tantrum in my head, but I would make myself do it anyway. And I would pout the whole time. Now, I find that I'm all of a sudden putting on my sneakers at the appropriate time, without even thinking about whether or not I want to do it. And even though I don't LOVE exercising, it doesn't seem as unbearable and I feel so amazing afterwards.

    Try a variety of things, too. You might find you have a passion for yoga or running or whatever that you didn't know existed!

    Good luck!
  • thelegend81
    kick boxing or box fit, take a friend you won't regret it seriously :)