New Grandpa tired of being pregnant

So, my daughter gave birth in the past 3 months to a beautiful baby girl. They are my motivation to drop 40 lbs of grand-daddy belly. I quit smoking 3 years ago with tons of support from an on-line support and am so very proud of this accomplishment and feel anything is possible.

Now I need your support to keep my hands out of the cookie jar, away from the donuts and off the bagels and dinner rolls. I've been tracking my activity for the past week and discovering that volume/portion size and breads/carbs are my nemesis. But today I stared at a table full of muffins and donuts, yet I opted to snack on cups of strawberries and cantaloupe. Perhaps this really is a habit that be changed as well.

Any advice appreciated



  • Mamahulk
    Mamahulk Posts: 5
    Greatjob a pasing p the sweets ad optngfor fruit.
    Log in all your food, good or bad daily.
    Come n here as muchas posible for motivation.
    And remebr each ime you makea right choice you are one lb closer to you goal. Add me as a friend, Ill help all I can.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Man, I know exactly how you feel. I'm also trying to get rid of the beer belly. Friend request sent. I'm tired of the "when are you due" jokes from some of my braver buddies.
  • Josephina57
    Josephina57 Posts: 170 Member
    My grand kids are my inspiration. I want to be around to see them grow up. Take a picture of your grand child and carry it with you, look at it when of if you feel tempted; Good luck.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    My best advice is to get it all out of the house, and have healthy snacks readily available. I had a snack attack today, but I did not have anything to eat. I ended up with an orange.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    excellent choice on breakfast and welcome to MFP!

    I'm on here daily, so feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    first, nice ride...

    second, it can certainly be hard but when you make the healthier choices while staring temptation in the face... they start to stop being a temptation... I'm looking at my lunch bag here with bananas apples.. there IS a muffin in there but it's one not the bag full of baked goods that it would have been previously...
    i didn't see the watermelon, cantaloupe etc until after I was done eating dinner but I know it's available and will make some choices off there instead of the desert table as sides for meals.

    Depends on your personal demons, I do plan to eat muffins and cake at birthday parties with family throughout life so I'm learning how to have them now, such as taking a tiny slice to get a taste and "partake" of the festivities but not blow things via processed food. If you can have "SOME" of these items and not go hog-wild, I used to be bad, bring a tray of 6 muffins into the house and I'd eat them all by the next day. Now today I can pick up one and be fine with that.
  • EricTucson
    You can do it grandpa. I got one myself :) Recording everything that goes in your mouth really helps. I find myself making healthier choices and I'm not hungry! Takes some getting used to but it works. Then add some exercise and you are on your way to a healthy you!
  • dmwiseman
    dmwiseman Posts: 34 Member
    Hey! I remember you from the stop smoking site. I came here for the same reason (non-smoking weight control). I'll have 3 yrs Smoke Free May 31. Welcome to MFP. I just started here about a month ago. People here are friendly and helpful! No advise, but best of luck!
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    So happy you are making these healthy changes so you can be there to see your grand-daughter grow up. Congrats on taking the first step. A bit of advice for you is track your sodium intake. That was the number one thing I was shocked to see. I had no idea I was eating soooo much sodium! And you will be suprised how much better you feel once you get your sodium intake under control. I lost about 11 pounds of "water weight", I wasn't as bloated, I even had more energy. Now, I can literally feel the salt on my tongue when I eat huge amounts of sodium. Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water helps your digestive tract work the way its supposed to, increases energy (at least it does for me), flushes sodium and toxins from your body, helps keep you full...lots and lots of benefits. And most importantly TRACK! Even if you have a "bad" day, be honest with yourself and track it, and use that as motivation for doing better the next day. Good luck to you on this journey!
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    HI Dave, and Welcome.

    Some aspects of this weight loss endeavor "is" habit... although not all of it.

    In the past eight months, I've changed my eating habits. Things I once loved no longer appeal to me most days. On days when I do have a major craving and give in (it happens, we're human, it isn't the end of the world), most of the time it just doesn't taste nearly as fantastic as my mind remembers it.

    Make good choices with your food. Don't give up when you slip up and falter. I found out quickly that I prefer and actually want better food now. Things taste better when you eat better.

    You can do this, for your grandchild, your daughter, but mostly for yourself.
  • chrisc16
    chrisc16 Posts: 94
    Along with changing your diet, exercise. It's a must. Curbs hunger and you'll feel better.
  • jroja021
    jroja021 Posts: 74 Member
    My dad is 75 and just starte to excercise because of a knee transplant. He had always eaten well besides The occassional chocolate ( even though he's diabetic) but never lost weight through diet alone. Once he started outpatient therapy which is exactly like going to the gym and Doing aerobic exercise at home the weight flew off. He's at 208 which is the lowest i've ever seen him at in my almost 20 years of life. As long as you keep to it and know It not only benefits your family but it benefits YOU! You will do great!
  • kzooprincess
    kzooprincess Posts: 232 Member
    Congrats Grandpa!! I applaud your wanting to to this for your "girls" and it is definitely a step to a better, healthier life by quitting smoking. Three years is a huge accomplishment, losing weight should be a "walk in the park". :happy:

    I am blessed that my grandfather is still around and has always lived nearby. He has gotten to see us grandkids grow up and have children of our own.

    Excellent choice, the fruit versus muffins and donuts. Keep making decisions like that and you will lose that belly for good.
  • Epetrovitch
    Epetrovitch Posts: 67 Member
    I am fairly new to the site. I find the food log very helpful in keeping me in line with healthier food choices. I sent a friend request if you'd like to add me. Ed
  • sailorsiren13
    Congrats on quitting smoking and good luck on the weight loss. I know you can do it!!! MFP is a wonderful community to help you get healthy for your grandkids! Wish my dad had cared so much! you can always send me a request i quit smoking 3 years ago and now trying to lose the weight as well!
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Way to go with taking the first step. If you succeeded with the smoking cessation site, you may find that you really like it here. I definitely do better when I'm online and participating in forums and my friends' newsfeeds. I tried this a couple of times with logging only and it didn't work. This time, I've stuck with it longer and I'm starting to make changes slowly. I haven't lost a whole lot, but I've gotten slimmer and I haven't gained in the last 2 months, which is great for me.

    I think it's good that you're making these changes b/c you want to be there for your daughter and grand-daughter, but I also think it's great that you can be a healthy and positive influence in helping your grand-daughter learn to eat well.

    Social eating is my biggest weakness and I know that started at home... family gatherings were all about food and the food never stopped. I remember being amazed when I went to a friend's for Thanksgiving and they put ALL the food away after dinner. No bread, no cookies, no pie, no cake, no nuts, NOTHING left out for snacking.

    My family didn't do anything wrong... they did what they knew and they did the best they could, but it's something that's stuck with me that I have to work to change. Teaching your grand-daughter a healthier lifestyle from the get-go can only help her in the long run.

    All the best to you with your health and weight loss goals.
    Feel free to friend me if you'd like. I don't eat healthy all the time, but I try to balance it out so that I'm not off the rails all the time either. And I try to keep my feedback positive but honest.

    Take care,
  • normanmac
    normanmac Posts: 34
    One thing I wish I had done over my long weight loss journey ..and what I have found motivational here are the folks who have taken a photo a month of themselves....I so wish I had done that, maybe that would help you? and with a new grand baby wouldn't it be fun to have her in the picture with you too ....
  • bigdog360
    bigdog360 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Dave. I am new to this as well. Happy to support someone facing similar issues.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    So, my daughter gave birth in the past 3 months to a beautiful baby girl. They are my motivation to drop 40 lbs of grand-daddy belly. I quit smoking 3 years ago with tons of support from an on-line support and am so very proud of this accomplishment and feel anything is possible.

    Now I need your support to keep my hands out of the cookie jar, away from the donuts and off the bagels and dinner rolls. I've been tracking my activity for the past week and discovering that volume/portion size and breads/carbs are my nemesis. But today I stared at a table full of muffins and donuts, yet I opted to snack on cups of strawberries and cantaloupe. Perhaps this really is a habit that be changed as well.

    Any advice appreciated


    Hi Dave,

    Don't know your age but mine is 57. I didnt get the what month are you due comments, but I was close. Lost 35 pounds in 6 months with diet changes and amped up exercise. Nothing too extreme, just diligent. Put up with critiques from family about my dietary changes (carb moderation, not elimination). It is now permanent (the changes) but with due respect to the fact that nothing is permanent about life. Training for life is my mantra because it beats the alternative. I am certain that you can do something similar. Good luck. Set a weight and set a date and get there.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Excellent job on quitting smoking, you should be proud of yourself. At least you will be strong enough to play with your grandchild & to be there for your daughter. I wish my Dad will also do the same thing very soon.

    MFP is a wonderful site not just in becoming more fitter but also with the support that you're getting here. You have done a step closer to having a healthy body. One thing that shocked me when I was still new to this site was with the food log. What I thought was a "low-calorie" turned out to be a disaster. Soon I realized why I don't lose weight despite exercising & "eating sensibly". Through this, now I learned to read nutrition labels & is the first thing that I look for whenever I buy something from the grocery store. Also its best if you also add sodium & sugar intake to your food diary because many "diet foods" & some meats have high amounts of sodium. As others said, just log everything (food & exercise) & be honest about it. Don't worry about the occassional slip-ups, its normal but don't let that get into you.

    Another thing is do it one step at a time, it will take some time before you see the results. Do not rush things out, it will just backfire on you. There will be instances wherein the scale won't move or even worse, go up but don't despair if that happens. Your goal should be to have a healthier, injury-free body & treat weight loss like an icing on the cake.