Tall Girls (5'9 and up): How Many Calories Are You Eating?

Hi Ladies,

I'm 5'11 and when I started MFP, I was eating around 1400 calories and managed to lose 10 lbs and a few inches without exercise over about 2 months. I started exercising consistently for the past month and I changed my goal to lose 1 lb per week, which upped my calories to 1650 and the weightloss and inches loss have stalled. 3x-4x a week I do a mix of 1hr cardio and different classes at my gym (strength, spin, cardio kickboxing, abs) and I burn between 400-600 calories a day (according to my Polar HRM). I've even tried eating back some of my calories and nothing is working. How many calories are you ladies eating? Is it working for you?



  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I eat ~2200 calories a day. My TDEE is 2600 and my BMR is 1600 and I only have maybe 10 lbs to lose.

    ETA: I'm 5'11" and 177 lbs. When I was eating 1700 calories, I hit a plateau for a month. I increased calories to 2500 for 2 weeks and then dropped to 2200 calories. I've lost 0.5 lbs/week for the last 2 weeks.
  • RebeldeMM
    RebeldeMM Posts: 7 Member
    Bump! Thanks!
  • Glad you posted this! I am 5'11 and about 175. I am working out 6 days a week and burning between 450-550 cal on average. I am also having a hard time figuring my caloric intake. MFP has me eating 1700 cal then eating additional 450*550 to make up for what I burned. I tried not eating the calories back and I initally lost but the pounds came right back. SO....now I am trying to eat all my calories and HOPEFULLY something will change. I am trying to shake at least 10lbs.
  • SaraEllie80
    SaraEllie80 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm literally going through the same thing right now.

    My BMR is 1703 (I'm 5'10'' and weigh 197)--- and I've been eating only under 1200 NET on a daily basis.

    I haven't lost a pound in WEEKS.

    I have just changed my goals to be netting 1600 calories per day, as I work out 6 days a week and burn anywhere from 400-1000 per day. I'm going have to change something, because it's frustrating!

    *Edit: I have no idea of how much in total I'd like to lose. I would, of course, like to get back into the BMI 'healthy' range (below 175) but I am now realizing lifestyle changes are NOT a race!
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    I tried netting 1200, I lose very little. I generally eat over 2000 calories on exercise days and around 1600 on rest days.

    I'm 5'10 and 173 pounds.
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    I eat 1700, recently bumped up from 1200. A lot of my taller friends on here eat 2000+
  • taxacctdfw
    taxacctdfw Posts: 67 Member
    I am eating 1440 calories a day and it keeps me full. I work out 5 to 6 times a week. I am 5'10 1/2 inches tall. I have been avg. 1 to 1.5 pounds weight loss a week. I wonder why my calories are so much lower than all of these posts? I guess as long as I am full and losing weight, I shouldn't worry about it. I have been on MFP since January 2012. It really helps me stay motivated and accountable.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I'm 5'9", and 160lbs. I eat 2000-2500 a day. My TDEE (I have a BMF) is anywhere from 2300 to 3000.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I'm 5'9 and 139 lbs. My calories are all over the place. I was eating 1200 for 6 weeks and didn't lose (was burning tons of calories and not eating many back). Bumped it up to 1500 and didn't lose. In frustration, 3 weeks ago I decided to focus on heavy lifting and eating between 1700-1900 calories. Still not losing but also not gaining and am enjoying not being hungry, cold and cranky. Seeing more definition to be sure, but also not losing any inches. Given my calorie deficits I should have lost about 3 lbs this month.
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    I am 5'9", 173 lbs (with a goal of 168).

    I am set to lose 0.5lbs/week and MFP suggests 1740 calories. I run 4x/week and burn between 350 - 1000 calories. I am usually within 200 calories of my recommendation. On long run days, I struggle with eating 2700 calories and sometime eat over the next day if I'm exceptionally low on calories. I focus more on my weekly balance rather than daily.

    You may want to evaluate your protein/fat/carb ratios and ensure you are properly fueling for the type of workout you do. I was having serious issues with exhaustion after running. Turns out that, for me, I wasn't eating enough carbs (20%, at the time). I changed how I was eating and not only stopped the exhaustion, but also started the weight loss which had stalled.
  • kdelost630
    kdelost630 Posts: 196 Member
    5'9 and 183 lbs. I've been plateaued since January and just recently starting zig zagging my calories. I range anywhere from 2300 calories to 1500 calories (not net cals, total cals). So on average I'm eating about 1900 calories/day. Hoping to bust through this soon!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I average between 1800 and 2200 but I exercise daily and burn 500-900 calories.
    I am 5'10 almost, and 125Ibs. I am trying to maintain hereabouts however, and not lose.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    I'm finding this helpful in knowing I'm not the only one. I'm 5'9 and my scale hasn't moved in weeks either. It's making me sad. I'm set to eat 1390 and usually eat about 1700-1900 on exercise days. I'm guessing I need to up this.. I'm getting really really tired of my scale..
  • AmandaK3
    AmandaK3 Posts: 80
    I'm 5'11, 226lbs...looking to get down to about 180. I have been eating between 1600-1800 calories a day, and on workout days I eat back about half of what I've burnt.

    Seems to be working, giving me enough energy for my workouts, and I am rarely feeling hungry. I haven't lost much in pounds but I'm not a slave to the scale so I only weigh myself once a month. My clothes are fitting a little looser so it must be going well. :)
  • Hey girls,

    ok so for a while I was wondering what the "wall" was about myself. Here's some tips to break it.

    Don't shoot for the same calorie goal every week MFP is a guide not the deciding factor, its giving you a good estimate but in all honesty so many more factors go into a proper caloric intake not just the info you offer on here (weight/height/etc). Do NOT shoot for the number that MFP provides you each week/day. First off we are tall (im just under 6ft) we burn more faster typically (not always but usually).
    -Try to lower your caloric intake to 1200-1500 a week. You will notice almost an instant difference.
    - Spaces your meals to every 3-4 hours and your snacks to every 2 hours between that (ex. bfast @ 8, snack @ 10, lunch at 12 or 1, snack at 2 or 3)
    - try not to eat past 8 or 9pm if you have to be up later than that snack on fruit, drink tea/water just make sure there is 3 hours between your last meal and when you fall asleep.
    - Make sure you keep your workouts changing the more you confuse your muscles the more weight you will lose
    - You MUST weight lift! it wont cause you to bulk up actually the more you develop muscle the more your metabolism will boost. Try 2-3 times a week nothing to heavy or crazy try 10-12lbs to start and add a bit as you go along. once you reach 15-20 dial it back a bit. Like I said keep your muscles guessing so they cant gain memory and slow down the intensity and effectiveness of your workout.
    - PS Planks over crunches every-/every other day you burn almost 70 calories in 1 30 second plank give or take.

    Any more tips i'm here to help im a university athlete (4yrs are up but I want to model, I have to drop 12 but I want to lose the weight by eating healthy an w/ hardwork, no I don't starve myself your more than welcome to check out my food diary ). I eat 1000-1200 cals a day and workout anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours a day depending on homework.

    PS Don't eat the calories back you worked them off for a reason.
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    I average between 1800 and 2200 but I exercise daily and burn 500-900 calories.
    I am 5'10 almost, and 125Ibs. I am trying to maintain hereabouts however, and not lose.

    A weight of 125 lbs is low for being nearly 5'10". I am the same height and the weight range is 144-174
    for a BMI of 20-25.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    5'10" and 1800+ on non-exercise days and usually 2,000+ calories on exercise days. That is to lose weight.

    Eat up, ladies. I did the same as many of you - started here at 1200 calories per day, and ate that way before I even started here for a long time (not really on purpose). Welcome to my 10-month long plateau. Seriously, eat more.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hey girls,

    ok so for a while I was wondering what the "wall" was about myself. Here's some tips to break it.

    Don't shoot for the same calorie goal every week MFP is a guide not the deciding factor, its giving you a good estimate but in all honesty so many more factors go into a proper caloric intake not just the info you offer on here (weight/height/etc). Do NOT shoot for the number that MFP provides you each week/day. First off we are tall (im just under 6ft) we burn more faster typically (not always but usually).
    -Try to lower your caloric intake to 1200-1500 a week. You will notice almost an instant difference.
    - Spaces your meals to every 3-4 hours and your snacks to every 2 hours between that (ex. bfast @ 8, snack @ 10, lunch at 12 or 1, snack at 2 or 3)
    - try not to eat past 8 or 9pm if you have to be up later than that snack on fruit, drink tea/water just make sure there is 3 hours between your last meal and when you fall asleep.
    - Make sure you keep your workouts changing the more you confuse your muscles the more weight you will lose
    - You MUST weight lift! it wont cause you to bulk up actually the more you develop muscle the more your metabolism will boost. Try 2-3 times a week nothing to heavy or crazy try 10-12lbs to start and add a bit as you go along. once you reach 15-20 dial it back a bit. Like I said keep your muscles guessing so they cant gain memory and slow down the intensity and effectiveness of your workout.
    - PS Planks over crunches every-/every other day you burn almost 70 calories in 1 30 second plank give or take.

    Any more tips i'm here to help im a university athlete (4yrs are up but I want to model, I have to drop 12 but I want to lose the weight by eating healthy an w/ hardwork, no I don't starve myself your more than welcome to check out my food diary ). I eat 1000-1200 cals a day and workout anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours a day depending on homework.

    PS Don't eat the calories back you worked them off for a reason.

    I wouldn't really listen to this advice. 1200 calories or less is simply not enough for normal people, even less active, short people, and it is most certainly not enough if you are going to lift weights.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Hey girls,

    ok so for a while I was wondering what the "wall" was about myself. Here's some tips to break it.

    Don't shoot for the same calorie goal every week MFP is a guide not the deciding factor, its giving you a good estimate but in all honesty so many more factors go into a proper caloric intake not just the info you offer on here (weight/height/etc). Do NOT shoot for the number that MFP provides you each week/day. First off we are tall (im just under 6ft) we burn more faster typically (not always but usually).
    -Try to lower your caloric intake to 1200-1500 a week. You will notice almost an instant difference.
    - Spaces your meals to every 3-4 hours and your snacks to every 2 hours between that (ex. bfast @ 8, snack @ 10, lunch at 12 or 1, snack at 2 or 3)
    - try not to eat past 8 or 9pm if you have to be up later than that snack on fruit, drink tea/water just make sure there is 3 hours between your last meal and when you fall asleep.
    - Make sure you keep your workouts changing the more you confuse your muscles the more weight you will lose
    - You MUST weight lift! it wont cause you to bulk up actually the more you develop muscle the more your metabolism will boost. Try 2-3 times a week nothing to heavy or crazy try 10-12lbs to start and add a bit as you go along. once you reach 15-20 dial it back a bit. Like I said keep your muscles guessing so they cant gain memory and slow down the intensity and effectiveness of your workout.
    - PS Planks over crunches every-/every other day you burn almost 70 calories in 1 30 second plank give or take.

    Any more tips i'm here to help im a university athlete (4yrs are up but I want to model, I have to drop 12 but I want to lose the weight by eating healthy an w/ hardwork, no I don't starve myself your more than welcome to check out my food diary ). I eat 1000-1200 cals a day and workout anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours a day depending on homework.

    PS Don't eat the calories back you worked them off for a reason.

    1200-1500 calories a week without exercise calories is way to little for women our size. This can stress your body which leads it to NOT release fat stores. MFP is designed for you to eat your exercise calories. If you don't want to, use an alternate site for calculating your TDEE.


    Many studies have shown that meal time is pretty irrelevant. The ideas that you need to eat frequently and can't eat before bed have been disproven.



    There's no need to "confuse" your body.

    Yes, you should lift weights but no, you don't have to dial it back at 20lbs. I can dead lift my body weight 165lbs and bench press 100lbs.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Nikki you should listen to Glados and Rae.

    Your post is full of broscience and incorrect advice.